Author Topic: Secret Santa Idea  (Read 1148 times)

Secret Santa Idea
« on: November 27, 2013, 03:24:25 pm »
Hey guys, I'm user on other website (sega age/ also know nintendo age) that they have this thread that you can sign in to be part of "Christmas present exchange". Its a pretty nifty idea that we can receive a gift from someone that we dont know and also a surprise gift. I dont know, I only telling this to see if you guys want to make it and well we share after ours surprises and gifts experiences xD. I will past all the info that they used and again I dont made this, thanks to sega age and "Sega Santa" for the idea.

Deadline to Sign Up Dec 6th, must ship by Dec 14th.

Ho Ho Ho!
GOOD NEWS  Santa is back on SegaAGE and he brings gifts in the form of "Secret Santa"! 

BAD NEWS  Santa was a little busy and started this thread late. We are pressed for time people, so if we want to play we have to be fast.
Please Note for Non-US Residents, you are welcome to join but know complications could arise. I will do my best and may contact some of you privately.

How this works is members sign up and have their names "secretly" exchanged with other members.
The participants then ship off a present to another participant, but the recipient won't know who they're getting it from or what they're going to get!

Are you interested? Read the rules below!

One -
Consider what type of trader you are. Are you reliable? Have you done trades before on SegaAGE (New members are welcome!), Are you good with commitments and timing?. If so, check out number two.

Two -
Put together a short little message for your "secret santa". This message should include the EXACT  shipping address and a small little blurb about what you collect and what you'd like to receive. Here's an example:

Hey there, my handle is "Secret Santa" and my address is


Santa Claus
69 North Pole Blvd.
North Pole, Alaska

I collect Christmas related games  such as Die Hard, or Home Alone, however am looking to expand my general Sega collection, cart only.
(Please be reasonable with requests, see below for a price limit.  Also it's much easier for your Secret Santa if you send a list that doesn't say, "I collect Sega games."  Without a want list or a "already have" list, you may end up with a bunch of games you already own and don't want.)

A proper list and message will ensure no mistakes are made, or problems occur.

Three -
Send the above list/message to me (Santa) via PM by December 6th (yes, that's is very soon, Santa was working hard this year)

Four - 
Receive your giftee's name, address and want list from me (Santa) via PM by Dec 7th or 8th maybe sooner

Five -
Buy and SHIP a thoughtful gift to your giftee by December 14th   (All Non US participants, your gift might be a little late, Santa was very busy and didn't get this post up in time.)

Six - 
PM me to let me know you've shipped your gift and done your duty as soon as it is shipped!

Seven -
Christmas morning there will be a thread for post about the incredible gift you recieved, and who your "Secret Santa" was!

And that's all there is to it!

Here are a few small pointers that will help make everything run a little smoother:

1: The price range for your gift should be at least $15-$20. If you'd like to give more be my guest, but please do not give any less. DO NOT JUST SEND 15 Madden/NBA Jam carts at $1 This is not a good present despite meeting the spending minimum.

2: If you receive your gift early open it at your leisure but do not post who your gifter or giftee is until Christmas morning at the earliest. Be gracious when receiving your gift, especially if you're hard to buy for.

3. If it's getting close to the shipping deadline and I haven't heard from you, don't give Santa any guff about the barrage of reminder PMs you're gonna get.

4. Santa reserves the right to not add a member to Secret Santa.  This is extremely rare, but I mention it incase I need to invoke it.

So let's get started and give every member of SegaAGE to have an awesome holiday season!

Thanks everyone!

Note: I'd to to give credit to the CGCC for the guidlines for Secret Santa

ALSO NOTE: If you flake out of this commitment, you will end up in the Hall of Shame, if not worse!


Re: Secret Santa Idea
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 04:02:09 pm »
Heya!  How dare you use another gaming site?!  This is the one and only ;)  Just kidding, of course.

Actually, we're in the middle of our own VGC Secret Santa thing (see posts below), but that's awesome to see how they're running their SS in case we want to establish more "formal" rules next time around!,4177.0.html,4178.0.html

That second link will be where we unveil our presents - some people have already started getting stuff!
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Secret Santa Idea
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 04:38:14 pm »
Yep, you're like three weeks too late to the punch. We've already set it up and a lot of folks have sent their stuff already.

Sooooooo I'm going to lock this topic. Sorry!