So do you get some new improved Daggerfall or the original bugfest version? lol Say what you want about the all seeing gaurds in Oblivion, Daggerfall has some serious problems. Let's see if i can remember...
- If you try to sleep in someone's bed, the guards come in and kill you. Even if there is no one there, they just know.
- If you enter a shop near closing, then save and wait a couple hours, the shop keeper disappears and you can loot the entire store. Getting out of the store can be a problem if you get caught picking the lock on the door to exit.
- Say you want to leave town and its dusk. You go out the gates and realise you forgot to do something in town. So you turn back towards town but now its night time. And the archer guards of the town attack you from their stations.
I would try it again but it has some bug problems and crashes A LOT. I mean Morrowind and Oblivion crashed a lot but not as much as Daggerfall. Strangely, for a game series known for CTDs, Skyrim doesn't seem to have this problem.
*gets thrown off the internet