Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1649423 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3720 on: September 30, 2014, 09:31:44 am »
While MS didn't give any #'s, the same article states that:

"This generation has been a slow start for last generation's champion,", I have to pause to question the validity of the use of the word "champion" because, to the best of my knowledge & memory - in the end, Sony had (at the least) caught up w/ MS' sales #'s; but, of course, I could be wrong);

- the article continues "but, head of Xbox - Phil Spencer acknowledges that "We shipped at the same time and we're in direct competition with the PS4", and, Spencer also admits that "at this point we are behind & that the Xbox team is the underdog"

Haha, I got to agree on the "champion" thing. It was bigger for the most part, but not in the end, as far as I know. Also, did you notice that Sony always speaks in terms of "sold" systems, while MS always says "shipped units"?  ;) I see tons of XBone everywhere, so the shipped numbers are definitely above the sold numbers.

Lastly, (from the same article) concerning the last of the Big 3 (Nintendo) -and- also, easily in my categories of both "Funny Shit!" & "I couldn't make this shit up" is the section of the article titled "What About Nintendo"? which states:

"Much like its approach to the 3DS, Nintendo region locks its press access.  United States outlets can't get in to see the Big N at Gamescom, but the house of Mario didn't bring anything that we didn't see at E3 anyway".

Seriously, wtf's up w/ your obsession w/ region locking, Nintendo?   :-\

I would really like to know the REAL reason why they region lock everything... The excuses they gave can't be the real reasons. :-\ And most of all, I'd love for my systems to be open. Lots of people on the internet complain that we complain for nothing because it would benefit so few people, and/or we wouldn't import anything / not import much anyway, and/or that we couldn't read the games... But I'm pretty sure that it takes more work for them to lock the system, than to let it be region free. So why bother? We're not a minority asking for some special treatment that requires lots of work, we're a minority asking not to be willingly blocked  :(

I know *WHY* I know it (as well as my SS#); when I was in my late teens & early 20's...I filled out so many job applications that- after the pain in the ass of having to keep reaching in my back pocket for my wallet and then, having to find, dig out, copy the #'s and put everything away again = after the 20th to 30th time doing this...the #'s just stuck + my memory's pretty good!  ;D

You have to enter your driver license number when applying for a job in the US?   :o


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3721 on: September 30, 2014, 09:43:45 am »
I know my drivers license number. I drive a FedEx truck for a living, so I need to write it on forms more than most people.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3722 on: September 30, 2014, 09:49:29 am »
I haven't filled out a job application in a long time but, I remember - even way before 9/11, most of (if not all) the applications I filled out asked for my DL#.

What info do you need for job applications in Canada?
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3723 on: September 30, 2014, 10:34:03 am »
Job applications are a job in and of themselves. @_@


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3724 on: September 30, 2014, 11:39:10 am »
I haven't filled out a job application in a long time but, I remember - even way before 9/11, most of (if not all) the applications I filled out asked for my DL#.

What info do you need for job applications in Canada?

Usually, your SS number is only asked once you get the job. It's better that way in my opinion, because it helps prevent identity theft. As for when you fill out an application, they usually ask for your past job experiences, why you quit your last job, and sometimes (in big stores like Walmart and such) if you have a criminal record. I haven't filled job applications in a while, so I don't remember much... but a driver's license isn't obligatory, and also, I really don't see the point of asking the number haha  :o


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3725 on: September 30, 2014, 12:31:51 pm »
I haven't filled out a job application in a long time but, I remember - even way before 9/11, most of (if not all) the applications I filled out asked for my DL#.

What info do you need for job applications in Canada?

Usually, your SS number is only asked once you get the job. It's better that way in my opinion, because it helps prevent identity theft. As for when you fill out an application, they usually ask for your past job experiences, why you quit your last job, and sometimes (in big stores like Walmart and such) if you have a criminal record. I haven't filled job applications in a while, so I don't remember much... but a driver's license isn't obligatory, and also, I really don't see the point of asking the number haha  :o

I can actually see & understand a few reasons why potential employers would want a potential employees DL#.
Maybe this also is done differently in Canada...

Especially in the case of applying for a job where the employee would be driving a company car & operating it under the company's insurance policy.

I'm assuming that some things that prospective employers do and/or check via a DL# could be:

- How many (if any) points are currently on the license + what were the types of incidents that the points were given for?

- How many (if any) accidents has this person had + what were the specifics of the accident & who was at fault?

- Has this person ever lost/had their license revoked...if so, why?

- Has this person ever been convicted and/or found guilty of driving while intoxicated/under the influence of alcohol and/or narcotics?

- Has this person ever (possibly) been involved in any instances of scams, fraud, theft, etc?  Here, in the US, almost every store requires a drivers license, almost every time you return anything to their store (*Especially* when looking to get cash back, instead of an exchange or store credit); therefore - people w/ long lists of diverse items returned to many different stores (particularly, multiple returns of big-ticket and/or strings of returns of highly liquid items for strictly cash) may well be looked at more closely & thoroughly than other applicants.

- Our licenses are also tied to, required for, and keep a record of all items sold to pawn shops, game & electronic stores, recycling yards, and gold, jewelry, and coin shops,

- A drivers license can also show if the applicant is currently wanted/being sought for any crimes and/or if they've jumped bail or if they have any open arrest warrants,

- in most cases, you can't open a banking account and/or cash any checks w/o a DL, and,

- I'm pretty sure that employers may even be State and/or Federally mandated to ask for/insist upon DL-related info. to confirm that the applicants are legal residents of where they're applying for work.

So, there's actually many things that can be learned (and inferred) about a prospective employee, their past, and even their character...all from that little 15-digit (here in NJ, at least) number  :o
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 12:34:03 pm by disgaeniac »
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3726 on: September 30, 2014, 01:33:52 pm »
In other words, big brother is hunting you down.

They cant do that here do......yet..... More and more we get those 'rules' here also  :'(


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3727 on: September 30, 2014, 02:11:11 pm »
In other words, big brother is hunting you down.

I'm not in the "Big brother is always watching me and/or after me" camp...

...*But* - He'd certainly know where & how to find me if he ever wanted to w/o having to work or try very hard to do so  :o

You're from the NetherworldLands, right?

How do the drug laws there work?

IIRC, drugs (I'm not sure which ones) are legal to buy, sell, and use,,,even in certain public & open areas.

I've always been curious & wanted to know more specifically what, exactly, these laws are like & how they work.

Thanks to my family, my own past problems + struggles, different fields that I've studied & that I'm interested in, and different occupations that I've held...I've also always *Really* wanted to ask someone who actually *lives* there:

- what do you think that the effect of these laws (regarding, primarily, addiction & crime) is?

Do you think that there's more or less crime & addiction due to its legality?

Thanks for any answers, thoughts, ideas, insights, and opinions of yours, on this  8)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3728 on: September 30, 2014, 02:51:29 pm »
Im not really the person who knows exactly, but ill give it a shot.

Drugs are not legal, but (softdrugs) allowed in small quantities for personal use. Yes we have coffeeshops where you can buy, but they get checked. They can only have somuch in their shop, but its easy for them to get more when inventory gets low. (where do they get it  ;D)

You can as a person have a few plants at home. But you can't have your whole house/garage/whatever full with plants.

And about the crime, i don't live in a city, but heavy addicts can be a problem there, but thats worldwide the case. As most heavy addicts will go to cities because its easier to 'score' heavy drugs. But in the smaller towns you afcourse have some weed users, but they are not really a problem.

 Slight disclaimer, not everyone here uses, as it sometimes is made to believe in other countries.

And isnt it so that in some states in America weed is more legal now?


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3729 on: September 30, 2014, 03:06:45 pm »
Good point for jobs that require driving! Haven't thought of that, since I've never had any, and probably never will :P Except if I become a professional driving programmer. Aww yeah. Coding and driving at the same time.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3730 on: September 30, 2014, 03:33:11 pm »
There are some states here in the US now where weed is legal (medicinally) but, only by jumping through a lot of hoops, seeing one of the very few 'specially-licensed' doctors (I've heard of 1-3 year waiting lists) & convincing them that the need for it is warranted & legitimate, getting them to prescribe it for you...and then, very likely having to spend 1/2 of a day driving to get your prescription filled + every time that you need to refill your prescription.  My state, for example, only has 2 or 3 "state-licensed" and approved "Dispensaries" where you can go to pick it up, I think.

So, yeah - I suppose that, technically, it's legal -but- I can assure you in all honesty that, were I inclined to get/use some (which, I'm not); I would certainly be able to get it - albeit via an...'alternative' method & process in about 10 minutes  :P
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3731 on: September 30, 2014, 03:44:28 pm »
There are some states here in the US now where weed is legal (medicinally) but, only by jumping through a lot of hoops, seeing one of the very few 'specially-licensed' doctors (I've heard of 1-3 year waiting lists) & convincing them that the need for it is warranted & legitimate, getting them to prescribe it for you...and then, very likely having to spend 1/2 of a day driving to get your prescription filled + every time that you need to refill your prescription.  My state, for example, only has 2 or 3 "state-licensed" and approved "Dispensaries" where you can go to pick it up, I think.

So, yeah - I suppose that, technically, it's legal -but- I can assure you in all honesty that, were I inclined to get/use some (which, I'm not); I would certainly be able to get it - albeit via an...'alternative' method & process in about 10 minutes  :P

I can assure you, being a Californian and a stoner myself, there are VERY little hoops to jump through. Tell em you have a pain, have trouble concentrating or sleeping, or have anxiety and you get yourself a prescription.

In Colorado it's FULLY legal for recreational use.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3732 on: September 30, 2014, 04:04:07 pm »
There are some states here in the US now where weed is legal (medicinally) but, only by jumping through a lot of hoops, seeing one of the very few 'specially-licensed' doctors (I've heard of 1-3 year waiting lists) & convincing them that the need for it is warranted & legitimate, getting them to prescribe it for you...and then, very likely having to spend 1/2 of a day driving to get your prescription filled + every time that you need to refill your prescription.  My state, for example, only has 2 or 3 "state-licensed" and approved "Dispensaries" where you can go to pick it up, I think.

So, yeah - I suppose that, technically, it's legal -but- I can assure you in all honesty that, were I inclined to get/use some (which, I'm not); I would certainly be able to get it - albeit via an...'alternative' method & process in about 10 minutes  :P

I can assure you, being a Californian and a stoner myself, there are VERY little hoops to jump through. Tell em you have a pain, have trouble concentrating or sleeping, or have anxiety and you get yourself a prescription.

In Colorado it's FULLY legal for recreational use.

didn't know that about CO.

as for jumping through the hoops - I'm sure it varies from state to state and, I'm not surprised in the least that a state like CA would make it easier on the person trying to get it - while a state like mine (NJ), would do absolutely everything conceivable to inconvenience & draw-out the process for as long as they possibly could  :-\
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3733 on: September 30, 2014, 04:16:18 pm »
There are some states here in the US now where weed is legal (medicinally) but, only by jumping through a lot of hoops, seeing one of the very few 'specially-licensed' doctors (I've heard of 1-3 year waiting lists) & convincing them that the need for it is warranted & legitimate, getting them to prescribe it for you...and then, very likely having to spend 1/2 of a day driving to get your prescription filled + every time that you need to refill your prescription.  My state, for example, only has 2 or 3 "state-licensed" and approved "Dispensaries" where you can go to pick it up, I think.

So, yeah - I suppose that, technically, it's legal -but- I can assure you in all honesty that, were I inclined to get/use some (which, I'm not); I would certainly be able to get it - albeit via an...'alternative' method & process in about 10 minutes  :P

I can assure you, being a Californian and a stoner myself, there are VERY little hoops to jump through. Tell em you have a pain, have trouble concentrating or sleeping, or have anxiety and you get yourself a prescription.

In Colorado it's FULLY legal for recreational use.

didn't know that about CO.

as for jumping through the hoops - I'm sure it varies from state to state and, I'm not surprised in the least that a state like CA would make it easier on the person trying to get it - while a state like mine (NJ), would do absolutely everything conceivable to inconvenience & draw-out the process for as long as they possibly could  :-\
The Colorado ruling was somewhat recent, but it's apparently started a trend in many other states. There's been a bill being passed around in PA that's supposedly looking to do the same thing with marijuana here. It makes sense to legalize it so they can collect tax on the whole thing. As you mentioned, you could easily find some if you wanted to. Almost anyone at this point could. It's time to stop fighting it and put our nation's resources to better uses than policing weed usage.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3734 on: September 30, 2014, 05:59:58 pm »
I hate that word.