2022 was my lowest year yet for games beat

I hope to come in really strong in 2023! As long as I'm playing great games I'll be happy! Anyways, here are my end of year stats!
Total NumbersTotal games played: 29
Total games finished: 18
New /replayed: 21/8
Games released in 2022: 1
Play TimeLongest game played: Persona 5 (PS4) - 135 Hours
Longest game beat: Persona 5 (PS4) - 135 Hours
Shortest game beat: Castlevania (PS4)/Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Wii U) - 6 hours
Average to finish a game: 28.26 hours - this was a significant increase from last year (19 hours) which could be part of the reason why I finished less games overall this year
Games Played per PlatformSwitch: 11
PS4: 8
GameCube: 4
Wii U: 3
PS3: 1
Wii: 1
GenresRPG: 5
Arcade: 2
2D platformer: 4
3D platformer: 3
Exercise: 1
Racing: 1
Fighting: 1
Survival horror: 1
Adventure: 1
Action: 4
Action RPG: 2
Tactical RPG: 1
Simulation: 1
Puzzle: 1
FPS: 1
DevelopersNintendo: 9
Indie: 5
Sega: 2
Capcom: 2
Konami: 1
Rare: 1
Square Enix: 1
Bandai Namco: 1
Atlus: 1
Insomniac: 1
Naughty Dog: 1
Rare: 1
Lucas Arts: 1
From Software: 1
Id: 1
Top 5 Best Games Finished in 20221. Final Fantasy X (Switch)
2. Stardew Valley (Switch)
3. Hades (Switch)
4. Persona 5 (PS4)
5. It Takes Two (PS4)
Top 5 Worst Games Finished in 20221. Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3)
2. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (Switch)
3. Battalion Wars (GC)
4. The Witness (PS4)
5. Mega Man Battle Network 2 (Wii U)
Only games 1-2 on the worst games list I would actually consider not great