Author Topic: Site Development Collaboration?  (Read 994 times)

Site Development Collaboration?
« on: April 08, 2011, 11:41:59 pm »
Any chance you're looking for any help developing the site from a fellow redditor?  I've got a few useful ideas stirring around in my head that I'd like to implement and take live, but I really am not interested in re-inventing the wheel regarding maintaining a games database and collection management system.

The features I'm looking to implement nicely compliment that features you already offer (possibly features you plan to implement but haven't yet).  At the moment, I've scraped the Game Boy database from in order to do initial testing, but I plan to start working on early versions of one of my ideas very soon.  Perhaps it would be beneficial to continue this discussion after I have at least one of my features working in my sandbox, but I just wanted to probe you a bit to see if you were looking to collaborate at all.

No hard feelings if this is an individual pet project or if you already have a team assembled that you are comfortable with.  Thanks for your time.