Author Topic: Dark Souls  (Read 1376 times)


Dark Souls
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:35:20 am »
So I picked up Dark Souls on 360 last week. I started playing it on Saturday. All I have to say is I've never, ever, seen a game over screen so many times in my entire life. Now I'm not a prodigy or anything even close, but I'm good at playing games. This is a super brutal RPG for sure. I own Demon's Souls but I never really played it. I just don't really like playing games on the PS3 for some reason.

Is it fun? Yes.
Does it look great? Yes.
Will I beat it? Probably.
Should you pick it up? Definitely (if you're an RPG fan that's not afraid of a real challenge).


Re: Dark Souls
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2011, 12:16:36 pm »
So I picked up Dark Souls on 360 last week. I started playing it on Saturday. All I have to say is I've never, ever, seen a game over screen so many times in my entire life. Now I'm not a prodigy or anything even close, but I'm good at playing games. This is a super brutal RPG for sure. I own Demon's Souls but I never really played it. I just don't really like playing games on the PS3 for some reason.

Is it fun? Yes.
Does it look great? Yes.
Will I beat it? Probably.
Should you pick it up? Definitely (if you're an RPG fan that's not afraid of a real challenge).

I've only played a little bit of Demon's Souls, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.  The first time I died, I had no idea what happened.  I respawned and saw my former ghost self walk right into a hole in the ground and laughed out loud.  The game is brutally hard but gorgeous.  I couldn't really deal with the difficulty but would feel so proud if I were ever able to go back to it.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Dark Souls
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 05:06:23 am »
Be prepared to see "Need Head" written everywhere. Also "Try jumping off".

Re: Dark Souls
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 04:26:25 pm »
Nice avatar, kirby


Re: Dark Souls
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2011, 03:19:33 pm »
I made it to the final boss last night. I didn't beat it on purpose because I want to run around and get some items before I start a NG+. The PVP is still broken but there's a patch coming out sometime soon to address the issue. Honestly, I can't recommend this game enough. It's excellent.