Author Topic: MOST EXPENSIVE GAME!  (Read 28006 times)


« Reply #120 on: April 14, 2014, 11:16:14 am »

Counting collector's editions, it's probably my Ni no Kuni Wizard's Edition.  I bought just the game at first and absolutely loved it, regretted not getting the CE.  Then I saw that there were still some available for preorder on the German Amazon, and that those sets were completely in English (game & book).  So I imported one for $109, shipped.  It's worth at least double that now, not that I would ever part with it. 

You are one lucky dude. Namco/Bandai really dropped the ball on North American gamers with this thing. They made it exclusive through their website, and even if you did preorder it, a ton of people had their preorders cancelled or just didn't get one because of issues with their distributor. Of course because of this they were going for like $400 for a while. They have calmed down in price and can now be had for around $200 used, but I'm still holding out for them to drop around $150. I preordered it at an indi game shop that somehow managed to get three in, however they pulled a huge bait and switch on me and decided that they were going to charge me $350 instead of the $100 MSRP. Last time I ever did business with those greedy POSes.

REEEAAALLLY late reply here.  ;)

Man, that sucks - really sorry of them to do something like that.  I don't blame you for not doing any more business with a place that's that shady. 

The Wizard's Companion book is incredible.  There was a ton of care and attention to detail put into it, from the aged-looking paper to the illustrations and scribbles in the margins.  It's a very, very cool book and I'm super happy that I managed to grab one.  I think the German CE was missing one thing that the US one had, a coin or something, but I don't care anything about that.  The book was the #1 draw for me, and the Drippy plush was very cool as well. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


« Reply #121 on: April 16, 2014, 01:01:16 pm »
My second, or possibly most expensive game is in the mail right now. I'm gonna die if it doesn't get here soon. The guy took three days just to mail it out!


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« Reply #122 on: April 16, 2014, 05:43:49 pm »
My second, or possibly most expensive game is in the mail right now. I'm gonna die if it doesn't get here soon. The guy took three days just to mail it out!

Oh, oh~!  What is it~?!

« Reply #123 on: June 24, 2014, 01:02:50 am »
The most I paid for a used game is ~$250. I bought Bonk 3 complete on Ebay about 7 years ago.

I think the most expensive MSRP game I bought was the Beatles Rockband bundle.

« Reply #124 on: June 26, 2014, 01:22:10 pm »
73$ on a loose copy of Chrono Trigger.

A friend had given me the box to here copy from when she was young, so I cursed at her for obligating me into spending money to put a game in that box (and then thanked her many times). 

Now I just need the manual & other stuff that goes inside.

I prefer to find my games in the wild, but this weekend is Seattle Retro Gaming Expo.  I may come back with a new most expensive, although I'd prefer to fill in the easy holes in my collection first.


« Reply #125 on: June 26, 2014, 05:41:51 pm »
most expensive in terms of most paid? or most expensive in terms of value?

most paid was about $55 for new ps2 games back when they were new.

most valuable was power strike 2 for the ms, been offered quite a bit, for comparison the ones for sale in the uk are $260 and over $300

mine cost me $5

I'm uk based btw lol
You do not have an area. Unless it is some sort of play area, with sandcastles, and buckets, and spades!


« Reply #126 on: June 30, 2014, 02:24:10 am »
The most I paid for something with my own money was getting my wii u deluxe set with super mario bros+luigi u, and super mario 3d world last thanksgiving for about $240. My bro and i split it 50-50 since we were both so anxious to get a wii u. Thankfully, i haven't had any regrets about owning the system compared to how bad some people were making it out to be.


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« Reply #127 on: July 17, 2014, 12:19:36 am »
The most expensive game I've paid for is tied between a number of collector's editions: Halo: Reach Legendary, Gear of War 3 Epic Edition, Skyrim Collector's Edition, and Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest - all ran $150 iirc. Of course, I almost sold my loot chest when they were $450 on ebay BEFORE the game came out.

Most expensive game in my collection is probably .hack//Quarantine, which is around $90 (according to the site I use - obviously prices may vary). Boy do I love that series though...wish they'd bring it back.


The most you have over paid for an old game?
« Reply #128 on: August 03, 2014, 01:14:58 pm »
To me overpaying is not paying market value, it's paying well over that like a fool.

The other day I payed $25 for Odin Sphere, when it typically goes for $10 to $13 on eBay. I was thinking it was at least $20.

A word of wisdom, if you go to a games convention, expect the prices to be well over eBay. They must be compensating for admission to sell. I recall also seeing the game God Hand for $35, typically goes for $15 on eBay. The prices were nuts.

What were some of your biggest mistakes over-paying for a single game?

Re: The most you have over paid for an old game?
« Reply #129 on: August 03, 2014, 01:33:44 pm »
Probably my Tales of Xillia Collectors Edition. They were going for about $80 to $100 online at the time and I paid about $135 for mine. Was a little bummed, but it was so cool it was hard to be mad.

And while I'd love to go to a gaming convention (almost decided to go to Classic Gaming Expo this September), I've heard prices are unreal. You have a lot of sellers who go around and buy up all the good deals from other sellers so they can resell them at a huge markup.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 01:35:23 pm by bikingjahuty »


Re: The most you have over paid for an old game?
« Reply #130 on: August 03, 2014, 01:43:04 pm »
I love this thread idea! :)

The only one I can remember right now is Joust, which I paid $10 for a copy that had a tear on label, while it has a value of around $5 in good shape. I've bought a great condition copy since, but I still own the one with the tear. It was back when I just recently started collecting, so I wasn't as sharp as today on these things  :P


Re: The most you have over paid for an old game?
« Reply #131 on: August 03, 2014, 02:19:15 pm »
To this day I still do not know why, but I payed $8 for Swordquest Fireworld on Atari 2600 at a game store.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: The most you have over paid for an old game?
« Reply #132 on: August 03, 2014, 06:50:14 pm »
50 dollars for CIB Disk System release of Bubble Bobble.

Isn't there already a thread on this?

Edit here it is:,3504.msg54091.html
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 06:54:49 pm by badATchaos »


« Reply #133 on: August 03, 2014, 07:01:54 pm »
Topics merged. >_>


« Reply #134 on: August 03, 2014, 07:04:08 pm »
Topics merged. >_>

How are these the same?

My topic is how much have you over paid for a game that typically sells for less, if so how much?

This is a most expensive game you've bought general thread. Not the same. "Over paid" is not "ever paid"
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 07:06:53 pm by Warmsignal »