Author Topic: Change of address  (Read 941 times)

Change of address
« on: June 12, 2013, 03:15:54 pm »
Hello, I would like to let people know that I will be moving so I will not have the same address(too the people that know my adress. Im telling you soo just incase I buy something and ya send ot from the adress u rememberd. I guess since you are here i'll tell you why im moving. Well we moved too a house in the middle of nowhere becuase thats how we liked ot before we moved to the suburbs(more privacy). We moved in this place only about 6 mounths ago with a year lease. My dad was fixing the place up beacuase he was in the middle of doing a purchase money loan from the owner... Well owner up and died soo the children of her got it and doesn't want to rent it out and wants to sell it but for a ridiculous price.. But apperently here in georgia it voids the lease if you die(not sure if everywhere) .. But it has truely worked out in a blessing becuase my main issue was room, There was know room in this house. We went from a 5 bedroom 6 bath plus nearly two living rooms, a 5,800 sq foot house too a 1,700 3 bedroom house.. Then since my dad works from home doesn't make alot of room but since I have too move, we found a house 5 bd 4 bth for less then half the mortgage was on the old big house.. Soo it turned out pretty awesome. Im excited too have room for my gamez.. I have my games now in a room with my drums and luandry(room is not big) soo after I move I will take some pics and upload them. Wooo. I know ya didn't prolly care too hear this but im estatic about it... Moving sucks but not when your looking forward too something

Re: Change of address
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 02:22:55 am »
Sorry for the shitty wording,grammer. I am on a tablet and was in a hurry when writing it lol.


Re: Change of address
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 03:10:45 am »
Good thing I sent that thing when I did.   :o

Re: Change of address
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 08:46:23 pm »
Lol yes sir. Only prob is im in between adresses now lol