Author Topic: Recently completed/finished  (Read 220251 times)


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1305 on: January 09, 2018, 10:59:39 am »
I got my Retro-Bit Super Retrocade last night. So I ended up beating Mercs and Combatribes.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1306 on: January 15, 2018, 11:31:17 am »
BurningDoom's 2018 Beaten Games List

1. Mercs (Arcade)
2. Combatribes (Arcade)

3. The Legend of Zelda - 2nd Quest (NES)

It's a classic, and damned what people say, it still stands the test of time just fine. Kept me glued to my TV for 2 days straight. And if a game is still fun, then it has aged just fine.

The 2nd quest is a bit harder, but I felt like playing it just because I'm too damn familiar with the original quest.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1307 on: January 15, 2018, 11:18:13 pm »
BurningDoom's 2018 Beaten Games List

1. Mercs (Arcade)
2. Combatribes (Arcade)
3. The Legend of Zelda - 2nd Quest (NES)

4. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (XBox 360)

Very fun super-hero beat-em up with an average story. The gimmick of being able to play as 4 different Spider-Men, each with their own playstyle, keeps the game more than fun enough to make up for the average story, though. And there is a very cool ability/power-up system that will keep you reaching for certain goals.

Not sure why it's one of the few XBox 360 games going for over $20 used, though. While it is good, it's not great either.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1308 on: January 17, 2018, 02:43:46 am »

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Switch

Amazing game, definitely lived up to it's hype, for me that is. I was a bit concerned in the beginning with the change of direction and that it's not your traditional Legend of Zelda type of game. But the change was something bold and I admire that from Eiji Aonuma to take that risk and it paid off.

Completed the game and just 4 shrines left (out of 120) which I'll get to after typing this ;) And of course Korok seeds, I got about 350+ already. I don't think I'll hunt all down, that's insane in my book, takes up too much time and my back log just keeps growing.

Favorite character for me is Kass, the traveling Rito storytelling musician (Bird Race). Really enjoyed solving his puzzles or hearing his music knowing a hidden shrine is nearby. Would have really liked an Amiibo of Kass.

The Zelda formula moving forward looks very promising, hopefully they merge the traditional Zelda with this new huge open world concept. More dungeons and bosses with unique dungeon items.
  l    l 


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1309 on: January 21, 2018, 03:34:49 pm »
Finally went back and finished the 100% for Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-, great game.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1310 on: January 22, 2018, 01:42:11 am »
BurningDoom's 2018 Beaten Games List

1. Mercs (Arcade)
2. Combatribes (Arcade)
3. The Legend of Zelda - 2nd Quest (NES)
4. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (XBox 360)

5. Spider-Man: Edge of Time (XBox 360)

The unofficial follow-up to Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. This one is even more of a beat-em up than Shattered Dimensions. Shattered Dimensions had more depth with the upgrade system, had more depth with the different play-styles of each Spider-Man (especially Noir's stealth levels), and had more platforming going on.

Spider-Man: Edge of Time is a high-octane beat-em up with lots of explosions and action piece after action piece driving it all along. While this is cool at first, it does overstay it's welcome. And by the end, just feels like a big empty blur of random beat-em up encounters and explosion-filled cutscenes. There is a definite lack of super-villains, which is sad considering how big Spider-Man's rogue's gallery is, plus they had Spider-Man 2099's to play with. The setting gets boring real fast, too, since you never leave the Alchemex Corporation building during the entire game, that's right, the same metallic rooms in the ENTIRE GAME. And the story isn't much better, either. They make it seem like the big reveal of the baddie at the end is this big shocker, but since nothing else in the story is that interesting, you end up just not caring anyways.

Quite disappointed by this. Especially considering that Shattered Dimension had everything it needed to be fantastic game except for a great story. They could have hit it out of the park with this one, easily, and they gave us a lazy sequel, instead.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1311 on: January 25, 2018, 11:41:59 am »
Just finished Mass Effect: Andromeda
damn ugly but decent fun

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1312 on: February 26, 2018, 10:37:27 am »
Beat Yakuza 0 last week at some point, but I finally finished doing all of the side content that I wanted to do.  Might one day come back and do some more side content, but I highly doubt I'll ever bother.

Started up Yakuza 2 last night... seems to be the shortest Yakuza game (bar 1) so I don't know how long this game will last me, but I've ordered a couple of copies of Yakuza 3, hopefully one of those comes complete.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1313 on: February 26, 2018, 02:36:47 pm »
Played through Inside over the past 2 days, got that last year some time but forgot about it, seen it in my ps4 library and decided to launch it to finish it off. Really enjoyed it, did not go for the collectibles besides 2 I think. Interesting ending.

Very close to finishing Monster Hunter World but haven't gotten back on it in about a week or so, planning to jump back into that to finish up the story at least.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1314 on: February 27, 2018, 10:07:47 am »
Finished, probably forever.  :'(

Tales of Zestiria. It is a fun enough game but the tutorial system caused me a big problem. If the game is in tutorial mode, you need to complete the task before you can do (or take) damage. BUT sometimes it does not register, which is what happened to me, but I did not realise it for a time. It is because you can incorrectly defeat an enemy during a tutorial!

I will try to explain. The tutorial system goes along with the game instead of having a separate section. As you learn or unlock new abilities, the game will tell you how to use them and you must complete actions to move along. During this tutorial portion, you cannot do or take damage. In one fight you learn to use your powered up form. And you are supposed to do a healing spell to complete the tutorial. I think that perhaps the game had expected players to take damage, use the heal, then kill the monster. I never did the heal because my health never went below 50%.

So the issue here is that the game was stuck at that part of the tutorial, but I didn't learn this for many hours. It is because I was exploring and talking to so many people and doing all the dumb things, I had not been in another fight for a long time. After I had done everything I could in the city, I went out to explore, and of course I end up having to fight something. But I was doing no damage, taking no damage, the other people in my party would not take any actions even if ordered and I couldn't run from the fight. The game would not progress until I used the heal while in armored mode, but it would never work. Maybe it was because I was already at full health? The only way to exit the battle was to force close the game.

This is quite a big bug to leave into an old game like this. I wasn't about to restart and replay the game and hope I didn't run into it (or another bug) at some other point in the game. It is a shame, because it was pretty cool, but I just uninstalled it.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1315 on: March 06, 2018, 08:33:21 am »
Finished Yakuza 2.  Already installed Yakuza 3, planning on jumping into that today.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1316 on: March 06, 2018, 09:51:50 pm »
Bayonetta (Switch)
had this on WiiU and never commited past the first few levels
overall a damn good time


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1317 on: March 06, 2018, 10:15:09 pm »
Finished Yakuza 2.  Already installed Yakuza 3, planning on jumping into that today.
What did you think of Y2? It's my favorite in series.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1318 on: March 07, 2018, 08:20:58 am »
Finished Yakuza 2.  Already installed Yakuza 3, planning on jumping into that today.
What did you think of Y2? It's my favorite in series.
I liked it, but the Terada stuff left me mildly confused.  Was he bad?  He wasn't, then he was, and then maybe he wasn't?  I'm probably going to reserve judgment on that game until I play through Kiwami 2.

I also skipped almost all of the side content.  If Kiwami 2 was for sure not coming stateside, I would've done the side content.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1319 on: March 11, 2018, 11:45:55 am »
A few days ago, I finished the pacifist route in Undertale. The struggle to get there was quite real.

Having only 20 HP the entire game doesn't give you much room for error. I lost to just about every boss since Undyne at least once. The slow display speed of the text and the lack of a skip-dialogue option makes going back to those points tedious.

I don't play bullet-hells often, so boss battles were frustrating. It gets to a point where I got so sick of the music (which is still good) and the dialogue blips that I turned down the Vita and turned up something else. Getting to the hidden area that's only on a pacifist run was exciting, but it wasn't enough. I was expecting more after all of the frustration the game put me through. Of course, the mini-bosses in this area were just as unpleasant as the bosses to get to that point.

I'm glad I played this game. Partially for the experience, but mainly because I'll never have to play it again.