How close are you to finishing/beating & writing up a review for Hearts, kash?
Oh yeah - all of this talk about guides, and I've been forgetting to mention something to you all: most of you who shop @ GS probably already know that, if you buy a game + the strategy guide for that game at the same time that - on top off whatever else you've got going - you'll also get an additional 20% (I *think*) discount off of the price of the guide for buying both items together ; they've been doing this for years so, common knowledge; right?
I thought so
What might not be quite as commonly known - since they don't advertise it (not to mention, that many *employees* don't even know the policy
) is that the game & the strategy guide do *not* have to 'match' (both be for the same game:)
According to my managerial friend, on-the-inside, it doesn't matter what games & guides are paired together.
So, you could buy any game...and say that the guide for that game costs $15 *but* - you see an awesome $40+ hardcover CE guide for a different game than the one you're buying; when ringing up & paying for your game - tell them that you also want to grab that sweet & fine looking CE guide...if they don't give you/don't know that you're entitled to the 20% discount for any game + guide combination, tell them to ask their manager & if they don't know - tell them to call corporate, since it is their store policy
Anyone know who the parent company is/who owns GS?
I believe that, a few years back, I saw/heard/read somewhere that it was either Borders or Barnes & Noble.
Can anyone c/d this for me?