Do you consider buying a game from GameStop as getting it "in the wild"?
To me, that's not too far off from eBaying it. I consider "in the wild" to be at a thrift shop, at a yard sale, Goodwill, or Craigslist.
Your opinion?
Everyone gets their own opinion. Here's mine.
In the wild, is not the internet. If I buy something from someone on here, ebay, nintendoage, or any other website; it's not "in the wild". Craigslist is a bit of a gray area to me.
If I stumble across something at a store, on the cheap or not; I'm calling it in the wild. This includes GameStop and retro game shops.
Short answer: If I hunt there, it's "the wild".
That's just my opinion. They're like bellybuttons.