Author Topic: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo  (Read 2497 times)


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Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2013, 02:29:29 am »
I really don't understand how most of the gaming community sees this as a good thing. I don't understand why people don't want to see what's on the horizon for Nintendo. And I don't understand why they'd want to see one of the biggest events in the gaming world (E3) to be downsized.

It just seems like change for the sake of change, to me. And that's never a good thing.


Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2013, 01:11:03 pm »
I really don't understand how most of the gaming community sees this as a good thing. I don't understand why people don't want to see what's on the horizon for Nintendo. And I don't understand why they'd want to see one of the biggest events in the gaming world (E3) to be downsized.

It just seems like change for the sake of change, to me. And that's never a good thing.

It's because people WILL see what's on the horizon for Nintendo. Nintendo will have Nintendo Direct presentations before/during E3, a smaller presentation for the press, another smaller presentation for retailers, the usual roundtables, and the games will be playable at E3 (which, again, is the most important part of E3 since that's where the only meaningful journalism from E3 comes from).

Literally the only different thing from usual is that Nintendo won't be wasting tons of money on a completely worthless presentation. Those big E3 presentations cost LOTS of money, and now they have a way to reach exactly the same audience for a fraction of the cost with Nintendo Direct (because all those sites streaming the usual E3 presentations will probably also be streaming those Directs).

I've been trying to find a negative point to this, and frankly I've got nothing. Nintendo is still gonna announce new games and show off games people want to see like Smash, the new 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Wind Waker HD and whatever Retro Studios is working on (and probably a couple surprises), and the gaming press will keep reporting on it. Nothing is lost.


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Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2013, 01:19:58 pm »
I really don't understand how most of the gaming community sees this as a good thing. I don't understand why people don't want to see what's on the horizon for Nintendo. And I don't understand why they'd want to see one of the biggest events in the gaming world (E3) to be downsized.

It just seems like change for the sake of change, to me. And that's never a good thing.

It's because people WILL see what's on the horizon for Nintendo. Nintendo will have Nintendo Direct presentations before/during E3, a smaller presentation for the press, another smaller presentation for retailers, the usual roundtables, and the games will be playable at E3 (which, again, is the most important part of E3 since that's where the only meaningful journalism from E3 comes from).

Literally the only different thing from usual is that Nintendo won't be wasting tons of money on a completely worthless presentation. Those big E3 presentations cost LOTS of money, and now they have a way to reach exactly the same audience for a fraction of the cost with Nintendo Direct (because all those sites streaming the usual E3 presentations will probably also be streaming those Directs).

I've been trying to find a negative point to this, and frankly I've got nothing. Nintendo is still gonna announce new games and show off games people want to see like Smash, the new 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Wind Waker HD and whatever Retro Studios is working on (and probably a couple surprises), and the gaming press will keep reporting on it. Nothing is lost.

Nothing negative except that one of the biggest events in gaming is gonna get downsized because people think it's "too bloated". What a bunch of B.S. If this starts a trend and we start seeing the same treatment of E3 from other companies, we're gonna be 10 years down the road looking back and saying "Remember how cool E3 was?"

How can true gaming fans be upset about a gaming event getting "too bloated"? Something that big in a field you love should be something embraced and looked forward to every year.


Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2013, 02:23:14 pm »
But there's no downsizing at the actual event. It's still in the same big conference center as usual with the same amount of real estate and all the companies will be doing the same thing as usual. To us members of the general public the presentations look like this big important thing, but they're really the least important element of E3. The most important part of the conference is the press getting to try the new games and reporting on that, and that's not changing. The event is still huge and Nintendo not having a separate super-expensive presentation isn't changing that at all.

Nintendo's still doing presentations, Sony's still doing presentations, Microsoft is still doing presentations, EA and Ubisoft are still wasting peoples' time, the press will still be playing the new games and consoles, we're still getting all the news... Nothing is changing at all for us.

Frankly I wonder why it took a company so long to realize that they could find ways to present their news without wasting millions of dollars on presentations that really don't give out anymore news than the Nintendo. The industry right now is in a state where companies should be trying to waste less money, and these presentations are just that, a waste of money. It's not "downsizing because it's bloated", it's just a company being smart about it and not wasting money they don't need to waste.


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Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2013, 02:28:27 pm »
Well then I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree. Because I've always looked forward to the big presentations, and I for one am gonna miss it.

It was always a big event for me. Sit down with some snacks and get ready to be amazed. Then discuss it all with the other gamers online and count down to release dates.


Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2013, 02:41:10 pm »
unfortunately E3 is becoming irrelevant to gaming companies, 2K games won't even have booth at E3 this year and i have to wonder how many more will be doing the same thing

source of info


Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2013, 03:24:36 pm »
Well then I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree. Because I've always looked forward to the big presentations, and I for one am gonna miss it.

It was always a big event for me. Sit down with some snacks and get ready to be amazed. Then discuss it all with the other gamers online and count down to release dates.

Except that's not changing, you'll still have some presentations to watch from Nintendo, just not the same format. You'll still be able to sit down with some snacks and be amazed by all they're gonna announce using their Nintendo Direct presentations (I figure there's gonna be at least 2 of them), and then discuss it with gamers and countdown to release dates.

The only actual difference is that Nintendo isn't wasting as much money as usual.

I see why you're reticent at this change, I was too until I read more into it and figured what they were planning. As part of the public the presentations are all we really see, but E3 is much more than that. I never went to E3 myself (I almost did, I think 3 years ago, but my friend was chosen to go instead of me), but there's no doubt that the most important part is that people get to play and comment on all the new games.


Re: No Big E3 Event for Nintendo
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2013, 07:41:08 pm »
But here is alphaOmegaSin's take on it. Def not safe for work. But it is safe for awesomeness...

UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....