Author Topic: Stadium Events SEALED  (Read 9521 times)


Stadium Events SEALED
« on: March 28, 2011, 12:35:18 pm »
Well, speaking of badly priced auctions, check this gem out:

Sealed Stadium Events for half a million dollars! But hey, at least a tiny percentage would go to Japan relief funds... Does the seller seriously think anyone would pay that much? That's crazy.

If I somehow had the money for it.... I'd get it and do an unboxing video :P

Re: Stadium Events SEALED
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 12:51:53 pm »
I will never understand these ridiculous prices. Even the sellers mentions it in the comments:

Q:   i know this is the rarest game on earth for nes but is it really worth 500 grand? ive seen this game sell with out vga sealed for around 45 grand. in all the years ive been on ebay ive never seen a game with a half million price tag on it!  not even a sealed rob deluxe set which was 20 grand. do you really think that this will be purchased for around 500 grand?

A:    Please ignore the "$500k" price tag, I am really just saying "send me your best offer".  Think of it as the sticker price on a piece of jewelry or, a car.  You never pay retail on either of those.  So send me an offer!  If I like it, you will win the game.  Thanks for your interest.

If something isn't $500k, don't list it as $500k. Annoying.


Re: Stadium Events SEALED
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 02:09:18 pm »
So basically the 500k$ is a bait that he hopes will fish in a moron, OR you can send him an offer. Yeah, I agree, he shouldn't put up that half a million price if that's not what he's expecting to sell it at... I mean, most people will just look at the auction and laugh at the guy.

Which reminds me... that auction, some time last week, was a normal bidding auction, but it was stopped early during the bidding and it went back to this buy it now price. Kinda weird.


Re: Stadium Events SEALED
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 09:04:43 pm »
It just amazes me what people will pay for items that they really want. That is a  whole lot of money. alittle out of my price range.
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