Author Topic: Do you name your possessions or give them he/she pronouns? Why is it common?  (Read 2250 times)

Hello everyone :)

Today in a trance, my playstation was lagging to load the store app which it always has, and not even paying attention I half intentively said "come on you got it girl".  Among friends I have caught myself like on party with NFS Heat calling cars "her" which is far much more common.  Phrases like "she purs" referring to the cars engine.  Or "she can do it" determining if a car can hit the high speed needed for a speed trap.

Car Naming And Giving Human Qualities to inanimate things

It turns out that I went a good chunk of my life believing this was only a guy thing? Stereotypical for sure but when I was around car guys it was always "big betty" to refer to a cadillac. Or 'she's good on gas" in terms of giving a seemingly hunk of metal a girl pronoun which to me used to be odd but I instantly just fell into this maybe like how I was raised? For me it isn't like thinking that the actual car or playstation has any type of human emotion or can hear me but I feel like it's more like animorophasizing the qualities of necessity some feel for their SO or maybe like more giving human traits because as humans we love humans so it falls naturally? Coming through for us I guess most see them qualities. For me I say it blindly and never put much into why "she" and not "he".  But recently my SO said she will name her first car Lucy and referred to her playstation as "he".  So I wonder why cars are girls even for her? Although it shows this type of thing is pretty common place.  Not everyone names their car. But a lot do.  Many girls in my city even put mustaches and eye lashes on car to give it human traits.

I have never gone as far as naming a console but if I did name my PS4 I guess it's name would be Lauryn with a Y. My TV would definitely be a Carlos.

The reason this occurs is because as adults we long for the feelings that have since passed, that ball hitting bricks at reccess? You rounded the diamond but didn't realize you were the diamond. Lost potential as the mundane confides of 9 to 5 surround you, you miss the simple times of like a box weave apple pie, the hug of our mother the same way full grown cats curl in the box longing for the protective embrace of a mother cat it was stripped of. It is both the beggining and end. A mere microcosm of what defines us within.

Do you name your consoles? If you had to name your console what would it be?

Thanks for sharing

« Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 11:37:10 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


I've heard of people doing that at times with cars (Boats are much more common), and things like stuffed animals, but never with consoles or TV, electronics, etc. Not common.

You seem to have a lot of free time.


Nope. I don't even name my car. I don't give inanimate objects names unless it works naturally and was some sort of inside joke. I don't call them pronouns either. The only thing you could say that for is figures. If it's a female I'll refer to it as "she" and the same for males, but it's obvious they have genders.

Nope. I don't even name my car. I don't give inanimate objects names unless it works naturally and was some sort of inside joke. I don't call them pronouns either. The only thing you could say that for is figures. If it's a female I'll refer to it as "she" and the same for males, but it's obvious they have genders.

Same. I do that with pops like "she's coming today" or "she completes the set" but never with cars lol. Just feels more natural than calling it "it". I feel i'm pretty simple with the pronouns as well. Thanks for sharing :)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 01:25:55 am by marvelvscapcom2 »


Except for every PlayStation ever released being kindly called "PlayZee", I name my possessions accordingly w their actual name ...


Lol what   ??  ???

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


PRO Supporter

I got a little 0-6-0 HO tank engine I call "the Nugget" because it looks and runs like a Nugget.


Never given a possession a pronoun or named it unless it was like a childhood stuffed animal or something. I did name two of the trees I planted in my yard when I got my house though; I called the blue spruce Baby Blue and the green spruce Baby Green. Someday, when they grow up and are much larger I'll just call them Blue and Green, and one day, many years from now, if I'm very very lucky, they'll be Old Blue and Old Green.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."