Home from a long day of the Video Game Summit and hitting several stores in Chicago... And boy did I strike gold.

Lets start off with Gameboy games, Picked most all of these for $1-$2 (unless marked)
GB- Casino Fun Pak
- Jurassic Park
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening ($8)
GBC - Revelations: The Demon Slayer
- Billy Bob's Huntin'-n-Fishin'
- Austin Powers: Welcome to my Underground Lair
- Tetris DX
- Extreme Sports with the Berebstain Bears
GBA- Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel
- Sigma Star
- Dogz
- Klonoa 2
- Back to Stone
- Wade Hixton's Counter Punch
- The Ripping Friends
- Life / Yahtzee / Payday
- GBA Video: Sonic X vol. 1
- GBA Video: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
GG- Strider Returns
Atari 7800- F-18 Hornet
Colecovision- Choplifter!
Arcadia 2001- Red Clash (rarest Arcadia game) CIB
Vectrex- Melody Master
- Spin Ball
- 3D Minestorm
Genesis- DJ Boy (CIB)
CDi - 7th Guest
- Dark Castle
3DO- Snow Job
- Killing Time CIB
- Captain Quazar CIB
Commodore Amiga CD32- Seek & Destroy
An Atari 800 with a bunch of games, printer, Disk Drive and a bunch of other accessories for $30
Atari 400/800- Computer Chess
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Miner 2049er
- Popeye
- Q*Bert
- Jumpman Junior
SNES- Cocoma Knight in Bizyland
- Power Instinct
- Wanderers from Y's III
- Soul Blazer
and last but not least the find of the night, I still can't believe I got this.....
- Hagane

You're all gonna hate me for this... Paid $20 for it.

It was a good day game hunting