Oh yeah; as I was commenting before on the (what could be) an overwhelming learning-curve/sheer amount of knowledge of so many systems, arithmetic -and- of understanding how everything works...to new/virgin players of and to the series - the 1st (big/hardcover-sized) 60 pages, or so are what makes up "The Basics" chapter 
>60 pages
>"The Basics"
Totally noob friendly....

Actually though, w/ the way many things have been stream-lined & tweaked (like...diagonal throwing being a cinch) - I would say that, IMO, this may very well be the most accesible/new-player-friendly Disgaea game yet.
Also, A LOT of those 60 pages are mathematical break-downs & explanations about why & how everything does exactly what it does (everything that's going on 'under-the-hood'); which, isn't really necessary at all to simply playing & enjoying the game.