Author Topic: Cool Shenmue stuff  (Read 1081 times)


Cool Shenmue stuff
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:20:30 am »
Shenmue is my favorite game. Consequently, I keep up with the news, community, and happenings pretty closely. Obviously no Shenmue 3. But there has been cool stuff regarding the locations and history. Anyways, an indie documentary called in Ryo's footsteps was made and there is a campaign on indiegogo to make a better version. It's a cool documentary. I love travel shows such as no reservations, and this kind of reminds me of it. Clearly it has a very homemade feel. But it has the vibe. It also has the feeling of discovery Shenmue had. I really enjoyed watching it.

I wanted to make a post, because I think it is always amazing when people take a lot of their time and funds to explore and share with the video game community. Their indiegogo page is here:
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....