You know what really super sucks about Reddit compared to forums? The mods. It has so much potential because it's so popular and everyone goes there, but it's so hard to post on Reddit. Like half the time when I post something, my topic is deleted before anyone gets the chance to read it. Sometimes it's deleted by a mod, sometimes it's just deleted by a bot that's made to just constantly delete posts. Sometimes it's because I didn't add the right "tag", sometimes I included a banned word, or I missed one of the 25 rules for that sub Reddit.

It's hard to get past the gate-keepers of Reddit. It's way over-modded, and unpopular opinions are dog-piled into oblivion as well. Sometimes an older topics will get deleted at random. It's such an over-modded mess, that it'll never be the good source for reliable information that I wants to be. People take their privileges and their arbitrary rule books WAY to seriously on Reddit.
I miss the days of poorly managed, troll infested websites like Yahoo Answers. You could find a category, ask a question and have a shot at actually getting a relevant answer if it caught the attention of an actual adult using the site. With Reddit you only get scolded for asking a question. The only thing most sub Reddit communities want to see posted is fap material, relevant to whatever their subject matter is.