Author Topic: Do you think Rockstar rehashing GTA 5 instead of making 6 is a cop out?  (Read 3224 times)

Hello Everyone :)

I was browsing the internet when I came accross a man either on youtube but i'm fairly certain it was on here who went on an epic all energy locked in place, ending to a marvel movie type of rant of rockstar ganes that made a lot of sense and pointed out to me that Rockstar, the once 10/10 factory themselves, the Dan Houser supreme, the big R, the Sammy Davis of Software, the open world Oprah itself. Wait for it? Has released 1 game in all of the last entire console generation and has spent almost a decade selling shark cards to 10 yr olds :(   

List of Rockstar Games since PS4's release.

1. Red Dead Redemption 2

I feel collectively as a gaming community we have given other devs less acclaim and more flack for doing far more in this hobby and entertainment medium for a while now. I feel if this wasn't rockstar we would call them pay to play scams who don't innovate :(

Insomniac games has maybe made 3 GOTY contenders in that time frame. Even the time from GTA San Andreas to 4 and then 4 to 5 wasn't even half this wait and that's because they couldn't sell online currency over.and over to stay in business without really doing anything back then.

Even epic games literally known for doing one thing has since bought another big game in attempts to broaden themselves.

Rockstar doesn't tease GTA 6, they don't deny it's possibility and they don't even give GTA 5 a chance to cool before milking it raw with repetitive updates and sales on 100 dollar shark cards that really give nothing.

Rockstar has fallen to the very thing we deemed them incapable of and they aren't special anymore neither quality wise or morally. LA Noire 2? Foreget it. You'd be more likely they give LA Noire 1 to a 3rd party mod company like grove street games to ruin.

Do you think Rockstar deserves a pass? Or do you think 1 game in the PS4 gen is a bit lazy?

But on the other end of the argument they rarely mess up and part of that is from taking pride and time into their work. I am on the fence and I want to see what everyone thinks :)

Thank you for sharing
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 04:11:18 am by marvelvscapcom2 »


I think Rockstar has become a pathetic shell of what it once was as a developer. Even back during the PS1 era when they were primarily PC oriented, they still had more games on console than they did for the PS4. What they did was basically focus almost entirely (save for RDR2) on GTAV's multiplayer. That's now their cash cow. It's made them incredible amounts of money because the masses are stupid.

I understand liking a game and wanting to support it, but the way GTAV online is set up... it's not made to benefit the consumer in any measure. They charge you real money for insane things like car insurance for a videogame car. Serisouly?!... and people will be buying the game again for the third time on PS5 when it releases.

Rockstar is basically no longer a dev IMO... but you can't entirely blame them when their user base keeps supporting their BS. Without their dollars, without the masses supporting this shallow as hell game... we'd have more and better games from Rockstar as they would have moved on from that model.

Not at all, I'm still waiting on the NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, PS1, PS2, xbox ports of GTA V. Rockstar please keep em coming!

I think Rockstar has become a pathetic shell of what it once was as a developer. Even back during the PS1 era when they were primarily PC oriented, they still had more games on console than they did for the PS4. What they did was basically focus almost entirely (save for RDR2) on GTAV's multiplayer. That's now their cash cow. It's made them incredible amounts of money because the masses are stupid.

I understand liking a game and wanting to support it, but the way GTAV online is set up... it's not made to benefit the consumer in any measure. They charge you real money for insane things like car insurance for a videogame car. Serisouly?!... and people will be buying the game again for the third time on PS5 when it releases.

Rockstar is basically no longer a dev IMO... but you can't entirely blame them when their user base keeps supporting their BS. Without their dollars, without the masses supporting this shallow as hell game... we'd have more and better games from Rockstar as they would have moved on from that model.

I don't think it's fair to call the people that enjoy the game dumb, it is a fun game. And honestly I'd wager that most people paying for extra stuff are young. But still, you have a point about the fact that it is their cash cow and they're gonna milk it until it runs dry. The optimist in me wants to say that they're using the extended life of V to make 6 even better, but I doubt that.

GTA Online has had so many free content updates and on PS4 they've been giving everyone with PS Plus (required to play GTA Online on PS4) a million dollars every month since the PS5 version was announced. You can also easily earn money by playing the game.

It's annoying they don't release games like they did back in the PS2 generation. The recent reports that Bully 2 was well into development and had a focus on letting you enter every building in the game makes me hope that's still going to release someday.

GTA VI is likely deep into development but you can't just disregard Red Dead Redemption 2. That's a massive game with an insane amount of visual fidelity and detail and that released just in 2018. AAA games often have a 4+ year development now so it hasn't been unreasonably long since their last game.


I don't think it's fair to call the people that enjoy the game dumb,

I wasn't very clear with that statement. I'm not calling them stupid for enjoying GTA V. I'm calling them stupid for throwing hundreds of dollars at the digital only portion of the game where all it will take is someone flipping a switch and all their paid for content is inaccessible. GTA V servers will eventually shut down, make no mistake... like every other online only game. I think the same for those spending tons of cash in Fortnite on costumes or on smart phone games that give you very little for mass amounts of money. Much of the current gaming scene is geared towards those that don't think... in other words... the stupid. Thus, the rest of us have to deal with less quality games as those once great devs dumb down their output to join in and expand on these online only atrocities.

I don't think it's fair to call the people that enjoy the game dumb,

I wasn't very clear with that statement. I'm not calling them stupid for enjoying GTA V. I'm calling them stupid for throwing hundreds of dollars at the digital only portion of the game where all it will take is someone flipping a switch and all their paid for content is inaccessible. GTA V servers will eventually shut down, make no mistake... like every other online only game. I think the same for those spending tons of cash in Fortnite on costumes or on smart phone games that give you very little for mass amounts of money. Much of the current gaming scene is geared towards those that don't think... in other words... the stupid. Thus, the rest of us have to deal with less quality games as those once great devs dumb down their output to join in and expand on these online only atrocities.
A lot of games are online only now. GTA Online and Fortnite both have a ton of frequent content updates that are supported by people that choose to pay.

People will pay hundreds eating at fancy restaurants and that lasts about an hour. Paying for optional content in an online game that will last over a decade seems like a good use of money compared to a lot of other ways people spend money.


A lot of games are online only now. GTA Online and Fortnite both have a ton of frequent content updates that are supported by people that choose to pay.

People will pay hundreds eating at fancy restaurants and that lasts about an hour. Paying for optional content in an online game that will last over a decade seems like a good use of money compared to a lot of other ways people spend money.

The argument can obviously be made as what has value changes from person to person. To give a bit of background as to why I believe online only games are a waste of time and money (not just their outfits and other extras), it goes back to Warhawk on PS3. I absolutely loved Warhawk. Loved it. I dropped hundreds of hours into it and it was a favorite of mine for the entire generation. Then they flipped the switch and the game was gone. I still had the disc but as soon as the servers were shut down, the disc was worthless. To me, it felt like getting robbed of something I had invested not just money, but time and effort to get good at and enjoy. All they had to do to avoid that issue was add a competent single player campaign. It was when Warhawk got shut down that I knew online only games were a waste of time and money.

A lot of games are online only now. GTA Online and Fortnite both have a ton of frequent content updates that are supported by people that choose to pay.

People will pay hundreds eating at fancy restaurants and that lasts about an hour. Paying for optional content in an online game that will last over a decade seems like a good use of money compared to a lot of other ways people spend money.

The argument can obviously be made as what has value changes from person to person. To give a bit of background as to why I believe online only games are a waste of time and money (not just their outfits and other extras), it goes back to Warhawk on PS3. I absolutely loved Warhawk. Loved it. I dropped hundreds of hours into it and it was a favorite of mine for the entire generation. Then they flipped the switch and the game was gone. I still had the disc but as soon as the servers were shut down, the disc was worthless. To me, it felt like getting robbed of something I had invested not just money, but time and effort to get good at and enjoy. All they had to do to avoid that issue was add a competent single player campaign. It was when Warhawk got shut down that I knew online only games were a waste of time and money.
If you want to play Warhawk on your PS3:

A cop out?  Absolutely not.  It's a tremendously sound financial decision.  Are they doing it instead of making GTA 6?  Definitely not.  Is it taking priority?  Probably.  Do I hate that is the case?  Absolutely.


Re: Do you think Rockstar rehashing GTA 5 instead of making 6 is a cop out?
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2022, 11:15:00 am »

If you want to play Warhawk on your PS3:

I fully appreciate that it took fans to keep the game going and it was years later. Damage was done though and if I'm going to buy any product that can be unceremoniously shut down at the flip of a switch, it's going to be for very little money with the expectation of being temporary. Example is Hunt: Showdown. I picked it up in October for $20 new and am having a few laughs with some friends playing it. I'm not putting any effort into it and nothing more than the initial $20 will be put into it.


Re: Do you think Rockstar rehashing GTA 5 instead of making 6 is a cop out?
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2022, 08:32:45 pm »
What happened is that GTAV became a product so successful it made more sense just spend money with GTA Online and create new content for it while the game is still selling like hotcakes up to this year.

So make GTA6 is something that would cannibalize the still good sales from a game that is almost 10 years old.

I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: Do you think Rockstar rehashing GTA 5 instead of making 6 is a cop out?
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2022, 07:42:46 pm »
I think every game company would do the same if they got a taste of that sweet MMO games as a service business model. Many of them are fishing to hit a sweet spot like that. This is why so many odd games are now multiplayer focused and always online. If they can tap into that market, they're set. Small risk, lots of reward. When you're pulling money in hand over fist with one product, why do you invest in more R&D? To make more products that could potentially fail and hurt your bottom line? You already have a winner. It's just another logical conclusion of the capitalist mindset "get that money" and whatever suffers in the pursuit, so be it. No new games for you.

Re: Do you think Rockstar rehashing GTA 5 instead of making 6 is a cop out?
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2022, 10:45:10 pm »
I think every game company would do the same if they got a taste of that sweet MMO games as a service business model. Many of them are fishing to hit a sweet spot like that. This is why so many odd games are now multiplayer focused and always online. If they can tap into that market, they're set. Small risk, lots of reward. When you're pulling money in hand over fist with one product, why do you invest in more R&D? To make more products that could potentially fail and hurt your bottom line? You already have a winner. It's just another logical conclusion of the capitalist mindset "get that money" and whatever suffers in the pursuit, so be it. No new games for you.
I guess Square Enix isn't every game company.


Re: Do you think Rockstar rehashing GTA 5 instead of making 6 is a cop out?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2022, 02:58:37 pm »
You can't fault just the company, it's mainly a majority of the playerbase that is at fault here.

They keep playing and spending on that very same game, the interest doesn't really go down by a hell lot and revenue apparently still being sky high. also where talking one of the biggest game series in the world so apparently that revenue stream is still a crap ton perhaps not to far off compared to when they release a brand new game if not more. also where not talking any playerbase, where talking the huge mainstream playerbase you can't really get much bigger than that.

thus adding additional content and keeping it online is pretty much doing what most of your consumer base wants. If people actually lose interest and quit playing/ spending on this game or if a sizable chunk actually fell off to make the extra profits of a new game worthwhile They would have made a GTA 6 ages ago. I don't see this as rockstar being greedy because they are technically doing what most of the playerbase wants atm otherwise people would have left and played other games instead since they would have gotten bored of the game by now. The consumer base seems satisfied with what GTA V is atm. sucks for some but apparently the majority ain't really on the same page as people who want A GTA 6 already.

Sure you got plenty of people complaining about wanting a next entry but what does the reality actually look like if where talking the entire playerbase, not to mention that the online community can seem really huge but that's mostly because they make allot of noice, most people don't really share their opinions online, Pretty decent odds that the people who want the new stuff are in the far minority.

You do however get a small taste of GTA 6 with the additional content that is being added to GTA V I guess.

A lot of games are online only now. GTA Online and Fortnite both have a ton of frequent content updates that are supported by people that choose to pay.

People will pay hundreds eating at fancy restaurants and that lasts about an hour. Paying for optional content in an online game that will last over a decade seems like a good use of money compared to a lot of other ways people spend money.

The argument can obviously be made as what has value changes from person to person. To give a bit of background as to why I believe online only games are a waste of time and money (not just their outfits and other extras), it goes back to Warhawk on PS3. I absolutely loved Warhawk. Loved it. I dropped hundreds of hours into it and it was a favorite of mine for the entire generation. Then they flipped the switch and the game was gone. I still had the disc but as soon as the servers were shut down, the disc was worthless. To me, it felt like getting robbed of something I had invested not just money, but time and effort to get good at and enjoy. All they had to do to avoid that issue was add a competent single player campaign. It was when Warhawk got shut down that I knew online only games were a waste of time and money.

I don't agree with that way of thinking, you got to see online games as just having a fun experience at the time. Besides everyone moves on from a game at some point because of other priorities etc. There will be periods where people will be less active or just leave the game. life and it's events happen. Online experiences will rarely last forever unless the community stays really active. however even within those people will come and go. The game might be gone but the memories of fun times and experiences won't.

also if where talking money, if you did spend 100's of hours in that game and they brought fun you got a pretty awesome deal. With what other medium can one spend 40- 60$ for 100's if not 1000's of hours of entertainment it's a bargain at the very end of the day. very few things that cost money that will match that value wise.

I get allot of people here want stuff to last forever but these games do have plenty of value in terms of experience. All good things end at some point. Imagine MMO's that have pulled the plug 10+ years later, plenty of folks that still had great memories during those times instead of just feeling robbed. Allot of those folks just look for alternatives to get simular experiences again. Just my 2 cents.

Bigger Ip's and especially their biggest seeries do have a higher shot to last a hell lot longer online than smaller games, bigger companies and just more consumers behind it. Might also be something to take into consideration. and if it's peer to peer vs, ridiculously high odds of it still being playable online when official servers are down.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 04:33:29 pm by sworddude »
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