Author Topic: Green Lantern Animated Series and Young Justice Possibly Returning?  (Read 1518 times)


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Let's hope this works...

Update on the Crowdfunded Return of Young Justice and Green Lantern: The Animated Series

This past Saturday and today, came updates to the Smgo.TV crowdfunded projects that aim to bring back the recently canceled shows: Young Justice and Green Lantern: The Animated Series. The first was a possible indication that Warner Brothers were actually in consideration of fully approving the crowdfunded project to give new seasons to both shows.

With Update #2 though things are looking more positive as a meeting is to occur on April 11 at Warner Brothers to discuss a possible revial for BOTH shows. Here's what the head of Smgo.Tv had this to say:

Hi All,

Apologies for the delayed posting here on Tumblr and Facebook – as you might have heard via our tweet last night, there is a meeting on the books with WB to discuss bringing back GLTAS and YJ.  The meeting is set for April 11.

We are extremely excited to be meeting with them and we will do everything we possibly can to get your shows’ formal approval.  They are listening; your support pushed this to the top, so thank them and continue to tell them you want the chance to bring these shows back.   It’s working.

We will continue to keep you informed as we progress with these shows.  Hope to have more info soon.

#Motorcity, #DTTBIA23, #666PA fans, we haven’t stopped working for your shows either, so please keep fighting the good fight.  We will continue to reach out to the appropriate people this week to try to set up a meeting.

Keep fighting, keep being awesome, and keep showing interest on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook - let’s save these shows together. 

Thanks all!


We will continue to update you on this story as more news progresses.  Keep those blue rings on fans.

I've got my fingers crossed. I hated hearing that these stellar shows were getting cancelled. Keep hope alive!