Author Topic: Huge choices  (Read 3626 times)

Huge choices
« on: October 07, 2012, 03:50:32 am »
Well as I already wrote in my "an appeal to all members" topic, I have a bit of a dilemma now so get ready for a huge rant as usual!

This year I became a bit tired from PC gaming. Mainly because I've spent most of my time playing just a few online ones and I did not have much taste to play the other ones. My collection on Steam was growing rapidly and I became a bit annoyed there was no other way than showing it just from your Steam Community profile. I mean, you do not own an actual item, you only own a license to it. What if something happens with Valve? What if some experienced hacker gets hold of my things? These questions started to worry me a bit and builded up my wish to own more physical games. Also lately I had many problems with Steam Support. After like 3rd purchase in a row they blocked my account from buying more games. I was asking them why but I did not get any clear answer, the latest one is that I am getting blocked by some anti-fraud system. I asked "what to do to not get blocked?" No answer. So this really is annoying if you have to write to Steam Support like every week and then wait 1 more week for them to activate my account again. This way I missed many great sales and after a few years of collecting things of Steam, I now think that starting it was not the wisest idea. It has some merits like very cheap prices and having all things at the same place, but the negatives do outbalance them in my opinion.

At that time Vita was being released and I thought it's the great opportunity to buy it. So I did it and now I am hugely disappointed. Sony does not seem to care about the console much, just a few games were released and here in Czech the markets are completely dead, so finding a game for some nice price is almost impossible. And I don't have enough money to build my collection of all entirely new games. Well, now the system is laying in the cabinet, seeming like a waste of money, but selling it would not be worth it because I'd still lose a lot of money, so I am waiting what happens next within a few years.

Then I decided to get back to my PS2 collection and rebuild it. That was the best idea actually and it's really paying off. Most of games are cheap and still quite easy to find and if I find the rarer titles I am always pretty happy. Together with my collection I bought an old CRT television on which the view is amazing. Also I am thinking about some speakers, so every advice about which speakers would be great for CRT television is really welcome!

So currently my PS2 collection is growing and I am pretty much enjoying playing on it, but I realized that I have many really small collections, such as PSX one, PS3 one, PSP one, GBA one. I am now thinking which one is the best to keep.

I eliminated the PS3 one and at the moment I am selling all of my titles. The main reason is that I do not like using Playstation Network. Sony just simply wants you to use it, into games they are adding codes and DLCs which can only be activated through PSN Network. Online can only be played when being logged to PSN Network (however I don't care much about online because mostly when I played it I played in a lobby where I lagged like crazy so I resigned and I am only playing offline on consoles) and people do see your profiles when you play with them. Maybe I want to keep my trophies and the latest played games private? Sony did not seem to think of such option. And the main thing - I don't want to have another online account where I have my things and credit card attached, for me it takes things pretty much complicated, Steam is enough. Plus the latest hack of PlayStation Network during which many people lost money was not very funny.

And you can now see how complicated this already made things for me: I wanted to sell my PSN accounts too together with my collection. I changed passwords but I also changed emails and their passwords so buyer would feel safe when he buys them. And guess what? I wrote everything on the paper, this was the first thing which I did not write to flash disc because I always had this paper in my sight. Well when cleaning up my flat I somehow lost it and at the moment I am not able to find it. I looked everywhere. And now I would love to know how to recover these accounts when all was changed...

Also I eliminated the PC one for some time by selling my gaming computer to get some spare money.

So I am really not sure whether collecting only PS2 games would be the best. This way I'd have only two collections - a PC one and a PS2 one. I would also love to collect PS1 games but these are IMPOSSIBLE to find here in Czech. GBA games also. So buying these from foreign countries would cost big lot of money. And I don't feel like buying the new console. And even if I bought such console their titles would not be easy to find in Czech anyways (beside Xbox 360). After a few years I would not know what to collect, likely there would only be PS3 (which I decided not to use anymore), Xbox 360 (I am not familiar with it at all) and then systems like Vita, WII U about which I have to wait how things turn out. If I did not separate the PS3, in a few years it's games would still be easy to find, but I chose not to use it.

Now the main point - At the moment here in Czech are still some PSP games able to find. I am afraid that in a few years they would be impossible to find so the thing I came up with is starting to collect them together with the PS2 ones. But the main things what are worrying me - 1.) both systems have a few same named or identical titles, 2.) Will I have money for collecting things for two systems at the same time? , 3.) Will I manage to play on both systems enough? And that's it.

I did not know writing this would be that big wall of text, but I hope at least one person reads it through and recommends me what to do next. My Zodiac sign is Libra so I am very flighty and unsteady. I would love to make the right choice which I would not regret. Thanks a lot beforehand!


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Re: Huge choices
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 09:25:50 am »
Heh -
As another writer of LARGE posts, I'd feel like a hypocrite (and, a bit of a dick:) if I didn't take the time to read & respond to other ones :P

The PSX & PS2 are my 2 favorite consoles.
For both playing & collecting.

Then again, 99% of the games that I play are RPG's & SRPG's (so, taking into account what your favorite genre is should be a consideration)...since building a collection of games that you'll get the most joy out of playing as you're collecting them...just makes sense :)

That said, If you're after building-up a comprehensive collection, one system at a time, I would say that the PS2 would currently be a great place to start.
As you said, most of its games aren't outrageously priced or hard to find, and, IMHO, it's just got the greatest library of any other console!

I'm not sure about the PS2 systems in your country, but here, (and, I *believe* everywhere), the PS2 (at least, the "Slims" for sure...and I *think* the "Fat" ones too) are backwards-compatible with PSX/PS1 games...

...Which means...that if you come across/ever want to play/buy/collect PSX games as well -
You Won't Have To Buy Another Console 8)

As always, just my two cents ;)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 10:14:35 am »
All of the console based playstation systems will play PS1 games. A select few of the PS3s will also play PS2 games.


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2012, 10:36:15 am »
Heh -
As another writer of LARGE posts, I'd feel like a hypocrite (and, a bit of a dick:) if I didn't take the time to read & respond to other ones :P

you know when i see a big wall of text i basically just skim through it and try to summarize it but that doesn't always work :'( 


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Re: Huge choices
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 11:05:03 am »
All of the console based playstation systems will play PS1 games. A select few of the PS3s will also play PS2 games.

That's what I thought - nice to have it confirmed, though :P

You're definitely right about some of the PS3's (also playing PS2 discs), as well.

I bought the 60 Gig/Launch PS3.
I *LOVE* this console for its PS2 AND PSX b/c, and for being able to simply stick in an SD card to back-up all of my saved game data on :)

I HATE it for YLoD'ing when it was 18 months - 2 years old...and...I *REALLY* HATE
because, once I sent that one in to be repaired/refurbished/re-placed...*EVERY*.  SINGLE. TIME.
I've received the "repaired" console (*THREE* times in a row now), It's very coincidentally & annoyingly YLoD'd again.  And again.
And again...Within one month of its warranty expiring  >:(

After the third time this happened, I bought a "Slim" (which, fortunately, has been problem-free, so far); and it's this "Slim" PS3 that I now use as my "Main" console for gaming on.

I do still have the "Fattie" (hasn't been used at all since its most recent repair) as my 'back-up/"spare" PS3 sitting on a closet shelf...just in case the Slim one bricks, YLoD's, etc.

For those of you who own PS3's that are both PSX & PS2 b/c...what are your stories/experiences regarding YLoD's and/or any other problems requiring you to send them in to be serviced?!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Huge choices
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2012, 11:34:42 am »
I am happy you liked the long post disgaeniac!  :)

Of course I first wanted to collect the PSX games, but I noticed that here in Czech the games really are impossible to find. I'd have to get the NTSC console and buy every game from the foreign countries. Even if no newer systems would support the PS1 game, I'd be fine at least for the PAL ones since I still have my first PS1 console working like a charm, but the problem is buying from foreign countries. Czech Republic as a whole does hate buying from foreign countries. I would have to pay the Czech post about 35 dollars for every purchase! And wait for like 2 weeks for them to finish it's customs - that would be really annoying and I am not that rich so I had to leave this possibility.

That's why I chose PS2, and I am really happy with it. I see we already do have some games in common disgaeniac, and many RPGs are really great. I do now envy a bit that you own a few of these for which I am looking for since a few months now. :) It's really the best console which I chose for playing and collecting in terms of price and potentiality to find it's titles. At least here in Czech.

So yes I will keep collecting it but for me just two collections (PC one on Steam and PS2 ones) are not enough!  :-[ Even if they are huge. I'd like my physical games collection expand. But I don't know how. I don't like the new systems much to be honest, and these are the only ones here in Czech for which the games are easy to get. So that's why I am thinking about PSP. It's not that old and does not require you to use PSN Network. But really the problem is that some games for PS2 and PSP are identical. And as I already wrote collecting two platforms at the same time costs more money and takes away the time from you to play one console fully. From the beginning when I started collecting PS2 games I thought that I would collect them for like 3 years and then switch to something else. But in three years the PSP games will probably be impossible to find. That's the dilemma!

This was a bit shorter version for you htimreimer. :)

And about the 60GB FAT PS3 which is probably the only version what supports the older PS1 and PS2 games - I've sold it a few days ago. And I had it since 2008. I did not use it that much (less than 1000 hours) but never experienced any YLODs whatsoever. But it's true there were a few smaller problems like game freezing, incompatibility with the 750GB notebook hard disc and not detecting a few of my headsets. The main reason of this is probably that the console is not produced any more. Because from Sony opinion's it was unstable. And it was not made for that many functions which the PS3 console has now. (after all the updates) So this probably is the reason of it's bigger sensitivity. I hope I helped you a bit disgaeniac!  :)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 12:53:46 pm by puracz »


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 11:41:15 am »
Everyone collects differently so it is your choice but for me I have never limited myself to just one system. If you find a game for a system that you want to play then why not buy it right then? (assuming you have the money of course)

I would say that the ps2 has the most versatile collection of games and as others have said it plays ps1 games so if you want to just focus on one system that would be my choice.


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2012, 01:57:46 pm »
I would agree. If you want to collect for just one console system and have the most well rounded opportunity of games, PS2 is simply far and away the best option. Between the ps1 and ps2, there are 1590 and 1997 games respectively (according to lists). That is over 3500 games that can all play on one system! I honestly wish I had went that route instead of NES cause its so costly and most NES games are boring. :P


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2012, 04:11:42 pm »
I would agree. If you want to collect for just one console system and have the most well rounded opportunity of games, PS2 is simply far and away the best option. Between the ps1 and ps2, there are 1590 and 1997 games respectively (according to lists). That is over 3500 games that can all play on one system! I honestly wish I had went that route instead of NES cause its so costly and most NES games are boring. :P
If you want, I will make the sacrifice and take those darn NES games off your hands. I won't even charge you for it :D


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2012, 04:55:27 pm »
Lol you sound like me! :P


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Re: Huge choices
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2012, 08:57:01 pm »
I would agree. If you want to collect for just one console system and have the most well rounded opportunity of games, PS2 is simply far and away the best option. Between the ps1 and ps2, there are 1590 and 1997 games respectively (according to lists). That is over 3500 games that can all play on one system! I honestly wish I had went that route instead of NES cause its so costly and most NES games are boring. :P
If you want, I will make the sacrifice and take those darn NES games off your hands. I won't even charge you for it :D

I'll even go a step further.  I'll give you all my PlayStation games to help get your collection started.  I'm a giver. :D


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2012, 01:00:00 am »
For those of you who own PS3's that are both PSX & PS2 b/c...what are your stories/experiences regarding YLoD's and/or any other problems requiring you to send them in to be serviced?!

I can't say much other than my Japanese launch fattie has always worked perfectly. Boring story, but true :)

As for collecting - I just buy whatever catches my eye at the time. The main thing is that it looks like fun and I can afford it. I'm in a very different situation to the puracz though because at least 90% of my games come from overseas which appears to not be an option (I think I would actually cease to exist if I was forced to only buy whatever PAL gamers were currently in local shops!).

Re: Huge choices
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2012, 02:17:54 am »
Thanks a lot for more responses!

I was thinking a bit more and I decided that I'll stick with just PS2 now and will see what happens in a few years. The reason really is that the games are not that hard to find and the price is fine, also the fact that I would not manage to play on two systems at the same time (having less and less time lately) and building two collections at the same time would require more money if I wanted each to enlarge enough.

So I'll be getting rid of the PSP also and I'll keep the small PS1 (nostalgia and I would love to collect these ones someday, I have to get more money to be able to order from the US! :) ) and the Vita one (I'll see what happens with it in a few years) but if I won't have more money and Vita will be "dead" I am really not sure what will be my pick for collecting because at the moment there only are enough Xbox 360 and PS3 games here in Czech. (I think that PSP games won't be here for long and after selling it I doubt I would want to start from the clay again)

Well it's hard to predict now, but I gave you my thoughts. :) In the next days you will see a lot of new European submits, because I made a big purchase of games. For sure I'll reach 200 PS2 games now. Thanks again!


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Re: Huge choices
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2012, 08:14:02 am »
No problem, puracz - any time :)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Huge choices
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2012, 10:07:29 am »
PSP > Vita though!