Author Topic: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022  (Read 4107 times)

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2021, 03:34:12 pm »
Just a recap - Goals for 2021.

1. Stay under 7500 items in collection. - Failed
  - Way messed up on this and am at like 7,700 now.
2. Finish Resident Evil franchise run. - Failed
  - Made no additional progress on this.
3. Finish Sonic franchise run. - Failed
  - I've made some progress on this, but on hiatus due to Sonic Colors.  Sonic Colors got re-released and I'm still failing because of this game.  I managed to acquire Sonic Colors Ultimate, so I'm no longer held back by the fact that my Wii copy is unplayable.
4. Reinventory games. - Failed
  - Started packing up games to move, decided not to move, then hurt myself.  Between games being packed away and my injury, this isn't happening this year.
5. Beat 104 games. - Success
  - Way past this goal and my secondary goal of 156 (sitting at 164)
6. Stream as much of my game challenge as I can. - Success
  - I've pretty much stopped streaming because of my injury, I streamed like 50 games this year, so I did good and I'm definitely going to continue once I'm healed, if that ever happens.
7. Play a game from every year from year x to this year. - Success
  - I won't list it here, but I managed to beat a game from every year from 1986 -> 2021.  Even started working on Ice Climber to add 1985 to the list.

Goals for 2022.

1. Stay under 8,000.  I'd love to say stay under 7,800, but that's setting myself up for failure. - Success
2. Finish Sonic franchise run. - Partial Success
3. Finish Resident Evil franchise run. - Failed
4. Play through the new Assassin's Creed games because new games released since I did my franchise run. - Failed
5. Paint shelving units black. - Success
6. Unpack games. - Success
7. Inventory collection. - Failed
8. Beat 104 games.  I won't commit to 156 from the start, but if it happens I'll update again. - Success
9. Start streaming again. - Failed
10. Beat a game from every year from year x to 2022. - Success
11. Get one of the last 2 N64 games I need. (ISS2000 and Super Bowling) - Failed
12. Sell dupes. - Failed
13. Sell games I no longer want to keep. - Failed
14. Put together a better setup for Elden Ring. - Success
I got a new portable monitor and it's great.  It's more compact, it's a better screen, and it has a fantastic viewing angle.
 My wife is insisting we get 2 copies of it so we can co-op and such at launch, currently for DS3 I'm playing on an Xbox One X on a GAEMS, I'd much rather she play on Xbox One X and I wouldn't push her to play on the GAEMS, so something better.
15. Explicitly beat, I don't know, 10 games that have been sitting in backloggery unfinished. Maintain a positive progress index on backloggery. - Partial Success
I've never had a positive year, it's always been more added to backlog than backlog cleared.  I'm always beating new games, but some games just get left on the backlog.  I want to end the year showing that I at least made some progress on not leaving things sitting abandoned.
16. Do two unlisted franchise runs.  [Currently working on Spyro/Crash] - Failed

*Bonus: Start prepping for building my own game barn.  It's gonna cost a lot of money, I've put it off for a long time, we have seemingly committed to not moving, so my wife will probably pressure me into starting this.  It's essentially going to be a 12'x24' guest house, fully wired, fully insulated, dry wall, air conditioned building in our backyard that will hopefully house the majority of my collection as well as double as my home office for work.  This will be complicated as I'll need to have ethernet ran out to it for internet, it'll probably need its own breaker box and it's surely going to kill my electric bill.  I put this as a bonus because I don't see it happening.

Will add more if I think of stuff.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2022, 11:09:20 pm by ignition365 »

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2021, 03:53:05 pm »
1) Continue trying to whittle down the backlog. The ultimate task from which there is no escape.

2) Reach an xbox gamerscore of 300,000 without resorting to garbage completions. I'm sitting at 238K, so that's about 62 complete games. Not impossible, but I want to play games I have to beat (even if they are games like Paw Patrol) rather than the stuff that gives you all the points in 15 minutes.

3) Finish up one of my massive, long grinds. There are 3 games (Bloons TD5, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, Warriors Orochi 2) where I'm just about at the end, but it's still a long way to get to that 100%, and that final path is pure grinding.

4) Get an Xbox Series X for retail price. I'm happy with my S, but I still really want an X, and I don't want to pay scalper fees, especially this late after console launch.

5) Reach 250 hats in my Team Fortress 2 unusual collection. I've long since established myself as owning the world's largest single effect collection in the game, but I still want more, though my options without getting duplicates are quickly drying up. Sitting at 232 right now.

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2021, 04:24:18 pm »
As far as my 2021 goals are concerned I did pretty good

1. Update my collection on here - FAILED
I still never got around to doing this despite doing some minor updates here and there for games I mostly don't have anymore. It's my goal again this year to accomplish this and with me hopefully moving before the end of 2022 I'll have the perfect opportunity to update my VGcollect collection inventory.

2. Complete 52-games challenge - SUCCEEDED
As of 12/27/21 I'm at 54 games beat for the year so this one was a success!

3. Acquire at least 3 more flash carts/ODEs - SUCCEEDED
Unless I'm forgetting one I acquired a Mega SD, GDemu, Xstation, FX PAK Pro, and GBA X7 this year.

4. Downsize more of my collection - PARTIALLY SUCCEEDED
I did get rid of a lot of games this year, however I also picked quite a few up. If I actually kept track of my collection inventory on here I could determine whether I have more or less games this year than I did at the end of 2020, but I can't say. I want to say I do have less games, but unfortunately I'll never really know. I did downsize my PS1, PS2, PS3, DS, and Gamecube collections by quite a bit, but expanded my Genesis, NES, PS4, and Switch collections considerably. So who knows.

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2021, 08:46:44 pm »
Well, mine sort of relates to another thread here...I want to game more and collect less. I have a lot of stuff (I only track disc based non-pc games on here, so no cartridge games, no digital games, and no disc based PC games...I was going to track those but so many games were missing here I just gave up), so A LOT. I figured out one I have more than i could ever realistically play. I will still look for items on my wishlist,  but i want to keep my purchase of games released from 2022 forward to a minimum (I won't say NONE) I did just get a new gaming PC since I decided to forgo the XSX and the time they become available it will be up for a mid gen upgrade anyway.

So, but less, game more :)


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Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2021, 09:09:08 pm »
1.complete my inventory of my collection more retro games.

3.focus on finishing at least one of Nintendo,Super Nintendo,GameCube or Dreamcast collections.

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2022, 09:39:10 pm »

5. Continue building my CIB retro game collection
While I still acquire new games for my collection (mostly modern titles), I have been steadily trying to complete games where I just have the loose cart. This currently includes games on Nintendo 64, SNES, Genesis, and Gameboy/Gameboy Color/GBA. I guess given my other goals that will be a major financial drain, I will be conservative with this goal and say it would be nice to complete 10 of my cart only games by the end of the year.

It's been just over a month into 2022 and this one is already being checked off the list. There have been a ton of local collectors selling and wanting to trade various CIB games I've been after, mostly retro Nintendo stuff. I'm currently at 12 CIB games this year. I just spent a small fortune on some N64 heavy hitters and as a result I'm bowing out of the CIB game for a while, at least until later this year. That is of course unless I find some 2011 thrift store tier scores, but I highly doubt that's going to happen.


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Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2022, 09:18:56 am »
1) Beat at at least 20 games in my back-log
2) Get some more retro consoles and build a collection for them


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Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2022, 10:21:14 am »
I want to start a atari 2600 collection by finding a woody or vader model! :)
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2022, 07:59:38 pm »
I didn't really fulfill any of the resolutions I set for myself last year, so why bother this time around... *shrugs*

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2022, 11:57:51 am »

3. Move my gameroom into my own house
I received a fairly big promotion at work earlier this year which came with a sizable increase to my annual salary. More or less I actually can afford a house now and I have every intention of buying one sometime this year. My wife and I are aiming to move sometime this Spring or Summer, but even if I'm unpacking boxes on New Years Eve next year I'll consider this one accomplished. My game room has changed locations many times over the years, but it will be nice to finally have it settled in a place I know it will remain for hopefully most of my life going forward.

Another one down! I'll be working on goal #2 next.


Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2022, 06:59:27 am »
Didn't have any resolutions but I did score the final megadrive game that I really wanted  ;D

Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2022, 02:00:11 pm »
I very successful year of completing my video game related goals. Here are the breakdowns.

1. Complete the 52 games challenge again
I look forward to doing this all year round and it's actually my favorite part of this website at this point. It's really motivated me to actually play the games in my collection versus just admiring them on a shelf (which is also fun lol). But this year I just barely made the 52 games goal (at 53 right now), and while technically to meet this goal i'd just have to complete 52 games, I would like to actually aim higher, maybe even in the mid 60s if possible. However, even if I do just beat 52 games I'll consider this one completed - COMPLETE: I believe I'm at 61 games completed with a little over a week to spare in the year. I am towards the end of one game and wouldn't be surprised if I end at around 63 or 64 games beat by new years eve. Fingers crossed even though it would be extra credit at this point lol

2. ACTUALLY update my collection here on VGcollect!
I think I've said I was going to do this now for the past year, maybe two, but this year I actually plan on doing it. I will likely have the perfect opportunity to do so later this year as part of another resolution of mine further down. Once I do update it and it's once again accurate I then will try and stay on top of it like I used to. - SEMI-COMPLETE: I updated my collection on Pricecharting, which I mostly decided to do because I needed to itemize my collection for insurance reasons. I did some light updating on VGcollect, but it's still pretty inaccurate here. At least I have a complete accounting of my collection somewhere else I guess.

3. Move my gameroom into my own house
I received a fairly big promotion at work earlier this year which came with a sizable increase to my annual salary. More or less I actually can afford a house now and I have every intention of buying one sometime this year. My wife and I are aiming to move sometime this Spring or Summer, but even if I'm unpacking boxes on New Years Eve next year I'll consider this one accomplished. My game room has changed locations many times over the years, but it will be nice to finally have it settled in a place I know it will remain for hopefully most of my life going forward. - COMPLETE: Check and check!

4. Purchase my first arcade cabinet
Like anyone searching for a house to buy, my wife and I have certain things we're looking for, and one of mine that she has given the okay on is a large basement, preferably with walk in capabilities for me to finally create my home dream arcade. I cannot express how excited I am to start this even though making it exactly how I want will likely take at least a decade if not longer. More or less I'm going to recreate a 90s arcade I used to go to as a kid and teen, but make it even better by only including cabinets and pinball machines I really like. But to begin this journey I would like to purchase at least one arcade cabinet to kick off this ambitious plan. Depending on when we move and buy our house this might not happen until 2023, but I'm hoping I can accomplish this before the end of the year. - COMPLETE: I picked up a mostly working Cruisn' Exotica cab for $150 over the summer. I still need to fix a monitor issue, but otherwise it works great. Even though I have house now the cab still lives in my garage since I don't have the courage or strength to try and get it into my basement. Still, glad I finally got one!

5. Continue building my CIB retro game collection
While I still acquire new games for my collection (mostly modern titles), I have been steadily trying to complete games where I just have the loose cart. This currently includes games on Nintendo 64, SNES, Genesis, and Gameboy/Gameboy Color/GBA. I guess given my other goals that will be a major financial drain, I will be conservative with this goal and say it would be nice to complete 10 of my cart only games by the end of the year. - COMPLETE: I can't remember the exact number of CIB games I've added on the N64, Genesis, SNES, and GBA, but it's been at least 10. I picked up quite a few CIB N64 games earlier this year as well as a few SNES games too. I believe there were a few Genesis games mixed in too.

Re: Video Game New Years Resolutions 2022
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2022, 02:01:50 pm »

5. Continue building my CIB retro game collection
While I still acquire new games for my collection (mostly modern titles), I have been steadily trying to complete games where I just have the loose cart. This currently includes games on Nintendo 64, SNES, Genesis, and Gameboy/Gameboy Color/GBA. I guess given my other goals that will be a major financial drain, I will be conservative with this goal and say it would be nice to complete 10 of my cart only games by the end of the year.

It's been just over a month into 2022 and this one is already being checked off the list. There have been a ton of local collectors selling and wanting to trade various CIB games I've been after, mostly retro Nintendo stuff. I'm currently at 12 CIB games this year. I just spent a small fortune on some N64 heavy hitters and as a result I'm bowing out of the CIB game for a while, at least until later this year. That is of course unless I find some 2011 thrift store tier scores, but I highly doubt that's going to happen.

I guess that answers my uncertainty of how many CIB games I picked up this year lol. Should have reread some of my posts before posting again lol.