BurningDoom's 2017 Games Beaten List:1. Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DS)
2. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
3. Elements of Destruction (DS)
4. Crypt of the Serpent King (XBox One Digital)
5. Rayman: Origins (XBox 360)
6. Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary (XBox One - via Master Chief Collection)
7. Halo 2 Anniversary (XBox One - Via Master Chief Collection)
8. Halo 3 (XBox One - Via Master Chief Collection)
9. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
10. Halo 4 (XBox One - Via Master Chief Collection)
11. DuckTales (NES - via Disney Afternoon Collection on XBox One)
12. Shovel Knight - Specter of Torment (Wii U)
13. DuckTales 2 (NES - via Disney Afternoon Collection on XBox One)
14. Contra - Arcade Version (XBox Live Arcade)
15. Final Fantasy IV Advance (GBA)
16. Magic Sword Arcade (Xbox Live Arcade)
17. Final Fight Arcade (Xbox Live Arcade)
18. Golden Axe Arcade (Xbox Live Arcade)
19. Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (Sega Master System)
20. Metal Slug 3 (Xbox Live Arcade)
21. Final Fantasy V Advance (GBA)
22. Dishonored (Xbox 360)
23. Metroid II: The Return of Samus (Game Boy)
24. Far Cry 3 (Xbox One)
25. Sonic Mania (XBox One)
26. Dishonored 2 (XBox One)
It wasn't nearly as good as the 1st Dishonored. It was still fun enough, I suppose. But it didn't have the great foreboding, dark, steam-punk feel that the first one did. And it didn't have that memorable feeling of oppression and hopelessness that the first one did. I also didn't like how the guards were kind of just placed wherever. In the first game, it really felt like they were strategically placed to help you use your stealth abilities and think more.
But the gameplay was still the same, even if lacking. So it wasn't terrible. Worth a playthrough at least. But I don't think I will be revisiting this one like I did the original.