Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1859852 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9030 on: January 08, 2016, 07:14:07 pm »
Do you consider buying a game from GameStop as getting it "in the wild"?

To me, that's not too far off from eBaying it. I consider "in the wild" to be at a thrift shop, at a yard sale, Goodwill, or Craigslist.

Your opinion?

Everyone gets their own opinion.  Here's mine. 

In the wild, is not the internet.  If I buy something from someone on here, ebay, nintendoage, or any other website; it's not "in the wild".  Craigslist is a bit of a gray area to me. 
If I stumble across something at a store, on the cheap or not; I'm calling it in the wild.  This includes GameStop and retro game shops.

Short answer: If I hunt there, it's "the wild".

That's just my opinion.  They're like bellybuttons.  ;)

^^ I agree. Anytime I go to Gamestop and find something that I'm not expecting or went without looking up something they specifically had in stock, I consider it "in the wild." It's part of the hunt of "stumbling" across something, because there's the luck of someone having traded it in or whatnot and you being the first to find it (who wanted to buy it).

Back in the day, Gamestop wasn't great about matching prices with eBay prices, so it was a great steal of a deal if you found something there.  It's not as fun now, but there's still the rush of finding something good. Like I found an uncommon CIB PSP game maybe 3 years ago in a Gamestop in SoCal... I knew they had the game listed in their inventory but I assumed it was cart only because PSP games are long gone. They opened up their drawer and there it was, for $4.99 or whatever with everything. I was ecstatic.
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FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9031 on: January 08, 2016, 08:08:37 pm »
Do you consider buying a game from GameStop as getting it "in the wild"?

To me, that's not too far off from eBaying it. I consider "in the wild" to be at a thrift shop, at a yard sale, Goodwill, or Craigslist.

Your opinion?

Everyone gets their own opinion.  Here's mine. 

In the wild, is not the internet.  If I buy something from someone on here, ebay, nintendoage, or any other website; it's not "in the wild".  Craigslist is a bit of a gray area to me. 
If I stumble across something at a store, on the cheap or not; I'm calling it in the wild.  This includes GameStop and retro game shops.

Short answer: If I hunt there, it's "the wild".

That's just my opinion.  They're like bellybuttons.  ;)

^^ I agree. Anytime I go to Gamestop and find something that I'm not expecting or went without looking up something they specifically had in stock, I consider it "in the wild." It's part of the hunt of "stumbling" across something, because there's the luck of someone having traded it in or whatnot and you being the first to find it (who wanted to buy it).

Back in the day, Gamestop wasn't great about matching prices with eBay prices, so it was a great steal of a deal if you found something there.  It's not as fun now, but there's still the rush of finding something good. Like I found an uncommon CIB PSP game maybe 3 years ago in a Gamestop in SoCal... I knew they had the game listed in their inventory but I assumed it was cart only because PSP games are long gone. They opened up their drawer and there it was, for $4.99 or whatever with everything. I was ecstatic.
It feels the same way for ds games for a while now as well.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9032 on: January 08, 2016, 08:29:11 pm »
Do you consider buying a game from GameStop as getting it "in the wild"?

To me, that's not too far off from eBaying it. I consider "in the wild" to be at a thrift shop, at a yard sale, Goodwill, or Craigslist.

Your opinion?

Everyone gets their own opinion.  Here's mine. 

In the wild, is not the internet.  If I buy something from someone on here, ebay, nintendoage, or any other website; it's not "in the wild".  Craigslist is a bit of a gray area to me. 
If I stumble across something at a store, on the cheap or not; I'm calling it in the wild.  This includes GameStop and retro game shops.

Short answer: If I hunt there, it's "the wild".

That's just my opinion.  They're like bellybuttons.  ;)

^^ I agree. Anytime I go to Gamestop and find something that I'm not expecting or went without looking up something they specifically had in stock, I consider it "in the wild." It's part of the hunt of "stumbling" across something, because there's the luck of someone having traded it in or whatnot and you being the first to find it (who wanted to buy it).

Back in the day, Gamestop wasn't great about matching prices with eBay prices, so it was a great steal of a deal if you found something there.  It's not as fun now, but there's still the rush of finding something good. Like I found an uncommon CIB PSP game maybe 3 years ago in a Gamestop in SoCal... I knew they had the game listed in their inventory but I assumed it was cart only because PSP games are long gone. They opened up their drawer and there it was, for $4.99 or whatever with everything. I was ecstatic.
last year i found 2 cib persona 2 limited editions at a gamestop during their b2g2free deal.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9033 on: January 08, 2016, 11:26:52 pm »
Someone please tell me they know a place with bayonetta 2 in stock. Save me from this misery.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9034 on: January 09, 2016, 10:31:23 am »
Just seems to me that GameStop can order about anything from their site for you even if it's not on the shelf, and there's a GameStop in every single town in America. It seems too easy to me.

Not saying I don't go there sometimes, I do. But it just doesn't give that same feeling of satisfaction that I get if I, say, find a boxed copy of Castlevania 1 on NES at Goodwill for $10 (which I did, alongside a boxed copy of Contra for the same price).


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9035 on: January 09, 2016, 11:26:28 am »
Not saying I don't go there sometimes, I do. But it just doesn't give that same feeling of satisfaction that I get if I, say, find a boxed copy of Castlevania 1 on NES at Goodwill for $10 (which I did, alongside a boxed copy of Contra for the same price).

I agree, it's not near as satisfying as an awesome Goodwill find; but you can still get finds.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9036 on: January 09, 2016, 11:29:08 am »
All the Goodwills near me are trash, I have never found anything good at any of them haha
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9037 on: January 09, 2016, 12:09:42 pm »
I've found a few decent things at Goodwill, like my copy of Half-Life for the PS2, but they're often few and far between. My local Salvation Army stores, on the other hand, have better stuff at better prices. I actually found a boxed SNES at one for 120 bucks. Goodwill would have either put it on their auction site or eBay for something like 200 bucks.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9038 on: January 09, 2016, 12:48:01 pm »
Someone please tell me they know a place with bayonetta 2 in stock. Save me from this misery.

What kind of misery? I'm not positive now, but at I know just before Xmas a local GS still had a "new" (gutted) copy for around $35 in their clearance bin. Kept seeing it in there and thinking... is no one ever going to buy that? Haven't been there since.

Do you consider buying a game from GameStop as getting it "in the wild"?

To me, that's not too far off from eBaying it. I consider "in the wild" to be at a thrift shop, at a yard sale, Goodwill, or Craigslist.

Your opinion?

Everyone gets their own opinion.  Here's mine. 

In the wild, is not the internet.  If I buy something from someone on here, ebay, nintendoage, or any other website; it's not "in the wild".  Craigslist is a bit of a gray area to me. 
If I stumble across something at a store, on the cheap or not; I'm calling it in the wild.  This includes GameStop and retro game shops.

Short answer: If I hunt there, it's "the wild".

That's just my opinion.  They're like bellybuttons.  ;)

^^ I agree. Anytime I go to Gamestop and find something that I'm not expecting or went without looking up something they specifically had in stock, I consider it "in the wild." It's part of the hunt of "stumbling" across something, because there's the luck of someone having traded it in or whatnot and you being the first to find it (who wanted to buy it).

Back in the day, Gamestop wasn't great about matching prices with eBay prices, so it was a great steal of a deal if you found something there.  It's not as fun now, but there's still the rush of finding something good. Like I found an uncommon CIB PSP game maybe 3 years ago in a Gamestop in SoCal... I knew they had the game listed in their inventory but I assumed it was cart only because PSP games are long gone. They opened up their drawer and there it was, for $4.99 or whatever with everything. I was ecstatic.
It feels the same way for ds games for a while now as well.

I still find a lot of the more decent DS games in baggies for really crazy low prices. Problem is no case and manual. I have notice though, for the really popular DS trades they get, they've started keeping the cases again.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9039 on: January 09, 2016, 04:25:05 pm »
Someone please tell me they know a place with bayonetta 2 in stock. Save me from this misery.

What kind of misery? I'm not positive now, but at I know just before Xmas a local GS still had a "new" (gutted) copy for around $35 in their clearance bin. Kept seeing it in there and thinking... is no one ever going to buy that? Haven't been there since.

Do you consider buying a game from GameStop as getting it "in the wild"?

To me, that's not too far off from eBaying it. I consider "in the wild" to be at a thrift shop, at a yard sale, Goodwill, or Craigslist.

Your opinion?

Everyone gets their own opinion.  Here's mine. 

In the wild, is not the internet.  If I buy something from someone on here, ebay, nintendoage, or any other website; it's not "in the wild".  Craigslist is a bit of a gray area to me. 
If I stumble across something at a store, on the cheap or not; I'm calling it in the wild.  This includes GameStop and retro game shops.

Short answer: If I hunt there, it's "the wild".

That's just my opinion.  They're like bellybuttons.  ;)

^^ I agree. Anytime I go to Gamestop and find something that I'm not expecting or went without looking up something they specifically had in stock, I consider it "in the wild." It's part of the hunt of "stumbling" across something, because there's the luck of someone having traded it in or whatnot and you being the first to find it (who wanted to buy it).

Back in the day, Gamestop wasn't great about matching prices with eBay prices, so it was a great steal of a deal if you found something there.  It's not as fun now, but there's still the rush of finding something good. Like I found an uncommon CIB PSP game maybe 3 years ago in a Gamestop in SoCal... I knew they had the game listed in their inventory but I assumed it was cart only because PSP games are long gone. They opened up their drawer and there it was, for $4.99 or whatever with everything. I was ecstatic.
It feels the same way for ds games for a while now as well.

I still find a lot of the more decent DS games in baggies for really crazy low prices. Problem is no case and manual. I have notice though, for the really popular DS trades they get, they've started keeping the cases again.

Bayonetta 2 is out print now, so everybody is buying it out to scalp or add it to their collection. The games going for 80-100 right now.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9040 on: January 09, 2016, 04:34:43 pm »
Someone please tell me they know a place with bayonetta 2 in stock. Save me from this misery.

What kind of misery? I'm not positive now, but at I know just before Xmas a local GS still had a "new" (gutted) copy for around $35 in their clearance bin. Kept seeing it in there and thinking... is no one ever going to buy that? Haven't been there since.

Do you consider buying a game from GameStop as getting it "in the wild"?

To me, that's not too far off from eBaying it. I consider "in the wild" to be at a thrift shop, at a yard sale, Goodwill, or Craigslist.

Your opinion?

Everyone gets their own opinion.  Here's mine. 

In the wild, is not the internet.  If I buy something from someone on here, ebay, nintendoage, or any other website; it's not "in the wild".  Craigslist is a bit of a gray area to me. 
If I stumble across something at a store, on the cheap or not; I'm calling it in the wild.  This includes GameStop and retro game shops.

Short answer: If I hunt there, it's "the wild".

That's just my opinion.  They're like bellybuttons.  ;)

^^ I agree. Anytime I go to Gamestop and find something that I'm not expecting or went without looking up something they specifically had in stock, I consider it "in the wild." It's part of the hunt of "stumbling" across something, because there's the luck of someone having traded it in or whatnot and you being the first to find it (who wanted to buy it).

Back in the day, Gamestop wasn't great about matching prices with eBay prices, so it was a great steal of a deal if you found something there.  It's not as fun now, but there's still the rush of finding something good. Like I found an uncommon CIB PSP game maybe 3 years ago in a Gamestop in SoCal... I knew they had the game listed in their inventory but I assumed it was cart only because PSP games are long gone. They opened up their drawer and there it was, for $4.99 or whatever with everything. I was ecstatic.
It feels the same way for ds games for a while now as well.

I still find a lot of the more decent DS games in baggies for really crazy low prices. Problem is no case and manual. I have notice though, for the really popular DS trades they get, they've started keeping the cases again.

Bayonetta 2 is out print now, so everybody is buying it out to scalp or add it to their collection. The games going for 80-100 right now.
I wonder if Gamestop will do a reprint of the game, just like they did for Pikmin 3.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9041 on: January 09, 2016, 10:43:44 pm »

I wonder if Gamestop will do a reprint of the game, just like they did for Pikmin 3.

I hope so. This was one of those titles I put off, too, for a long time, and I regret it now.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9042 on: January 09, 2016, 11:01:22 pm »
At the end of the month, I might be able to score a job, please pray to which ever god you believe in i get this damn job.... I need it haha.
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9043 on: January 10, 2016, 11:28:09 am »
^ Good luck!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9044 on: January 10, 2016, 12:39:19 pm »
Bayonetta 2 is out print now, so everybody is buying it out to scalp or add it to their collection. The games going for 80-100 right now.

Bayonetta 2 is already out of print ? Just a little more than a year after the release ? i've seen a copy of the Bayonetta 1&2 bundle, not the beautiful first print just the normal one, yesterday in a shop for more or less 40€ (i didn't really paid attention since i already own it) i wonder if i should go buy it before it disappear from the shelves. It's too bad that the WiiU is not region free or i would gladly buy it for you, but the offer is still up for any European since the two games are multi languages versions (EN-DE-FR-ES-IT).

At the end of the month, I might be able to score a job, please pray to which ever god you believe in i get this damn job.... I need it haha.

I spent a little less than 3 years unemployed before finding my new job so i know the feel (and the need :(), i wish you luck.