Author Topic: Best online classic game shows and podcasts  (Read 1115 times)


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Best online classic game shows and podcasts
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:57:06 pm »
I'm online all day at work and often like to listen to gaming podcasts or take in a classic game show over my lunch hour.  I've found quite a few that I really like and I'm curious about what shows are some of your favorites:

It's loaded with original shows, each with a different classic gaming angle.  My favs are:
The Happy Video Game Nerd, Game Chasers, 16 bit Gems, but most of the shows are pretty great.

There are several great channels on YouTube:
Classic Game Room (been around forever), Game Sack (top-notch production values), Angry Video Game Nerd.

I also enjoy Pat The NES Punk and Turbo Views (all TG16 reviews) at

Many have come and gone over the years, but my favorite has always been RetroGamingRadio.  He's been doing the show online for nearly 15 years now, with new episodes every month.  Another great one is RetroGaming Roundup, which features episodes that are often 6+ hours long.

Re: Best online classic game shows and podcasts
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2012, 05:09:53 pm »
I would say play value and classic game room

Re: Best online classic game shows and podcasts
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 08:58:13 pm »
They aren't covering classic games but I always enjoy the Giant Bomb content. They pump out so much video.


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Re: Best online classic game shows and podcasts
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 10:53:58 am »
I'm a big fan of  I've following Lance and Jon since that show got started.  Over the last few years, they've added tons of great content.  I'm a big fan of The Happy Video Game Nerd, The Game Chasers, and Pat the NES Punk in particular.  They've really got some great stuff happening over there.  The community is pretty awesome too.  You too, sir, could be an RDub.  Come check it out.