Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 405822 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2520 on: January 05, 2025, 08:06:48 pm »
Nosferatu - I was surprised at just how unsettling this actually is. Of course it looks incredible, and the performances are all top notch, but hot damn is there a sense of dread in this that just does not let you go.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2521 on: January 05, 2025, 10:54:18 pm »
Alien: Romulus - This was great, been meaning to watch it for awhile now, sometimes I just need the right moment for it.  This is definitely a return to form for Alien, with some vibes that kinda pluck from different eras from 1 to Prometheus, for better or worse, but absolutely more like the first two movies.  The first two movies are still unrivaled, but I'd probably put this over Alien 3, and definitely Alien 4 and absolutely above Prometheus and Covenant.  I just like getting dark, grungy, scifi like this so hopefully Alien: Earth is also good.

Indiana Jones: The Dial of Destiny - I went into this with super low expectations, Crystal Skull was pretty terrible and I didn't want to see another Indiana Jones, but...this was okay.  What I remember most about Crystal Skull was Mutt being kinda obnoxious and lots of awkward overdone CG scenes, but everything here looks good, the Harrison Ford de-aging mostly works (I don't really support de-aging, I'd rather actors be recast more often than not and you can hear it in his voice that he's old), Mikkelsen was a decent bad guy, most of the action was pretty solid. 

It does suffer abit at the end where they go too far into the supernatural and it's just not handled the same way as the old movies did I feel, it's an escalation, bigger movie, gotta go bigger, you can't have The Last Crusade's final confrontation be a temple puzzle and a battle of wits, gotta have Jones dealing with time travel.  I can admit to enjoying it abit, and maybe it's weirdly purist to say, because if this was Tomb Raider or something, that's fine, but Indiana Jones is at its best when it's relatively ground with just bits of the fantastical.

Overall it's fine, I enjoyed it more than Crystal Skull, which is great for that alone.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 01:52:22 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2522 on: January 10, 2025, 07:23:06 am »
Madam Web - Bafflingly bad, but also boring as hell. Bad performances, terrible camerawork, choppy editing, and some of the worst ADR I've seen / heard in a major release.

Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl - Really delightful.  A masterclass in stretching out punchlines and making totally silent characters hilarious.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 09:20:26 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2523 on: January 11, 2025, 09:51:08 pm »
i've been watching some mcu movies randomly

black widow was kinda good, fun action
doctor strange was alright
thor ragnarok was silly
spider-man homecoming i've seen before but watching it again i still don't love it lol
black panther i missed the ending of but didn't like the rest of it much
not mcu but rewatched venom, the first one was definitely a solid movie, sequels i do not like though

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2524 on: January 14, 2025, 09:49:13 pm »
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Unquestionably the best of these movies, IMO, and probably my favorite thing in entire Sonic franchise at large.  Strikes the absolute perfect tone for about 85-90% of its runtime.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2525 on: January 15, 2025, 03:55:17 am »
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Unquestionably the best of these movies, IMO, and probably my favorite thing in entire Sonic franchise at large.  Strikes the absolute perfect tone for about 85-90% of its runtime. know if it can be watched as an entry point or should I watch 1 and 2 first? Is their major plot elements that i'll be stumped on if I just skip ahead? Kinda want to see this on the big screen.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2526 on: January 15, 2025, 07:37:30 am »
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Unquestionably the best of these movies, IMO, and probably my favorite thing in entire Sonic franchise at large.  Strikes the absolute perfect tone for about 85-90% of its runtime. know if it can be watched as an entry point or should I watch 1 and 2 first? Is their major plot elements that i'll be stumped on if I just skip ahead? Kinda want to see this on the big screen.

I think as long as you know who the Sonic crew are, you'd be fine.  There might be a callback joke or two that you don't get, but otherwise it should work.

A Complete Unknown - I love how much this movie loves the music, but as a character study of Bob Dylan it falls completely flat. I didnt learn a goddamn thing about Bob Dylan other than he wrote very good songs and got very famous. The crawling text at the finale gave me more hard facts than the 2 hour plus runtime that cam previous. And it's an absolute shame, because this movie is filled with incredible performances, with Edward Norton as my personal standout, and is just superbly put together by James Mangold.

Support Your Local Gunfighter - Charming cast and a few chuckles.  Just not as good as the spiritual predecessor; Support Your Local Sheriff.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 05:26:57 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2527 on: January 19, 2025, 01:08:27 am »
Trumbo - Random watch just because I saw a clip with Bryan Cranston and honestly he was the initial drive to watch this because I love him as an actor, but it ended up having other notable names in it.  Period piece set during the communism scare of the late 40's/50's, writers being arrested and put on the blacklist all for the sake of a misguided sense of patriotism as Trumbo does his best to continue working despite it. 

Cranston was great in the role, the definite highlight with some fun appearances from people like Alan Tudyk and John Goodman.  Only one person felt slightly out of place, was Louis C.K., didn't really fit the era, he was just Louis C.K. and while he wasn't bad, I felt like someone else coulda done it abit better.  Might be a tad odd to say as John Goodman was basically just John Goodman in it too, but he's such a big character, I'm more fine with it.

As I like to do, I like to see what the reception was, checking out how close or wasn't close the historical accuracy was and it sounds like the overall story was alright, with some liberties taken with Trumbo in a part or two, but it did a good job of highlighting what a terrible time things were back then with the aggressive fight against communism, people wielding their patriotism like a cudgel, which absolutely still echoes the times right now, even if it's a whole lot stupider now.

Decent watch though, might try to find another historical based flick as it got me in the mood for another.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2528 on: January 19, 2025, 04:52:22 pm »
The Northman - Just an absolute spectacle from start to finish.  Not sure why I waited so long to watch this.  Eggers is probably a once in blue moon talent.  Amazing vision and execution across the board.

The Sugarland Express - Goldie's Lou Jean is a terrible person, and we are just supposed to root for her because she wants her kid back?  It's Spielberg, so of course it's well-made, but I just couldn't get past that plot element.

Transformers One - Better than the trailers by a huge margin, but still not all that great. It looks incredible, and the world-building is the most insane exposition I've ever heard, but it never really came together narratively for me all the way. Also didn't think too highly of the lead voice performances.

Star Trek: Section 31 - Look, I'm all for Star Trek expanding what the franchise can do, and I even dig the idea of Mission: Impossible romps in that playground, but you've got to at least really try. This is just a bad movie, Star Trek or no.  Cheap, poorly written, generic, badly directed.  Just woof.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 10:47:11 am by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2529 on: January 25, 2025, 10:57:23 pm »
I've got to the point where I'm a bit worried about rewatching any of the anime I used to love watching as an early adolescent, back when anime first began to get some mainstream attention in the US. Some I've gone back and rewatched and still enjoy, and in a few cases actually like the series a little more than I used to. However, just as many I've rewatched years later as an adult and either was bored to tears or actually really disliked the series years after first watching them. Unfortunately, The first Tenchi Muyo OVA is one of those series that the passage of time has not preserved my once high option of that show.

Part of me thinks that I was so starved for anime back in the late 90s, I pretty much enjoyed any new anime I was able to get my hands on. I first saw Tenchi Muyo on Toonami, and remember really liking it, along with the Tenchi Universe anime series. The fact that its a harem anime was something that was lost on me back then, although I did find the female characters attractive as a 13 year old. Watching it now, the focus on the harem plot and the reliance on fan service and introducing new attractive female characters in almost every new episode really turned me off. Tenchi Muyo's plot almost follows the same structure as a high budget porno where every scene is constructed just so Tenchi can get in scandalous situation with Ryoko or whoever. The scifi plot almost seems like an afterthought, and for what it is, it isn't that interesting. Sadly, I feel like I'm ready to sell my box set of Tenchi Muyo (and Universe) that have been in my collection for years after finding them on the cheap at some point over the last 15 years. It's a shame I don't like Tenchi Muyo as much as I used to, but I guess people and their tastes change over time and unfortunately Tenchi Muyo just isn't my thing anymore.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2530 on: January 31, 2025, 09:18:51 pm »
Copycat - Completely stupid and absolutely ridiculous, but it plays everything with complete earnestness, which lets me overlook a fair number of flaws, but not all of them. A dumb generic big budget facsimile of The Silence of the Lambs.

A bunch of preteen girls saw this too young and now we have the murder podcast industry.

Zoolander - Ben Stiller continues to be the weakest part of his movies for me.  He just always feels like hes doing a bad bit, when everyone around him is nailing it.  None of the bits are duds, and a few are really solid, but they don't flow into each other all that well, either.

Three Outlaw Samurai - Simple and effective.  Highly concentrated samurai flick goodness.

Miracle Mile - It's eyes are bigger than its stomach, narratively. There's a lot of cool stuff going on, but the director just doesn't quite have a handle on it.  Don't regret watching it at all, but it just feels like it could have been so much better.

Companion - Dug this quite a bit.  Much funnier than I anticipated, and has a killer performance from Sophie Thatcher.  Jack Quaid just casually elevating anything he's in these days.  Wish it was maybe a little creepier, but otherwise very good.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 02:38:06 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2531 on: February 03, 2025, 01:12:52 pm »
Scream 3

It takes the formula and uses it well, is it as memorable as the other 2? No. Is the secret killer unviel as unexpected, excited or even cool? No not particularly. In general, the movie doesn't disappoint as it is what you expect from the franchise. However, that is exactly what is wrong with it

It's scream 2 with less charm. A new coat of paint doesnt keep the rust off. And this was the time and area it needed a shakeup.  It needed a trope to go reverse. A shocking death. An unsuspected romance. A Sydney pregnancy. A nee character. Something.... it never really came.

We would get that switch up later with the modern franchise revivals. New faces. Actors and nostalgia mixed made it wildly fun again. But this one while excellent. Just misses on most marks the other 2 hit.

Scream 1 and scream 2 were a nice one two. In many ways I feel 2 was better.  1 is more iconic.  3? It isn't on that par. It added too many elements.

I also say this proudly. Neve Campbell is an absolute dynamite actress. For this era noone compares imo. With this I just believe it. I believe her character.  Both guys and girls in horror in the 90s at times fell into 1 of many 90s tropes that plagued film for the negative.  The way she talks sounds like how my gf talks about horror film scenarios and it is a sort of tongue in cheek plot point of the franchise. A bit of a mocking of the genre while also being some of the best of that genre. Never the eye roll moments other horror films of this era can get at times
 Which is genius in that regard.  Sydney doesnt come off super human like some heroes. like shes a magnet attracting the killer but then repelling said killer. She doesnt come off lucky. Immortal. She doesnt come off weak and helpless Or sexual for the sake of it. It just feels normal. Ghostface also feels this way. He is always a real human with real mortality. Able to be killed. I love that element of it. It goes overboard on this one. But the franchise usually keeps it where it COULD happen. Unlike say Michael Myers who can be shot 720 times and lit on fire and come back stronger lol. 

Rating - 75/100
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 01:27:15 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2532 on: February 05, 2025, 05:05:14 pm »
Moxie directed by Amy Pohler

Moxie is a social awareness movie, so for people with sensitivity or I guess distain for identity political movies it would probably for example make those types annoyed but tbh it's fairly simple in premise. People shouldnt touch or degrade girls without consent. And anyone who would disagree with the points the film makes id imagine isnt really worth associating with anyway. It doesn't tackle it like a neantherdal or guilt trip entire groups. It just conveys some of the issues modern climates have created.  I had no issues.

The plot is about a coming of age, right to passage sort of female anarchist film where a introvert girl leads a group of sexually, emotionally and physically harmed girls against a very patriarchal high school. Where a jock is raping and bullying girls. It does it without being ham fisted or for example hating on all men as a collective but does a beautiful job at seperating the greatness between genders and how harmony in advocacy is possible. With lovely male characters like "hands" who I forget his real name. It takes a very punk rock, Joan Jett badass kind of approach to female issues. Shows how female issues are also male issues. It tackles topics of romance, how rape reports arent taken seriously by school staff at a principle level and how sometimes older generations are not accomodating of girls needs in a attempt to not bring judicial attention to how schools operate in the turbulent time of puberty.

I am very against what some would call pandering media. And this just simply isnt that to me. It gives a warmth that doesnt feel like an attack on any group. But more a window to see some of the hardships teen girls may face and otherwise not report due to lack of resources. The biases in place of class athletes and scholarship grants for D1 recruits being widely gapped between genders. 

As for the acting, and characters. It does a good Job with Vivian. It makes her feel believable. I feel shes basically exactly like my niece lol. So it does feel they convey the angst and hardship of a transitional time for high schoolers well. We all been there. 

Amy Pohler stars and directs the film. She has fairly good producer chops. Theirs many elements tackled. Some better than others. It has so much to unpack

1. Friend group jealousy
2. Complexities of introverts aiding in extrovert issues for social topics
3. Sex and virginity
4. Not owning mistakes

But most importantly

5. Taking your own trauma out on others who are innocent. Which Vivian at times conflicts with.

Overall the movie has many tear jerk moments. Feel good moments. It's a really smart and overall beneficial feminist movie and if that sort of thing interests you. It will be enjoyed. I very much loved it.

Rating - 87.7/100

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2533 on: February 07, 2025, 09:25:25 am »
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget - It's OK.  Typically impressive Aardman production value, but it's missing the edge that the previous film had.  Probably bottom of the list of the Aardman I've seen, but not embarrassingly bad or anything. Just... fine.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2534 on: February 08, 2025, 06:11:23 am »
Been awhile since I've watched a flick, ending up rewatching Fury.  I remember liking it abit more back when I first watched it, but it's still a decent war flick, I always like ones that's just a simple war story, just a tiny bit of what went down.  I think the movie goes abit long, probably could've been shortened a tad, but overall decent.