Author Topic: WTB: PlayStation One Items  (Read 2104 times)

WTB: PlayStation One Items
« on: July 18, 2013, 11:44:28 pm »
Hey all,

First time poster, known as Dangerboy on and various other forums. Looking for these PSX items. Please let me know condition and price you're looking for. Thanks!

Full Games

Area 51 with LightBlaster (Both in literal clear case)

FF Chronicles (Black Label with Square-ENIX branding)
Marvel Super Heroes - (Either Just the  Sweepstakes Card, or the card and matching variant)

Rayman 2 Beach Ball Variant (Game with outer cardboard box, beach ball, and repair kit)
Hasbro 2 for 1 Frogger
 / Qbert 2 Pack

Retail Games

Resident Evil (Cardboard Long Box, with no 'bumps' on spine)
Final Fantasy Anthology French (Canadian Version, would Have C in the SLUS and have extra manual)

NBA 2 Ball "White Sleeve"
Pizza Hut "Wide Sleeve" (Disc)
PlayStation Ford Brand Demo
Toys R Us - Summer Kiosk (Sleeve)

Trade Demos
Akuji the Heartless
Dead or Alive (Or Just the Sleeve)
Nuclear Strike
Abe's Oddysey (Or Just the Disc)