Author Topic: 2025 Games To Watch For...  (Read 3055 times)

Re: 2025 Games To Watch For...
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2025, 01:40:01 am »
Doom: The Dark Ages was confirmed for a May 15th release date.  It does look like more of what Eternal was, which I didn't love, I liked having ammo and health packs on the ground more than having to do specific kills and the map design opening up more ended up not being quite as fun, but it's gonna be a good game.  I'll probably grab it down the road as I'm unlikely to buy much around that May/June window due to the Switch 2 supposedly releasing around then.

*EDIT* They are changing the gameplay up abit, I didn't watch the full reveal for it until now, but looks like they want to do more direct battle stuff with the game, using your shield to parry, so it sorta feels like they are slowing things down a tad, less of the speed comboing the game had with Eternal, so might turn out to be what I wanted, which is something that is kind of inbetween 2016 and Eternal.  They are losing the glory kill which is...mixed.  I was kinda tired of it in Eternal as you had to use it so often to get ammo/health, but now they are pretending it's a "free-form" glory kill, which just means you get the glory kill reward, with any attack when they are dazed, so no violent animation per enemy, which seems like a bit of a cop out lol

I'm definitely interested, however Doom is starting to feel a lot less like Doom with each new installment. Doom Eternal was fine, but it didn't even come close to doing it for me like Doom 2016 did. Dark Ages looks like some hybrid game, they ID combined Doom and Hexen, but kept the Doom name for sales. I'll probably end up getting Dark Ages eventually, but my expectations are certainly measured with this one.