Telly? it says you are a PRO SUPPORTER to this website, so I don't see why you'd want to stick up for the lottery, don't you support this website? instead of a lottery ticket you know you could give that money to VGcollect, I can't because I don't have the extra money to be a PRO supporter, it does not need to be for the homeless or children. if you don't want your extra 25USD or $5 I'm sure VGcollect could use it for supporting this site,
I don't mean to treat you like this because I see your point to some degree of people having diseases is but it clearly shows you ARE a Donator so I don't see your issue with me 
My point is that if you want to buy a lottery ticket for fun, that's your decision and your right. Yes, there are people who spend money on things like that when they can't really afford it. That's the case for everything you can spend money on. Cars, drugs, collectables, video games, alcohol, on and on and on. People who need help with managing finances in a way that benefits their health and the health of their families and dependents should also be provided such services and not be treated like second class citizens.
But your posts show me that you are judgmental of people who suffer from addiction diseases AND people who spend their expendable income on entertainment that you don't agree with. Whether people are "charitable" or not isn't really relevant, you can donate to charity and buy a lottery ticket at the same time.
And you're judging me when I've actually never bought a lottery ticket in my entire life and you have no clue what my spending habits actually look like. 
LOL no telly I'm not nor am I asking anyone for any money either, I don't know what your spending habits are and I don't care, What I was judgeing you on was the fact that your ARE a donator and you are sticking up for the lottery, Lottery as far as I know goes to the government pit the money is not to a good cause it does nothing but make the ones who operate it richer, the lottery is pointless no hate no foul though
It just really grinds me their are homeless and sick people in the world who would die for money and stand outside of my local Kroger with bags of clothes and no where to go, while people inside of the store are buying lottery ticket making someone else richer and richer for running a scam, the lottery is a scam and the money probably goes into some kind of rich person, who probably goes to Vegas or golfs and then pisses it there anyway.
Money is worthless it does not buy happiness or love, and you could die with 1 billion dollars in your bank account and some people do so and live all by themselves with no family or no deed to someone, then the money just goes into the piss pot back into blank government funds not even for a good cause just practically burns and goes nowhere
(edit) my state lottery according to google goes into some kind of school aide fund, but education does not save lives or help the homeless so I don't care