Author Topic: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange  (Read 56761 times)


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #90 on: April 14, 2013, 10:41:42 pm »
Xbox Live

amauriel = Amauriel
azai392 = Azai392
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
darko = Darko2424
desocietas = Desocietas
ffxik = Kovalt Remora
foxhack = FoxhackDN
iskelly87 = dontxblink
jaydepps = Flyersfan1975
jcalder8 = BuckyBKatt
jobocan = jobocan1
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar2
ko1ru = ko1ru
matt = mattcakes
mkarasch = Olodumare
psydswipe = Psydswipe
scott = Wyrmm
sin2beta = sin2beta
spire = Spire VII
teknophyl = Teknophyl
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
torvez = Torvez Garniez
tpugmire = tpugmire
turf = TURF1218

PlayStation Network

amauriel = Amauriel
anton = Red-Dawn-d-_-b
clanhuntercrio = Clanhunter Crio
climhazard = Climhazard88
desocietas = Deso31
disgaeniac = disgaeniac
dkdrum = dkdrum1983
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
gaiages = Slayn_Bacon
iskelly87 = iSkelly87
jaydepps = Jaydepps
jobocan = Jobocan
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar
madmax = madmax12ca
mkarasch = TheCrashes
psydswipe = Psydswipe
scott = Ryglore
spire = Spire_VII
thecollectorO07 = Azurealec
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
torvez = Torvez
urbanchaos = JSMarsolais


amauriel = Amauriel
azai392 = Azai392
blitz_bomb = spire
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
climhazard = Climhazard
desocietas = Desocietas
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
foxhack = Foxhack
iskelly87 = dontxblink
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
kirbysuperstar = twigfigure
madmax = madmax12ca
matt = madk
psydswipe = Psydswipe
Ryglore = scott
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
torvez = torvez1
varkias = Varkias4066

Alphabetized by online ID

Xbox Live

Amauriel = amauriel
Azai392 = azai392
BuckyBKatt = jcalder8
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Darko2424 = darko
Desocietas = desocietas
dontxblink = iskelly87
Flyersfan1975 = jaydepps
FoxhackDN = foxhack
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
jobocan1 = jobocan
Kirbysuperstar2 = kirbysuperstar
ko1ru = ko1ru
Kovalt Remora = ffxik
mattcakes = matt
Olodumare = mkarasch
Psydswipe = psydswipe
sin2beta = sin2beta
Spire VII = spire
Teknophyl = teknophyl
Torvez Garniez = torvez
tpugmire = tpugmire
TURF1218 = turf
Wyrmm = scott

PlayStation Network

Amauriel = amauriel
Azurealec = thecollectorOo7
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Climhazard88 = climhazard
Deso31 = desocietas
disgaeniac = disgaeniac
dkdrum1983 = dkdrum
Evilbobbins = evilbobbins
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
iSkelly87 = iskelly87
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
JSMarsolais = urbanchaos
Kirbysuperstar = kirbysuperstar
madmax12ca = madmax
PiVikingWarlord = lordmeatpie
Psydswipe = psydswipe
Red-Dawn-d-_-b = anton
Ryglore = scott
Slayn_Bacon = gaiages
Spire_VII = spire
TheCrashes = mkarasch
Torvez = torvez


Amauriel = amauriel
Azai392 = azai392
blitz_bomb = spire
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Climhazard = climhazard
Desocietas = desocietas
dontxblink = iskelly87
Evilbobbins = evilbobbins
Foxhack = foxhack
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
madk = matt
madmax12ca = madmax
Psydswipe = psydswipe
Ryglore = scott
torvez1 = torvez
twigfigure = kirbysuperstar
Varkias4066 = varkias

Thanks, psydswipe!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 10:45:21 pm by torvez »
I make music.
I'm really cool, you should tell your friends about me :P


PRO Supporter

Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #91 on: April 15, 2013, 09:28:36 am »
^^  Nice update ^^

"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #92 on: April 15, 2013, 11:55:19 am »
I make music.
I'm really cool, you should tell your friends about me :P


PRO Supporter

Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #93 on: April 15, 2013, 11:58:02 am »
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #94 on: April 18, 2013, 04:21:24 am »
Xbl- slothing x pig. and don't use psn except for ps1 games and netflix

Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #95 on: May 16, 2013, 05:51:21 am »
Xbl- slothing x pig. and don't use psn except for ps1 games and netflix

What is Steam?


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #96 on: May 16, 2013, 04:05:57 pm »
Xbl- slothing x pig. and don't use psn except for ps1 games and netflix

What is Steam?
A miserable little pile of... oh, never mind.

It's a PC game digital storefront with community and whatnot.


PRO Supporter

Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #97 on: May 16, 2013, 06:33:34 pm »
Lets add my WiiU handle to the list.


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #98 on: May 23, 2013, 01:04:42 am »
I am usually on my Playstation but the name is the same on my xbox.


Do mention your from VGCollect I normally ignore requests I don't know
Reflecting and remembering is only important to those who do it.


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #99 on: June 11, 2013, 07:02:25 pm »
Got a PS3 recently and signed up for PSN; my PSN ID is the same as my XBL one: ko1ru  :)


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #100 on: July 01, 2013, 04:24:08 pm »
I dont have an Xbox or PS3 gamer tag, and I'll have to look up my Wii number, but here's this information:

Steam: trunkwontopen
xfire: trunkwontopen (Yes, I still use this..)
Origin: trunkwontopen
3DS - 1289-8212-0432

I might  start adding the people in this thread on my Steam buddy list, because sometimes, I get bored, see what people are playing, and either join them in game or play the same game that they are playing. That, and I like having lots of friends on Steam, it makes me feel important.

EDIT: I see KirbySuperStar is on here from SA! what up!


PRO Supporter

Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #101 on: July 01, 2013, 05:09:48 pm »
Got a PS3 recently and signed up for PSN; my PSN ID is the same as my XBL one: ko1ru  :)

I've been having trouble getting/staying connected to PSN for the last few days.

I *think* that my ISP has been "working on bettering my service" - every time that I do manage to get signed-in...I get disconnected :(

Anyways, the moral of this story is:

-  send me a friend request (disgaeniac) on PSN (if you want to, of course:) ==> and, once I'm able to use my PSN account consistently again, I'll add ya'; otherwise, I'll probably forget  :o

I'm betting that we end up playing a lot of the same games (RPG's FTW, baby)  ;)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #102 on: July 03, 2013, 11:41:58 am »
Got a PS3 recently and signed up for PSN; my PSN ID is the same as my XBL one: ko1ru  :)

I've been having trouble getting/staying connected to PSN for the last few days.

I *think* that my ISP has been "working on bettering my service" - every time that I do manage to get signed-in...I get disconnected :(

Anyways, the moral of this story is:

-  send me a friend request (disgaeniac) on PSN (if you want to, of course:) ==> and, once I'm able to use my PSN account consistently again, I'll add ya'; otherwise, I'll probably forget  :o

I'm betting that we end up playing a lot of the same games (RPG's FTW, baby)  ;)

Funny story, that...

After getting that PS3 from a guy locally via classified ad, the stupid sucker wouldn't work properly (kept freezing up, wouldn't turn off, etc.).  Replaced the hard drive, did an update, and it's still a POS.  Unfamiliar enough with the inner workings of a PS3 that it's likely to get released back into the wild here pretty soon...

I'll still add you - and a few other VGCers as well - but there will be no game-playing until I can get my hands on another system.  :(


PRO Supporter

Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #103 on: July 03, 2013, 11:54:44 am »
Got a PS3 recently and signed up for PSN; my PSN ID is the same as my XBL one: ko1ru  :)

I've been having trouble getting/staying connected to PSN for the last few days.

I *think* that my ISP has been "working on bettering my service" - every time that I do manage to get signed-in...I get disconnected :(

Anyways, the moral of this story is:

-  send me a friend request (disgaeniac) on PSN (if you want to, of course:) ==> and, once I'm able to use my PSN account consistently again, I'll add ya'; otherwise, I'll probably forget  :o

I'm betting that we end up playing a lot of the same games (RPG's FTW, baby)  ;)

Funny story, that...

After getting that PS3 from a guy locally via classified ad, the stupid sucker wouldn't work properly (kept freezing up, wouldn't turn off, etc.).  Replaced the hard drive, did an update, and it's still a "POS".  Unfamiliar enough with the inner workings of a PS3 that it's likely to get released back into the wild here pretty soon...

I'll still add you - and a few other VGCers as well - but there will be no game-playing until I can get my hands on another system.  :(

I'm assuming that you're not using the "POS" abbreviation for "Point-of-Sale" here now; are ya'?

Seriously, though...I'm sorry to hear about the problems that you're having with your PS3 - I know very well, through personal experience, just how unpleasant, frustrating, and inconvenient those kind of things can be  :'(

3 Questions:

(1).  Which model PS3 did you get? -and-

(2).  Did the seller list it/tell you that there were any problems with it -or- that it would need any work or maintenance to get it up & running?

*(If "NO" to #2)*

(3).  Want me to beat him up for ya'?!

"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« Reply #104 on: July 08, 2013, 11:09:01 am »
It's one of the slims, and the guy who sold it to us said nothing about it being a malfunctioning console.  He said he "never even took it online".   ::)

I think we're going to get one of the newer "superslims" as its hardware failure rate seems to be less than that of the older models.

PS - I added you on PSN. ;)
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 11:10:34 am by ko1ru »