Author Topic: Rom² Karaoke PC Engine CD  (Read 894 times)


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Rom² Karaoke PC Engine CD
« on: November 11, 2021, 05:33:12 am »
Hey all,

I was watching Chronturbo on youtube and it was discussed that there are two series on the PC-Engine CD called Rom² Karaoke.
One was published by NEC Avenue, and one by Victor Musical Industries
Both had five volumes each.
However, in our database, we only have one of those series being cataloged, whereby information of both series is merged.

I'll try to make sense of it this week!
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Re: Rom² Karaoke PC Engine CD
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2021, 09:48:04 am »
Make sure to detail what is wrong with the existing entries and what things should be looking like in this thread before trying to make any changes. That way we can have something to look at when edits go through.


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Re: Rom² Karaoke PC Engine CD
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2021, 06:21:01 am »
What I have gathered so far is that there needs to be added three more Rom² Karaoke Volumes by NEC Avenue
Rom² Karaoke Volume 3
Rom² Karaoke Volume 4
Rom² Karaoke Volume 5

For the Rom² Karaoke's by Victor Musical Industries.. there needs to be added subtitles where this has not been done so.
Additionally, the items allocated to the Rom² Karaoke by Victor Musical Industries have item numbers that belong to the NEC Avenue Version.
I believe NEC Avenue had item numbers:

Whilst Victor Musical Industries used:

Additionally, the Victor Musical Version of Rom² Karaoke Volume 1, uses the release date of the NEC Avenue version, however, I don't know when the Victor version was released, so it could be that they released on the same day. Also, this is the only version where Rom² is written as Rom Rom, for consistency sake, we might have to change that
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Re: Rom² Karaoke PC Engine CD
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2021, 09:58:41 am »
Whilst Victor Musical Industries used:

No hyphen on the item numbers for Victor releases.
I found two different Vol 3 on ebay:
Note on these auctions the seller has the jewel case manual backwards, so the front covers are shown in the pictures that show the CD.

No spines on those tho, but both have Rom² as Rom² Karaoke (on NEC) and Rom² カラオケ (on Victor) releases.
NEC version uses a name "Volume 3" while the Victor version uses name "Vol 3" on their covers.
So that different in Volume vs Vol would be enough to differentiate them by name.


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Re: Rom² Karaoke PC Engine CD
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2021, 10:06:36 am »
Whilst Victor Musical Industries used:

No hyphen on the item numbers for Victor releases.
I found two different Vol 3 on ebay:
Note on these auctions the seller has the jewel case manual backwards, so the front covers are shown in the pictures that show the CD.

No spines on those tho, but both have Rom² as Rom² Karaoke (on NEC) and Rom² カラオケ (on Victor) releases.
NEC version uses a name "Volume 3" while the Victor version uses name "Vol 3" on their covers.
So that difference in Volume vs Vol would be enough to differentiate them by name.
The first one is the NEC Avenue game
The second one is the Victor Musical Indusries game
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