Author Topic: How much is too much??  (Read 4309 times)

Re: How much is too much??
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2011, 03:01:05 pm »
One method that I am using to help complete my NES collection is that there is a reseller at a fleamarket near my place who sells games at pretty much their auction value on ebay.  

So he doesn't price his stuff insanely high.

He also gives decent trade in value on games so what I do is scour kijiji and other local classified sites for people selling stuff at below value and buy up the best deals I can find and trade them in for his games.

For example:

I bought a PS2 bundle with some games I needed for my collection for $100 and traded in the doubles for $50 trade and used that to get mint cartridge copies of Mega Man 6 and Mega Man 3

If You can find a reseller that gives decent trade value it could be the route to go.

Basically if I can buy something and get double the amount in trade I can get stuff half off.


Re: How much is too much??
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2011, 01:16:22 pm »
I don't really think I have a max to be honest. However, to me a big part of the fun in collecting is finding a good deal. It makes me feel better about a piece if I hold off on buying something for a couple of weeks just to find it at a cheaper price. That being said, if I really want something I'll just pay for it. I don't really know what the most is that I've spent on a single game. Probably somewhere around $150. I buy a lot of new titles so spending about $110-$120 is pretty common for me (collector's edition game + collector's edition guide).


Re: How much is too much??
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2011, 06:15:56 am »
I have already spent over $100 a peice on Keio Flying Squadron. Shining force CD, and Popful Mail for the Sega CD.  The worst at the moment is Triggerheart Excelica Enhanced LE for the PS2 at $149.  It'll get worse though I still have yet to purchase Panzer Dragoon Saga.


Re: How much is too much??
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2011, 12:56:20 pm »
the most i would pay for a game is 150 to 210$