Author Topic: The Funny, Occasionally Dirty, Hidden Messages in Your Favorite Games  (Read 827 times)


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I thought this was a cool read I saw on the Yahoo homepage as soon as I signed on to the internet, I thought I'd share it:

The Funny, Occasionally Dirty, Hidden Messages in Your Favorite Games
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:30:04 pm by foxhack »


I edited your link so it points to the -actual- source for the article instead of Yahoo's repost with its soul-crushing comment section. Sorry for abusing my power, but it was for the greater good (and everyone's sanity.)

The article was written by Heidi Kemps, an old acquaintance of mine from many years back. She's been a video game reporter for quite a while now.

I'm pretty familiar with the site.  8)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:33:44 pm by foxhack »