New server has been purchased! I spent all last night setting up things and testing out the environment. We are probably going to do the move next week.
Well, Hell - there's just no denying it, obviously dedicate yourself to putting a *TON* of time, effort, work, and care & improvements/up-grades to this've (just in the relatively short amount of time that I've been here) done plenty of things to make/keep the site accessible; while, at the same time, continuously doing things to better this site.
I think that it's important enough to say...and, that it's also important enough for you to hear that; *IMO* -
one of the things that I like the most about this site is how in-touch you (and the other 'helpers'/'staff'/"admins") here are to the rest of the community at large.
I'm talking about how easy it is to not only *Contact* all of you guys (shit, you can do this at pretty much any & all sites), but,
*SO VERY, VERY MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY*...To be able to count-on & expect to consistently receive the replies & answers to our questions

Also, well-worth stating, is the excellent job that all of you do concerning making the over-all tone & feel of this site one of
"The staff here are community members just like the rest of us" vs. (the tone & feel that I get from the majority of the other gaming-related sites out there) of either A).
"There's the *Staff*, and then, there's the "rest" of the community, or, even worse (yet, sadly, not at all uncommon):
"There's the Community *VERSUS* The Staff...
I dunno...I guess that I was just feeling that a bit of recognition, acknowledgement & appreciation for the results of the work & efforts you all put into the site were in order

Regarding the changing of the servers...
How will the change/affect us as individual users here *AND*, what (if anything) will switching to this new server change and/or improve for the site as a whole?