Author Topic: The Comic Book Thread  (Read 47105 times)


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2013, 12:48:12 pm »
@jcalder8, The boxes are stacked almost floor to ceiling along an entire wall in the master bedroom (much to my mother's dismay). I've found that the DrawerBoxes hold a little over 300 comics per box, which would come out to a smidge under 40,000 books. I'm about half way through cataloging everything so I hope to have a firm number by the end of the year.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2013, 02:17:49 pm »
Dang! I thought I had a lot of comics. I'm at about 4,000 right now. But you've got that all put to shame. Are you a comic seller? Or is that just a personal collection?

If you're looking to catalogue them, has fan-freaking-tastic collection software that I use. And it has a great buying/selling community. But there is a catch. The software is completely free to use and download, however if you want it to continually update with the latest issues, you do have to pay $29.95 a year. But I've found that it's well worth and I've been using the service since about 2007.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2013, 03:02:10 pm »
@burningdoom, Just a collector at the moment. Once everything is cataloged we'll probably sell off some of the dupes and narrow the scope of the collection a bit. I've been using ComicBase Archive Edition to catalog everything. They track pricing statistics and provide weekly updates of new releases. They also have a one-click "list for sale" feature that would allow me to quickly list comics on their online sales venue (AtomicAvenue) when we decide to sell something. Been using them since late 2007/early 2008 and have really loved their service and support.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2013, 06:18:01 pm »
Damn dstone that sounds like a very impressive sight to behold!


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2013, 09:12:41 am »
The Age of Apocalypse 10th Anniversary Mini-Series

The original Age of Apocalypse storyline in the mid-90s was one of the most epic comic book storylines I have ever read. Apocalypse ruled an Xavier-less world with an iron fist. The strongest mutants lived in plenty while humans and "lowers" mutants lived in squalor and often worked as slaves or were "culled" to be experimented on and tortured by Apocalypse's loyal subjects Sinister and Dark Beast. Half of the U.S. had been obliterated by nuclear warheads seized by Apocalypse. And the X-Men were a rag-tag group of rebels under the command of Magneto fighting to free both mutants and humans from Apocalypse's tyrannical rule. An epic battle between Magneto and Apocalypse as well as Nate Grey and Holocaust capped off a helluva alternate universe tale.

Fast-forward 10 years later and Marvel cashes in on this noteworthy tale with nothing more than a pile of garbage. The story was quite bland and run-of-the-mill: At the end of X-Men: Omega, instead of their world ending for the main-Marvel universe to return, their world goes on and the nuclear bombs continue their assault towards Armageddon. As her "dying" act, Jean Grey halts the bombs' descent in a fiery display of telekinetic power. The world, however, believes it to be Magneto who saved them. And Magneto allows them to believe this because he think he can be the leader and inspiration they need for hope. The world continues on, and suddenly an entirely too post-apocalyptic world is in better shape than the main-Marvel universe. And instead of it feeling like the Age of Apocalypse, it feels like just another X-Men story. Humans are suspicious of mutants again, and there's political arguments about human & mutant relations and rights. The main part of the story is that the only other person that knows that Jean Grey actually saved them is Sinister. He blackmails Magneto into leaving him alone if Sinister keeps the secret. Then a few years later the X-Men attack Sinister and the truth is revealed (and it really wasn't any more in-depth than that). It's then revealed that Jean Grey is actually alive and Sinister had been keeping her held captive for experiments. Sinister is defeated. Magneto is forgiven because of his "good intentions", and the X-Men continue in this Age of Apocalypse world that has now lost all of it's initial appeal.

The artwork was especially atrocious, though. Man I hate Bachalo. His artwork looks so cartoony, and all of his characters look like they have down-syndrome.

The One-Shot issue that directly precedes the 6-issue mini-series was actually good, though. It featured 3 short stories set in the Age of Apocalypse universe (when it was still post-apocalyptic) that were pretty enjoyable reads and gave you a little more insight into the history of this alternate-universe. And the artwork was much better. A tad-bit manga inspired, but much easier on the eyes than Bachalo's artwork; definitely less sloppy looking.

If you're a fan of the original Age of Apocalypse storyline, then I'd suggest picking up the one-shot. Definitely worth it for the cheap price it goes for and will please an AoA fan. But stay far away from the crappy 6-issue mini-series.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2013, 10:13:33 am »

So, how is everyone liking this series?

I really want to like it. I love the JSA and Infinity Inc. characters and this is the closest I'm gonna get to them in this New 52 era. And I've really enjoyed James Robinson in the past, especially the Jack Knight Starman series.

But I just can't seem to get into this series. It's not "hooking" me, and I'm not really appreciating the changes to these characters. The story just seems "so-so", and too drawn-out. And the redesigned characters really aren't all that impressive. Compared to the legacy and wealth of history these characters have lost, it's not worth the changes.

The first issue and the zero issue were the best issues in the series so far, easily. Unfortunately, the Earth 2 versions of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were the stars of those issues, who are dead now. So we won't be seeing them anymore, unfortunately. Figures that the best part of the book is the part that we immediately lose.

What is everyone else's take on this series so far?


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2013, 09:14:12 pm »
I only collect Transformers and G.I.Joe and related properties. So besides those my collection currently includes Macross/Robotech and Battle Beasts... And Secret Wars II :)


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2013, 10:20:22 pm »
It's not my collection but I  just found out that one of my friends from elementary school has a collection of over 10,000 comics, not as impressive as dstone but still rather significant in my books.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2013, 06:20:55 pm »
Anyone read any good video game based comic books?

I know there's the Nintendo Comics System by Valiant, and I'd love to read them, but I haven't come across them yet. It does have the potential for cheesiness, though, from the looks of it.

Castlevania: The Belmont Legacy looks really good. I'm thinking of getting a set of these on eBay on my next back-issue splurge.

I've always wanted the Resident Evil comics from the late 90s, but they go for a pretty penny as far as modern comics go:

And then there's the Halo Graphic Novel which I should have gotten a long time ago and haven't yet. Brian Michael Bendis is one of the best writers at Marvel and Alex Maleev is no slouch in the art department, either:
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 06:25:04 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2013, 06:30:03 pm »
I have that Nintendo comic. I think I have 1,3, and 4. It's so awesomely cheesy.

*edit I have 1,2, and 6 of the Nintendo Comic Systems.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 01:35:31 am by turf »


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2013, 03:07:11 pm »
What's at the Top of Your Wishlist

The top of my wishlist:

The Infinity Abyss Mini-Series (#1-6)

Avengers and Iron Man "The Crossing" storyline (Avengers #390-395, Iron Man #319-326, 1 Iron Man one-shot, and 2 Avengers one-shots):

Avengers: The Kang Dynasty (Avengers v3 #41-55)

Iron Man: The Armor Wars II (#257-266)

Castlevania: The Belmont Legacy (#1-5)

Resident Evil (Image Series, 90s) #1-5

Freddy Krueger's Nightmare on Elm Street (Marvel) #1-2


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2013, 03:59:00 pm »
Who else has actually been reading Earth 2?

I have to say. After all the controversy surrounding turning Earth 2's Green Lantern gay, now it just seems silly.

I know many people were probably scared that they'd write Alan Scott as the stereotypical flamboyant gay character that you see in a lot of media. But it's come off as quite the opposite. It's been done very tasteful where Alan Scott comes off as genuine, deep character who also is gay. Kudos to James Robinson.

There's still the issue of Jade and Obsidian being unlikely to ever happen, though, lol. Then again, there's no reason that they HAVE to be Alan Scott's kids if they do decide to bring them into the New 52 down the road (or that they even have to be on Earth 2).

What is everyone else's thoughts on this, now that the controversy has died down?


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2013, 09:19:39 pm »
You guys, I just realized this year is the 50th anniversary of all those Marvel characters created in 1963 (a lot of characters). Hopefully, there is a big celebration and not just an excuse for a crossover.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2013, 11:06:25 pm »
You guys, I just realized this year is the 50th anniversary of all those Marvel characters created in 1963 (a lot of characters). Hopefully, there is a big celebration and not just an excuse for a crossover.
Let's see how many they manage to kill off before the year ends.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2013, 10:40:13 pm »
You guys, I just realized this year is the 50th anniversary of all those Marvel characters created in 1963 (a lot of characters). Hopefully, there is a big celebration and not just an excuse for a crossover.
Let's see how many they manage to kill off before the year ends.

Then we could have a second count to see how many were both killed off and brought back before year end. I bet this will happen to Cable at least 3 times.  :P
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....