*Never mind* 
I found "swag" under the 'console' listings & fixed/changed it!

This has, however, brought to mind another idea/suggestion (unless it's already here & I just don't know how to use it:)
A). Since that 'console' list is huge & looks to have hundreds of options - is there a way to "mark"/"select" just the ones that would be relevant to each user.
For example: If I had, say 5 consoles (and the related games/accessories, etc)...and knew that everything that I'd ever be adding would only come from those...and knew that the other 95% of the list/selections would never be used by me...is their a way to prune the selection list/or "favorite"-it or something so you don't always have to scroll past so many things that you know you'll never be using (...and if you wanted to...just add them as needed)?
B). What's the difference between "other" and "swag"?
-Maybe add (in parenthesis) examples/descriptions next to the 1-2% of the categories on that list that aren't *obvious*?
C). I think this was mentioned already, but, did I just miss the "ost" category...or is that just "swag" or "other" for now?
*If that's not possible/too hard to implement - could it work so that your most-used categories could be listed 1st/on top of the list?