Im going tomorrow.
My step son went last night and said it was one of the best movies he's ever seen. I never judge anything on the account of haters (specifically Adam Sandler haters for this movie).
So, I'm back.
It would be a much, much better movie if they released a director's cut, replacing Adam Sandler with someone else. Sandler
absolutely destroyed some decent jokes. He also had "funny" dialogue in places that didn't need it. Gad's character ("Wonder Boy") was made unnecessarily disturbing. Both had some really good jokes and story sequences in the movie, but for the most part, they just didn't do a good job. Kevin James is a typical Kevin James character - not really offensive, just... Kevin James. He says stupid stuff, people laugh at him.
And Q-Bert. Poor, poor Q-Bert.

The special effects and action sequences were well done (except at the end, at least when it comes to real actors.) Bonus cameos by a lot of people, including a bunch I didn't expect at all. And Peter Dinklage absolutely hammed it up on the screen, you can tell he enjoyed THE HELL out of this gig.
It's an average movie that could've been better if someone had written Sandler and Gad's characters as less horrible people. You're supposed to feel sorry for them, but then they do stuff and uuuuuuuuuugh no.
There, non spoilery thoughts done.
Oh wait. The very last scene of the movie? Really came out of nowhere and felt really unnecessary. Among other things.

I would recommend a single watch, but not in a theater. It feels more like a rental.