Another Year has past and time to go over what I found was the best pieces I added to my video game collection in 2022.
List is based on anything from rarity to just something I got excited to add to my collection last year.
I'd love to hear your best pickups for the year, It don't have to be 30, just pick the top 5, 3, or even one.
It could be a rare game, a game you played the most this year or something you always wanted and finally got this year.
So lets start my list of the top 30 pickups I got in 2022.
30. Nintendo Switch OLED - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Edition
I've been looking for an excuse to buy an OLED Switch and when I saw this Pokemon edition I broke down and picked one up.
29. B Team Metal Cartoon Squad
A fun shooter using the stylist on the DS, it was never released in the US. I highly recommend checking it out.
28. AV Mahjong Club
This is one of those rare "adult" strip Mahjong games. But these carts are not easy to find, especially in the states. I got it with another game on this list.
Not an exciting game but a rare game worth making my pickups of the year.
27. Bubble Bobble Revolution USA-1
This game was originally released bugged that you could not finish the game, they had a way to ship the cart back and get a replacement cart marked (USA-1) that fixed the bug. I found a loose cart at a random game store, at a great low price. I bought a normal version and have both versions in the case. There is a USA-1 case but I was lucky to find the cart.
26. Super Princess Peach
I found this NDS game at a garage sale this year for about $17 CIB. This was one of those games I've been hoping to find in the wild and was happy to get it from a garage sale for cheap. I found a loose cart years ago at a garage sale but it was a fake cart, so glad I finally got an original in my collection.
25. Valve Steam Deck (512GB)
I was on the fence if I should order one, I ordered one and I'm glad I did. While I'm not a huge fan of digital games, this is a nice way to play most PC games
on a handheld console. I mainly picked one up for my collection of handhelds but I was impressed on what it can do. I still not going to spend a lot of money on
digital games but if I see a sale on one that I can only play on PC, this in nice to have.
24. Analog Pocket with Game Gear Adapter
I pre-ordered this almost a year ago, when it finally came in the mail I was excited. It has a great screen to play all GB/GBC/GBA games. The other reason I wanted this was the Game Gear Adapter. (I also ordered the T16, NeoGeo Pocket and Lynx adapters) This is worth owning to play most retro Handheld games.
23. Robotrek
I love it when I find a retro game I don't own at a garage sale, I picked up a huge lot of SNES games and a few other systems and found this game in there.
A $100 game for about $2. I was surprised when I played this game and found out it was an RPG. (yes I know its says it on the box, but I only saw the cart and thought it was a space shooter)
22. Milky Princess
This game's name always gave me a chuckle. I like those odd Japanese games that have something funny about them.
Saw a complete copy for a great price and just bought it as the odd game in the Super Cassette Vision Library.
21. Treasure Cove
I'm close to a complete Bally's Astrocade collection, but the ones I'm missing are all those odd third party games that are not cheap. I saw this one appear
for a great price and jumped on it.
20. Muncher
I've always wanted Pac-Man for my Bally's Astrocade, They made a Pac-Man clone called Muncher. It might even be the last game released for the system.
Its not perfect but its better then the Atari 2600 version.
19. T-Mek
I don't find 32X games often in the wild, especially games I don't own. I found this game while doing some out of town game hunting. It was at a great price.
When I'm out at stores I don't go to often I always ask if they do deals, like package deals. (i had a few other games) They look up the game and see it goes for
much more and told me they couldn't because T-Mek was way under priced and if I didn't get it they would mark it up. So I had to buy it. lol
18. Sega CD model 1 CIB
I was out hitting garage sales with a friend and found a huge Sega CD and 32X lot for $100. I already own a Sega CD model 1 but it's a loose system.
This system was next to new in the box, it had everything in the box even the bags. The system looked like it was never used. I was so happy to get a
box for this.
17. Yokai Watch Blasters Cat Red 
My local used game store got this in, but instead of just buying it, I put together a tub full of scrap games in my extras that are hard to sell and traded them in.
I got about $360 in store credit and used some of it to get this in my collection.
16. Nintendo 64 (ice Blue)
I've been looking for the different N64 colors and I'm trying to find them all in the wild. This year I found one I didn't own from a Garage Sale for $40. It had it's
matching controller too. I just need two more of the US colors now.
15. Tsukuda Original Othello Multivision
I love my odd game consoles, this is a Sega SG-1000 made by Tsukuda Original. Found a system with its original controller and all hookups for a great price.
14. Casio MX-10
I saw this for a great price with a couple games, MSX games are always expensive and hard to get. The system is a basic MSX1 with it's original controller and
a couple Casio branded games.
13. NEC PC Engine CoreGrafix II
I love different variations of systems, I picked this up with the next item on the list and a LCD screen that attaches to it.
12. NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM2
Very early in the year I found a CIB Super CD Rom2 and of top of that a working one. This was a deal with the Core II system.
11. DACTAR Atari 
I saw this for sale online for a decent price and It was CIB. The DACTAR Atari is the system from Brazil. I ordered it and when it came the system shell was
destroyed in shipping, the seller just tossed it in the box with no protection. The seller was good enough to send me a new shell and this time he packed it right.
So I replaced the outer shell and it looks great now.
10. GameBoy Color Tech Demo Cart
This is one of those random WTF finds, I stop at a random Game store out of state and see this in the case with other Game Boy games. I had a hard time finding
a Value for this, The price was good and the last cart I can find sold was close to over two years ago. I figured I better buy it or regret it, because I doubt I'll see
one again.
9. Tank Command
I'm not far from a complete Atari 7800 collection and this was the game that held me back from going for a complete set. The rarest game for the system.
I found a copy for a extremely good price and it's CIB, I think the reason I got such a great price for it was the box was water damaged, but the cart and manual
are in great shape. I pretty much got the game for what a loose cart goes for. In 2023 I might push to get more 7800 carts now I got this one off the list.
8. Tris
Someone contacted me about a lot of TI-99 games, I looked at the lot and saw one I've never seen before. Tris is a Tetris clone for the TI-99.
I lookup online for a price or any info on this game and found next to nothing on it. Only thing I found on it was on few TI-99 rarity lists and it was rated ER (Extremely Rare). I tell the seller I can offer $150 for the lot (the rest of the games where common worth about $50) and based that price on other ER games for the TI-99. I found other TI-99 ER rated games sold for about $100. He tells me he wanted to see if anyone else offers more and a week later he contacts me telling me he'll sell them to me at the price I offered. This might be one of the rarest games in my collection that no one cares about. lol
7. Nintendo iQue
This is a weird Nintendo 64 item, this was the only way to play N64 in China. It's a controller that hooks up to a TV and you download games to the
controller (system) and play them. I believe they released the N64 like this in China due to their laws and how China bootlegs their games.
I found a Loose system with everything it needs to play it for a super low price. An odd piece of N64 history.
6. Solatorobo: Red the Hunter 
This was one of my top wanted NDS games, I finally found a CIB copy with the outer box and soundtrack CD for a good price.
5. Atari Karts
I've had this on my list of games to add to my collection for years. I finally see an open auction for a complete copy and got it for far less for what most
are asking for it. While it's no Mario Kart, its not a bad Kart game and for the Jaguar, its playable. lol
4. Miss Peach World
This is one of those WTF games, Looking at the box art you'd think this was a Super Mario Bros hack where you play as Peach....
But the game is hack of Menace Beach/Sunday Funday, but it's an "Adult" game. The character looks like Merlyn Monroe more then Princess Peach.
So I own the Trifecta of crappy Menace Beach games.
3. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel 
I'm slowly trying to complete my SNES collection. I try to knock off at least one $200+ game off my list every year. I was able to sell off a bunch of extras
and used the money to get this game in my collection.
2. Shining Force CD
While traveling to game stores out of state, I see this game for under the current going value. I had to grab it. Must have been sitting on the shelf a while.
This is one of the games I always thought I'd have to pickup at a game convention and just pay full retail.
1. Crusader of Centy 
This game has been on my most wanted list for years, The price has been going up every year. I finally saw an open auction of one in the box.
I threw a bid and the last second and got it for several hundred dollars less then it can go for and finally got this great game in my collection.
That's my list, hope everyone had a great year of gaming and found at least one item your excited to get in your collections this last year.
May 2023 have more surprises and great finds to add to our collections. And I hope everyone has a wonderful 2023 not just in video games.