I make nearly a thousand purchases from Amazon a year (Not an exaggeration, it's usually 1 item per order to maximize my benefits).
Anything you buy with "Prime" shipping is shipped by Amazon regardless of seller. So shipping is Amazon's fault 100% of the time in those situations. The seller describing the product incorrectly is the seller's fault. <-- This is the frequent issue, honestly.
The problem is that EVERYTHING you order with "Prime" has a chance of being shipped together because there are only so many shipping facilities and Amazon will try their damnedest to ship everything in as few boxes as possible.
So if I have a subscribe and save with a case of cat food and a case of soda (Not exactly soda, but it is in a can), they almost always ship video games I order with it. 10/10 something comes destroyed because guess what, a case of soda and a case of cat food is heavy and will crush things.
I just bought a silver dualshock 4 controller for a few dollars more, hopefully it will come in one piece.