Author Topic: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?  (Read 2534 times)

Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« on: March 09, 2020, 01:50:09 am »
Insecurities have gotten a hold of me.  And life is a ever impending sound sucking vortex of darkness.   I feel acid rain,  and a feeling of like being on a stage in front of 8 billion people, curtain opens,  anticipating snickers as I approach a microphone,  my mind mixes words up but can't form anything worth conveying to the earth.  The one and only person who truly ever loved me,  stands with her green glistening eyes, witnessing me change in a spiral of depression.  And losing hope for me :(   Me being a shell of what I was, losing popularity and nobody standing by me in the face of adversity.  Dying alone.   In a hospital bed with a tear rolling down my cheek as I begin to ascend to the other realm of existence spirtually,  the glow of incandescent bulbs illuminating a bright white tiled hospital floor with not one single person by my bedside.  No children, no wife, no friends and no family.   Just the sense of coldness as the heart rate monitor gives the deafening beep of lifelessness.   Seeing the green neon spike turn to a flat line as I float.  The lights turn dark.  Dull.   Meloncholy.    Knowing of no greater hell than what I have been uplifted from.   My queen giving up on me  :'(.    Letting me wither in the mud filled trenches of mediocrity like squidward.   Punching a punch card to work a mundane worthless 9-5 existence.   

I guess i'm trying to capture lightning in a bottle twice,  the magic that started it all.  Tragic.....   The more I chase that ghost the more it alludes me.  I've lost sight of what's important as the neon flickers in these fog drenched london streets.  Cobblestone roads with the pattering of rain drops.  I smell the musk of Jack the Ripper.  I hear spirits whispering.   

I'm going seek therapy tomorrow.   Hopefully the waiting list isn't too long.  Hopefully my HMO covers it.  I think my mind is so broken at this point,  the therapist will need a therapist.   I prey their is hope for me.   

It's all because of the selfishness of my past.   Karma is swift like a Ginzu knife. 

God bless all of you. 

I pose the question.   Have any of you seeked therapy?   Do you have a councelor?   Do they work?    :)


Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2020, 06:05:00 am »
Nah, I haven’t seen a therapist. I do hear they’re pretty helpful though. Also, you might be being too hard on yourself, everyone makes mistakes after all, what matters is that we learn from them and apply ourselves to become better versions of ourselves. I know that sounds extremely difficult, and believe me changing yourself is not an easy task, but it’s better you try to change yourself rather than regretting it later when it’s too late to do anything about it. Just remember this, you’re more valuable than you realize.


Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2020, 11:54:45 am »
I don't really understand fully what's going on in your life, but I do want to say I feel as if you should value yourself more.

No one in this world who makes you feel that inadequate and less of a person is deserving of your time, nor should they be afforded the opportunity to give you that much stress.

There will be others. Always.

As cliche as it sounds, if you take it, the experience will help you grow a thicker skin and to learn in the future.

Sorry I missed your message. I do hope it goes well for you.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 11:56:29 am by Nickkchilla »

Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2020, 01:57:58 pm »
It helped with my sex addiction.


Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2020, 02:22:15 pm »
It helped with my sex addiction.

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Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2020, 04:04:16 pm »
I have been in therapy for 5 years, but that's due to a lot of complex issues. I've weaned from two sessions a week to once a fortnight though so progress I guess. My best advice I can give is that they can only help you as much as you want to be helped and finding a good fit for you sometimes takes more than one try. I wish I could say more but it all varies a lot, you know? Everyone is different and we probably don''t have the same diagnoses so I can't tell you much, but the help is out there for anyone willing to work at it even if the process is hard and slow. Just don't expect results overnight and it'll be much more manageable.

Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2020, 06:40:22 pm »
I’ve never been, but the advice I’ve heard a lot is to try them out. Keep trying different ones until you find the one that works for you.
There are both secular and religious groups and therapists out there. Pick the one that fits your needs, that puts your well being first.


Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2020, 06:51:54 pm »
I have not, but I do know a fair amount of people who see therapists, and I would say the overwhelming response is positive. Like others have said, you may not find the right one 1st try...find someone you feel comfortable opening up with- but it can be a game changer.


Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2020, 12:27:04 am »
How was your trip/holiday? You said you were travelling for the first time.

Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2020, 06:00:50 am »
Whilst I do not have any experience with a therapist myself, my girlfriend does see a therapist and she says it's helped her a lot.
She didn't like her previous therapist however. She did recently get a new one and now it's one of her weekly highlights.


Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2020, 01:58:16 pm »
Whilst I do not have any experience with a therapist myself, my girlfriend does see a therapist and she says it's helped her a lot.
She didn't like her previous therapist however. She did recently get a new one and now it's one of her weekly highlights.

That's a good point - with the stigma people feel about therapy, it's also important to recognize when a therapist isn't the right one for you. It's ok to drop a therapist and find one that you are comfortable with.
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Re: Does anyone here see a therapist? Has it been beneficial?
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2020, 04:07:59 pm »
I've gone to therapy. Best thing I ever did.
I started about a year ago when GF of 5 years broke up with me. Helped tremendously, as I thought there was something fundamentally wrong with me. At that point I decided for myself I needed to change and look over everything that makes up who I am.  In the end yes, there were a few things I needed to change about myself for the long run, but it wasn't all my fault either. I did reconcile with the GF and we are back together to this day, but my whole outlook and the way I approach things in that relationship and in my life is very different. 

My therapy was geared more towards relationship and self-improvement as I identified as that to to be my issue. Like the others have said find the right therapist for the right issues you have.  You'll be surprised how many people look for therapy but choose the wrong therapist. Person has addiction/gambling problems so they seek out a marriage counselor therapist (marriage falling apart due to gambling addiction). Or another example; a person is a chronic/serial dater, keeps jumping from bf/gf and also has resentment towards their parents...they seek relationship therapist w/current partner when really a family therapist to help deal with past trauma is better suited. 

Anyways, best of luck to you. Looks like you just started going through some stuff. Let the shock of that pass through and don't do anything drastic, but do go talk to a therapist. Nothing wrong with that. Think of therapy as the GameFAQs for life. You're stuck? FAQ that s***! Life's too short as it is anyways! make the best of it!