Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 290593 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1230 on: September 17, 2017, 02:30:14 am »

I picked up the original, unaltered DVD releases of the original Star Wars Trilogy and have started rewatching them in their original form for the first time in probably 20-years. For the most part I have been a fan of the Special Editions of these movies they did in 1997 where they added CG into the original movies, as well as cleaned up some of the rougher parts of these movies that showed their age the most, and also added in new scenes (for better or worse). I was content with the special editions all these years, but seeing how my initial exposure to the Star Wars trilogy was through the original versions, it was kind of a must I owned these.

So on to my opinion of the movie that started it all, A New Hope. I honestly didn't feel like this version was any better or worse than the special edition version. They both are 90% the same and while I enjoyed the inclusion of the CG and the added Jabba the Hutt scene, I did not appreciate the completely unecessary change to the Han vs Gredo confrontation or how certain edits were made particularly in the cantena scene. Overall, I can't say I prefer one version over the other. As far as where this movie ranks in relation to the other Star Wars films, it still places towards the back of the pack, mostly because of it aging the worst, regardless of which edition you are watching, and also I feel like the pacing is a bit on the slow side. I still love this movie, I just don't enjoy it as much as most of the other Star Wars films.

Soon I'll be watching Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in their original, pre-special edition versions as well; I especially am looking forward to Return of the Jedi since I feel like this film was altered the most and received the most controversial edits of the original trilogy films.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1231 on: September 19, 2017, 12:51:29 am »

Just finished watching the original, pre-Special Edition cut of Empire Strikes Back and this movie is and will always be an absolute masterpiece. I have established that Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie, but each time I watch this I am tempted to place this one at number one again among all Star Wars films. Empire Strikes Back is masterfully written and directed to portray a dismal, desperate, and bleak atmosphere that is very well paced and entertaining at the same time. I cannot help but feel fully captivated and invested in nearly every scene throughout this movie and it seems to get better and better the older I get. Now that I have completely gushed about this movie and how incredible it is, on to how I feel about this version of the movie over the later re-releases that have since come out.

While I like the inclusion of some cool CG as well as showing the Wompa in full view, this version captures the essence of Empire Strikes Back that no other release since has been able to embody. Sure, it is still mostly the same movie and the gripping plot and story is not lost among the digital enhancements, edits, and slight dialogue changes present in the newer versions, but the older, less refined, almost gritty feel of the original cut magnifies the atmosphere and mood of the movie, making it even more intoxicating to watch. It enhances the feel so much that I am seriously considering throwing Empire Strikes Back back up at the top as my favorite Star Wars movie. I adore this movie and while the special edition and later versions of this movie are still excellent to watch, this is absolutely the definitive way to experience this masterpiece!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 12:53:57 am by bikingjahuty »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1232 on: September 21, 2017, 01:24:33 am »

Watched the original cut of Return of the Jedi and just like Empire Strikes Back I definitely preferred the original cut to the special edition cut. Particularly I didn't feel like the special edition changes really made the movie any better and in fact, it made it worse at certain parts, mainly the Jabba's palace dancer scene and the decision to change out the original actor who played Anakin Skywalker with Hayden Christianson. Likewise, scenes such as the re-edited ending where it shows the liberation of planets across the galaxy felt too finalistic when we know via the old EU and the new Disney canon that the empire was still very much so a threat long after the events of Return of the Jedi. The battles didn't seem anymore cinematic or entertaining either due to the special effects and CG added to the special edition. Perhaps the only scene that I think I preferred in the special edition was how they changed the Sarlacc Pit to look more like a actual creature rather than just some pit with spikes and an opening. With all that said, yes, I absolutely prefer the original cut of Return of the Jedi over its subsequent special edition and post special edition releases.

Having no clear preference between the original or special edition versions for A New Hope, and a very clear preference for the original versions of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, I have to say that unless I deliberately want to watch something included in the special edition versions of Star Wars, I'll be sticking to the original versions, hands down. It's almost as if the original trilogy has lost more and more of its identity as time has gone by, with each re-release and re-edit over time. Seeing them in their original form is really the best way to capture how special they really are and imo, the only way to truly watch them. Unfortunately these original releases on dvd are out of print and have really gone up in price, but if you ever see them as part of the trilogy set or their individual releases (which are pictured in my last three posts) pick them up! They are the definitive way to watch and enjoy these very special films.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1233 on: October 02, 2017, 10:42:10 pm »

Even as a kid I remembered this movie not being as good as Conan the Barbarian, and sure enough this still holds true. While entertaining and definitely funnier than the first movie, this film lacks the special nature the first Conan film had. Additionally, Destroyer suffers from a weaker story, weaker acting, and just overall less entertaining then the first. The movie is still fun to watch and above average for 80s fantasy flicks, but it is impossible to not compare it to the first Conan movie, which is a masterpiece in my book.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1234 on: October 03, 2017, 11:42:45 am »
Love both of the Conan movies. Best fantasy movies until Lord of the Rings came along.

"CONAN! What is best in life?"

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."

"YES! Very good!"

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1235 on: October 05, 2017, 03:17:57 am »
Re-watched Blade Runner one more time, grabbing it on Blu-Ray, because I liked the visuals of the movie, so I wanted it in better picture.  Much as I thought at the start of the year, I think stylistically, this movie is great.  The old tech future, I kinda like everything about this world so much, I wish we got more with it, because again I don't particularly love the movie itself that much.  The story at times feels awkward, I never really get a good grasp on Dekkard as a character, who he really is, and overall it sorta just felt abit dull.  I feel like it had more to tell as a story that it never really gets too.  Then there's the bit about whether Dekkard is a Replicant or not, which I guess is proven with the unicorn vision he had that he is, but I'm not really sure how that works into the story.  I am fine with not understanding things in a movie, as long as it can keep me engaged and I kinda start to zone out at parts.

It is an interesting and visually great movie, but that's all it is to me.  I probably don't expect to watch it much more after this.

I am seeing Blade Runner 2049 today though.  I think it looks pretty good and I'm curious to see where they take the story from here.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1236 on: October 05, 2017, 10:31:44 am »
Re-watched Blade Runner one more time, grabbing it on Blu-Ray, because I liked the visuals of the movie, so I wanted it in better picture.  Much as I thought at the start of the year, I think stylistically, this movie is great.  The old tech future, I kinda like everything about this world so much, I wish we got more with it, because again I don't particularly love the movie itself that much.  The story at times feels awkward, I never really get a good grasp on Dekkard as a character, who he really is, and overall it sorta just felt abit dull.  I feel like it had more to tell as a story that it never really gets too.  Then there's the bit about whether Dekkard is a Replicant or not, which I guess is proven with the unicorn vision he had that he is, but I'm not really sure how that works into the story.  I am fine with not understanding things in a movie, as long as it can keep me engaged and I kinda start to zone out at parts.

It is an interesting and visually great movie, but that's all it is to me.  I probably don't expect to watch it much more after this.

I am seeing Blade Runner 2049 today though.  I think it looks pretty good and I'm curious to see where they take the story from here.

I watched Blade Runner years ago when I was still in high school and I remember being underwhelmed by the movie. Visually I thought it was cool and I thought the premise was cool, but I just had a really hard time getting into the story and the movie in general. I am planning on rewatching it soon, hoping that me being a young, dumb high school kid was why I was unable to appreciate the film and I actually think it is as great as many others do. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened, but there are certainly some films that I rewatched later on that were just as bad, if not worse as i remember them from when I was younger. We will see I guess.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1237 on: October 05, 2017, 12:44:06 pm »
That's exactly how Blade Runner is. It looks gorgeous, but it's boring as hell storywise.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1238 on: October 05, 2017, 11:13:04 pm »

I stated how I thought the first Blade Runner is kind of a boring film, it had good stuff in it, and the visuals were amazing, but I was never really engaged with the film.  Without spoiling anything with 2049, I think it's a better film.  It's a long film, nearly 3 hours, and I didn't even notice.  I was worried that 2049 would do what sequels/reboots of old movies do, and try to make things more flashy, more bombastic, more exciting, but I think this movie keeps very true to the original film.  It has alot of slower moments, it takes its time, it's not flooded with action scenes, but unlike the first movie, the story here is so much better. 

There's stuff I haven't pieced together or fully understand, but that's fine, as long as I still like what is going on.  I think the film is pretty good overall.  My only real negative is the music for the movie is awful.  Most of it is just very loud noises and kinda...industrial ambiance, I don't really know how to describe, but I found it grating outside one or two bits of music that feel more in line with the original.

There's some supplemental prequel stuff they did that I really want to check out now, like an anime short done by Shinichiro Watanabe, director of Cowboy Bebop, because there's a lot of background story I want to know more of that they kinda dance around.  More of this world interests me.  I kinda hope they continue to do more with Blade Runner.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1239 on: October 06, 2017, 09:53:44 pm »
I just watched Blade Runner 2049 last night as well.  I was totally against the project the moment it was announced, but I absolutely loved it!  Going to see it again this weekend.  I still prefer the first film, but I think they did a great job.  While I wouldn't say the story is better, it definitely was easier to follow, without losing the depth.

I'm kind of mixed on the music.  It doesn't even come close to being as good as the music in the original.  However, I'm not sure that the music style of the original movie would have meshed with the look/feel of this movie as well.

Definitely check out those three shorts, the anime short was my favorite of the three, but they were all good and a nice supplement to the film.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1240 on: October 07, 2017, 12:09:50 am »
I just watched Blade Runner 2049 last night as well.  I was totally against the project the moment it was announced, but I absolutely loved it!  Going to see it again this weekend.  I still prefer the first film, but I think they did a great job.  While I wouldn't say the story is better, it definitely was easier to follow, without losing the depth.

I'm kind of mixed on the music.  It doesn't even come close to being as good as the music in the original.  However, I'm not sure that the music style of the original movie would have meshed with the look/feel of this movie as well.

Definitely check out those three shorts, the anime short was my favorite of the three, but they were all good and a nice supplement to the film.

Yeah I checked out the shorts and they were all good and worth watching to just get a little bit more of this setting.  I know more movies would end up probably failing somehow, just what happens, but there is so much they can do here lol

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1241 on: October 07, 2017, 01:40:52 am »

Jumped on the Blade Runner bandwagon going on in this thread and rewatched the first movie after last seeing it around 2003/2004. I felt like I appreciated the story and themes of this movie a lot more after rewatching it. I also felt like I was able to see how incredible the production value, cinematography, and atmosphere was more the second time around. While watching it I could definitely see the influences this movie has had on other movies like The Matrix as well as anime like Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell. Despite this movie having so much going for it and it being so masterfully produced, the pacing of Blade Runner was by far its biggest weakness. There was a lot to think about and take in during the whole film, however the pace at which things actually happened seemed to occur very slowly, to the point where I couldn't help but feel bored. This isn't to say I didn't enjoy the movie, it just wasn't as entertaining as most sci-fi movies are. It's almost as if this movie is more of a work of art rather than an entertaining movie.

With all that said I am debating on whether I want to see Blade Runner 2049 in the theater or wait until it comes out on dvd. Either way I plan on watching it and seeing if it can increase the entertainment value while maintaining the amazing visuals, music, style, and production of the original.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 02:01:11 am by bikingjahuty »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1242 on: October 10, 2017, 04:17:31 pm »

Not an entire movie, but that Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer.....DAMN!!!!!!!

I was so hyped about this trailer coming out that I actually went to a local sports bar to catch it at halftime during Monday Night Football where it premiered (I don't have cable and I don't like football). The trailer did not disappoint, although I am really worried about certain things with this new movie and the direction the Star Wars franchise might be taking in general.

For one, the trailer hints that Rey might be tempted to join the dark side, and although this is many people's wet dream, I really, really hope she doesn't end up becoming evil. I feel like the whole make good characters bad and bad characters good thing is becoming more cliche then just having good guys and bad guys. I have also heard and read a lot of stuff about this movie moving the series towards a more grey or centrist view of the force, where the dogma of the jedi and sith are abandoned for a more balanced view of the force. While I personally would agree with this view of the force, I am wondering how they will work i into the overall Star Wars narrative that has been since fueled by the light vs. the dark. Perhaps they will make it very compelling, and maybe even have those more dogmatic characters, but I can see a lot of opportunity for them to decrease the appeal of the series with this more grey force direction.

Other than these relatively minor concerns I am completely amped for this movie to come out; the next two months will be very long. I need this movie lol

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1243 on: October 14, 2017, 10:03:54 pm »

I'm not particularly a horror fan, I've seen a number of different ones over the years, but I'm not watching something to be scared or for gore, so I generally don't watch slasher films.  Closest I get are zombie movies and some horror games, but it's for other reasons like the world itself, as zombies lend themselves to apocalyptic scenarios.  I do have sort of a soft spot for Jason, I kinda always liked the big guy in a hockey mask compared to Mike Meyers or Leather Face or Freddy Kreuger, and I just bought the Friday the 13th game on PC and enjoyed it.  Rather than delving into the older movies, I thought I'd check out the 2009 reboot movie and I actually mostly liked it.

From what I generally know of the original movies, as I've dabbled in them or seen reviews and such about them, this movie kinda consolidates the idea of the first couple movies into one and I personally found the movie really solid.  It has most of the tropes you'd expect, but it's never that comedic or silly.  It's actually way more straight forward with it's deaths than I expected, especially when I saw that movie had Michael Bay as a producer.  Which is fine to me as I'm not watching this for ridiculous gory deaths and it had some new elements I liked.

One thing that is ridiculous though is that this Jason is so fast.  I know it was always kinda funny how Jason always caught up to people in the previous ones, but in this, we get a scene of Jason killing someone away from the main house, down a hill, and then like a minute later, is on the second floor of the house itself.  This NFL Linebacker has the agility of a gymnast and the speed of a track runner, it's almost absurd lol

My only real gripe is that the ending kinda sucked.  It's a cheap spook ending and doesn't make much sense, which is a shame, because I was fine till that.  I was even sorta expecting it, but I thought they'd handle it differently and again, plot wise, it makes little sense.  I still say if you like Friday the 13th or just want a slasher flick to watch for this spooky season, it's good enough to watch.  Now I wonder if we'll get this Jason in the video game...

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1244 on: October 15, 2017, 03:20:37 am »

With season 2 only a few weeks away I decided to rewatch the first season and ended up loving it as much the second time around. The people that worked on this show did an amazing job at making this feel like something actually out of the 80s (the time period when this show takes place), so much so that I sometimes feel like I'm actually watching a horror flick from the 80s. The cast is stellar, the story is very interesting, there is excellent humor and nerd references mixed in, and it is probably one of the best shows I have ever seen. I am so excited for season 2, but it will definitely have a hard act to follow with how incredible season 1 is.