Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 290611 times)


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1275 on: November 19, 2017, 05:04:26 pm »

While I have seen this movie once before I barely remembered it, and after finding it really cheap today I felt like it was a good opportunity to rewatch it. Funny enough, I'm not sure why or how I forgot so much about this movie because it is hilarious and awesome at the same time! I really like the message behind the movie too which essentially is growing up is overrated and to stay true to yourself. Definitely one of the better movies I've seen recently, and another movie that will be in regular circulation in my DVD player for a long time.

Loved this one when I was a kid.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1276 on: November 20, 2017, 01:49:07 pm »

Great movie! This is the DC movie I've been waiting my whole life for, and it delivered!

-Fantastic special effects
-Great costumes
-Great characters
-Lots of action.

Superman's return was a bit too convenient, but that was really my only complaint.

The best part is that they gave us just enough information about each character to get you interested and involved, but held back enough to warrant these characters getting their own movies. Can't wait to see what DC has ahead for us!

And we saw a Green Lantern! I so wish we would have had Hal or Kyle on the team or something (that was my other complaint besides Superman's convenient return), but at least they gave us a tease. And we know that Green Lantern Corps is going into production.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1277 on: November 23, 2017, 01:31:38 pm »

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1278 on: November 23, 2017, 07:39:57 pm »

This wasn't too bad.  I didn't really have a lot of knowledge about it, I only barely heard it was alright when it was out in theater and overall I enjoyed it.  Visually it's pretty impressive, just based on the sheer amount of variety, and it's just a real treat to watch, which is unsurprising coming from the director of The Fifth Element.  The story isn't particularly great, but just as pure visual entertainment, it works real well.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1279 on: November 24, 2017, 04:16:34 am »

I'm happy to say that this is the best the Marvel shows have been since Daredevil.  I liked Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage was watchable, Iron Fist getting pretty poor, and Defenders only a bit better, so it was nice to have a strong show.  It's not perfect, I think it drags things out, dwells on stuff it shouldn't for too long.  It all links together, but I feel like they could easily have cut this down to like 10 episodes and had a much tighter show.  Jon Bernthal kills it as Frank.  He puts god damn everything into this character and it always works.  There isn't a whole lot I disliked, other than when the show would dip into certain slower side bits, I'd just skip over it, because I would start to lose interest, which ties back into cutting this show down a few episodes, and it would feel a lot snappier.

If I had to tier them, it would be

-Daredevil Season 1/2
-Jessica Jones
-The Defenders
-Luke Cage
-Iron Fist

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1280 on: November 26, 2017, 02:54:13 am »

I am rewatching every Star Wars movie before The Last Jedi gets released and thought I'd share my thoughts on the prequel trilogy since it's been a while since I've watched all of them together. I recently reviewed Rogue One and the original trilogy so I wont review those again on here, but will likely write a review for Force Awakens once I get to that one.

So, Phantom Menace! I remember being so, so hyped like everyone else when this movie came out in 1999, however unlike most people I actually liked this movie after seeing it and still enjoy it more than your average Star Wars fan. However, this movie's flaws and shortcomings have become more and more obvious the older this movie gets, mainly the CGI looking a little dated, specially in parts where actors are interacting with CG characters, some bad acting during a few parts, the whole nonsense about the force being bacteria, and of course, Jar Jar Binks. These things definitely irritate me more than they did when I was younger, however they do little to distract from the more enjoyable parts of this movie, which there are many.

The pod racing scene, the most of the third act are excellent, and while some criticize the plot of this movie which frequently brings up politics, taxation and treaties, it is never heavy handed and acts souly as a way to progress the plot and story, as well as make sense of what is going on to Naboo. It also serves as an excellent device for setting up Palpatine's characters as the evil clever genius he is, something very important since he single handedly cons the Republic into giving him absolute power by the end of the prequels. In addition to those things, there is some great acting in this movie and it outweighs the bad acting 10 to 1 imo.

With all that said, this movie isn't amazing, but it also isn't the heap of horse shit that 90% of people make it out to be. It isn't even the worst Star Wars movie imo, With all that said, however, Phantom Menace may end up slipping further down my rank of the Star Wars films, mostly due to the stiff competition that it has and also because nostalgia only goes so far before you're required to face the facts.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1281 on: November 26, 2017, 03:45:02 am »

I am rewatching every Star Wars movie before The Last Jedi gets released and thought I'd share my thoughts on the prequel trilogy since it's been a while since I've watched all of them together. I recently reviewed Rogue One and the original trilogy so I wont review those again on here, but will likely write a review for Force Awakens once I get to that one.

So, Phantom Menace! I remember being so, so hyped like everyone else when this movie came out in 1999, however unlike most people I actually liked this movie after seeing it and still enjoy it more than your average Star Wars fan. However, this movie's flaws and shortcomings have become more and more obvious the older this movie gets, mainly the CGI looking a little dated, specially in parts where actors are interacting with CG characters, some bad acting during a few parts, the whole nonsense about the force being bacteria, and of course, Jar Jar Binks. These things definitely irritate me more than they did when I was younger, however they do little to distract from the more enjoyable parts of this movie, which there are many.

The pod racing scene, the most of the third act are excellent, and while some criticize the plot of this movie which frequently brings up politics, taxation and treaties, it is never heavy handed and acts souly as a way to progress the plot and story, as well as make sense of what is going on to Naboo. It also serves as an excellent device for setting up Palpatine's characters as the evil clever genius he is, something very important since he single handedly cons the Republic into giving him absolute power by the end of the prequels. In addition to those things, there is some great acting in this movie and it outweighs the bad acting 10 to 1 imo.

With all that said, this movie isn't amazing, but it also isn't the heap of horse shit that 90% of people make it out to be. It isn't even the worst Star Wars movie imo, With all that said, however, Phantom Menace may end up slipping further down my rank of the Star Wars films, mostly due to the stiff competition that it has and also because nostalgia only goes so far before you're required to face the facts.

It'll forever be the worst possible Star Wars movie to me...As long as I conveniently leave out the Ewok movies lol Which actually don't count, since they are TV movies.  I just found that out as I only ever watched them on tape when I was kid or I believe on reruns on tv.

I might have to consider doing a rewatch of everything before Episode 8 is out.  Looking back, it seems like I skipped the prequels in anticipation of Force Awakens.  Maybe I'll see about finding some cheap blu-rays of everything if possible.  I don't think I've seen any of them in HD and that would make this new watch of the movies a lot better.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 05:12:59 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1282 on: November 26, 2017, 12:41:50 pm »

I am rewatching every Star Wars movie before The Last Jedi gets released and thought I'd share my thoughts on the prequel trilogy since it's been a while since I've watched all of them together. I recently reviewed Rogue One and the original trilogy so I wont review those again on here, but will likely write a review for Force Awakens once I get to that one.

So, Phantom Menace! I remember being so, so hyped like everyone else when this movie came out in 1999, however unlike most people I actually liked this movie after seeing it and still enjoy it more than your average Star Wars fan. However, this movie's flaws and shortcomings have become more and more obvious the older this movie gets, mainly the CGI looking a little dated, specially in parts where actors are interacting with CG characters, some bad acting during a few parts, the whole nonsense about the force being bacteria, and of course, Jar Jar Binks. These things definitely irritate me more than they did when I was younger, however they do little to distract from the more enjoyable parts of this movie, which there are many.

The pod racing scene, the most of the third act are excellent, and while some criticize the plot of this movie which frequently brings up politics, taxation and treaties, it is never heavy handed and acts souly as a way to progress the plot and story, as well as make sense of what is going on to Naboo. It also serves as an excellent device for setting up Palpatine's characters as the evil clever genius he is, something very important since he single handedly cons the Republic into giving him absolute power by the end of the prequels. In addition to those things, there is some great acting in this movie and it outweighs the bad acting 10 to 1 imo.

With all that said, this movie isn't amazing, but it also isn't the heap of horse shit that 90% of people make it out to be. It isn't even the worst Star Wars movie imo, With all that said, however, Phantom Menace may end up slipping further down my rank of the Star Wars films, mostly due to the stiff competition that it has and also because nostalgia only goes so far before you're required to face the facts.

It'll forever be the worst possible Star Wars movie to me...As long as I conveniently leave out the Ewok movies lol Which actually don't count, since they are TV movies.  I just found that out as I only ever watched them on tape when I was kid or I believe on reruns on tv.

I might have to consider doing a rewatch of everything before Episode 8 is out.  Looking back, it seems like I skipped the prequels in anticipation of Force Awakens.  Maybe I'll see about finding some cheap blu-rays of everything if possible.  I don't think I've seen any of them in HD and that would make this new watch of the movies a lot better.

I definitely do not fault people for hating Phantom Menace and sympathize with the negativity this movie gets; it is pretty jarring how radically different it is from the original trilogy, but at least for me I am able to see the prequels as their own thing with their own feel and direction.

Haha I actually found the Ewok movies on DVD a few years ago and tried watching them again; I made it through the first one (Caravan of Courage), and it was pretty bad. I tried getting through Battle for Endor or whatever it's called and stopped watching about 45-minutes in. They are awful lol

Luckily the prequels are abundant on DVD and all pretty cheap (under $5 each) if you find them used. The versions that are really hard to find are the versions below, especially the original trilogy since it also contained the pre-special edition versions of the films on DVD. In my opinion those versions are a must to own despite their price.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1283 on: November 26, 2017, 10:15:37 pm »
Man I had the chance to pick up that Original Trilogy boxset for like 25 bucks years ago.  Still kicking myself for not getting it at the time.  Had no idea the pre-special editions were on the boxset til I went to own the whole series on DVD a few years later :-\ . I generally just watch them on Blu-ray now anyways (on the rare occasion I rewatch a movie) and deal with the special edition stuff.

I have the Prequel Trilogy boxset though  ::)
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1284 on: November 26, 2017, 11:56:33 pm »
White Chicks XD
One of the funniest movie i've ever seen tbh, so damn hilarious!

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1285 on: November 29, 2017, 02:34:01 am »

Got this stinker out of the way. Every time I rewatch Attack of the Clones I hope that there will be some quality of the movie I've been overlooking for years and it will find its way in with the other Star Wars movies as a film I enjoy. But sadly rewatching it again tonight did no such thing, however I guess I'm thankful it didn't make me dislike this movie any more than I already do.

I find this movie's plot, direction, and acting to be terrible, with some decent elements sprinkled here and there, most of which do not occur until the later third of the movie. The first and middle part are mostly uninteresting to me, however probably the worst thing about this movie is how they turned Anakin Skywalker into an unlikable, whiny creep throughout the entire film. This is partially due to bad writing, but also Haiden Christianson's piss poor acting through a lot of the movie. When you can't even like the main character you are in trouble.

This movie is not all bad though. I do like some of the battle sequences, and even despite Christianson's poor acting, the scene where he is reunited with his mom and what follows is powerful stuff. I also enjoy the final battle of this movie too despite some people thinking it is lame or ridiculous.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, Attach of the Clones is something I watch to bridge the gap between Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith, and nothing more. It is the only Star Wars movie I dislike and fret watching. In fact, I hope to avoid watching this movie again for at least a few years. I'm going to need the long break in order to regain my motivation to ever watch it again.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1286 on: November 29, 2017, 12:44:29 pm »
White Chicks XD
One of the funniest movie i've ever seen tbh, so damn hilarious!

Are you being serious?


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1287 on: November 29, 2017, 01:13:18 pm »


OMG, that was freaking awesome!

Loved this crossover so very much. It felt like an old Earth-crossover story from the comics.

The Nazi version of the heroes were bad-ass looking, Nazi Supergirl especially. The special effects for this crossover was off-the-charts compared to normal episodes. And the screentime was well balanced between all the characters.

But man, man oh man. I can't believe they killed off Professor Stein! WTF?! He is the single best cast-member in all of Legends of Tomorrow. I was so bummed out by that. But they did give him a great send-off. It was pretty emotional. Imagine how Jax felt giving his wife and daughter that news. Heavy stuff.

So what's next for Jackson? Will he just be the repair guy on the ship? Or is he going to get new powers? Will he be Firestorm on his own, somehow?

And Snart is back! One of the best characters on Flash/Legends of Tomorrow. But he's the goody-two shoes Earth X version, so I'm not sure how cool this is actually gonna be. We'll see.

Now when does that Ray Animated Series begin? Been waiting on that one.

Did you guys like it as much as I did?
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 01:37:10 pm by burningdoom »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1288 on: December 02, 2017, 03:15:17 am »
Got my Star Wars Blu-Ray sets in (20 bucks a piece on Amazon was a nice deal), so I'm giving the whole series a rewatch.  Since I didn't rewatch the Prequels before Episode 7 last time, I thought I'd start with them and I'm going through Episode 7 and Rogue One as I haven't rewatched them since the theater.

Of course I'm gonna say this movie sucks.  It's a bad movie.  Unless my opinion on Episode 2 changes when I watch that next, this is gonna be the worst one.  Seems like every time I try to rewatch these movies, I feel like maybe Jar Jar wasn't as bad as I remember, but then I watch it, and he's as bad if not worse.  He's a miserably unfunny character that never once makes a scene work and actively works to make scenes worse.  You can cut him out of the movie and nothing changes structurally.  Visually this movie is still getting worse with age.  Some stuff works, but there's so much that doesn't.

My previous opinion was that this movie only had two good scenes.  Basically Pod Racing and the fight with Darth Maul.  On this current watch, it has 1.5 good scenes.  Pod Racing, outside of a few parts, is still great, it just makes me want to play the Pod Racing game again lol It's a really awesome idea and it looks surprisingly good most of the time.  Sadly the Darth Maul fight suffers due to its ending.  I didn't realize how weak it is when Darth Maul is killed.  He's standing there, staring at a helpless Obi Wan, watching him the whole time, but he just lets Obi Wan fly up, over him, and just get sliced in half? It's so anti-climatic.  It's good up till that point, which sucks.

Otherwise this movie is badly written (Why do they take Anakin to Naboo? They are going to an active warzone, it makes no sense to bring him, other than for badly written reasons to get him to do the stupid space battle scene), badly directed, and mostly boring.  It actually frustrates me how poor this movie is, because there's something good in here, but it's not remotely realized in any way.  I thought by now, after nearly 18 years from release, I'd feel less annoyed by the movie, but I think I enjoyment for good scifi is too strong to let this go.

Eh, at least we got some good games out of this mess of a movie.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 05:54:51 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1289 on: December 03, 2017, 02:08:46 am »

It seems there's a lot of mixed opinions on which movie is worse, this or Episode 1, but rewatching both, I still think Phantom Menace is worse.  Phantom Menace is far too boring.  It's tedious and mind numbing.  I think it also visually looks worse generally.  Not that Attack of the Clones is much better, but overall, I was less bothered by the visuals.

Attack of the Clones does suck though.  Just like how maybe I thought Jar Jar wasn't as bad in the first movie, I thought maybe the awkward romance between Padme and Anakin wouldn't be as bad, but again I think it's worse than I thought before.  It's unsettling.  Anakin is a freaky stalker and Padme wants none of it till they awkwardly kiss and then it's like "Oh my god, I actually love you, but can't admit it, even though we've barely ever hung out".  Then there's that terrible line later about how she was hurting to love him since they came back together, which is messed up, because the last time she saw him, he was like 9 years old or something.  They MAYBE have actually known each other for like a month at best when they marry at the end of the film.  This writing is abysmal.

I feel that even with the god awful romance stuff, I'm just more entertained by what is going on throughout the entire movie.  The Coruscant chase scene was entertaining, I liked Kamino, Obi-Wan is good, the battle at the end is better than the Gungan battle,generally better pace for the most part.  There's still plenty that sucks, but I just think things are more watchable.

Okay, good, now to get away from the bad stuff and to more tolerable things...