Author Topic: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!  (Read 1859 times)


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Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« on: September 24, 2013, 04:18:33 pm »
I don't know if this would be interesting or not but I thought I'd try.  I just wanted to hear everyone's most remembered moments of being a kid in the 90s or favorite shows!!    Some of mine would be:

* The obvious-watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the originals) and watching Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers every Saturday morning!  Before it became outer space, Samurai and that other crap Power Rangers that came out.

*  Watching the one seasoned show "Buck O' Hare" and then it just died out and now a days, most people say they never heard of it.  No official DVD releases of the show :(

*  Thinking it was cool to stay up with my friends past 10 to watch Toonami

*  Dying to get home from school in the late 90s to watch Dragonball Z on Toonami after the new episodes arrived

*  Watching Pokemon every afternoon

*  In the summer of '99, staying home watching "Rocket Power" just wishing I could live that kind of lifestyle!!

*  Actually having Blockbuster nights!!  Those were the best weekends, when me and some friends would go to Blockbuster, get a few VHS movies, games, popcorn and stay up playing games or watching the tapes!   

Of course, so much more I cannot think of right now

Man I miss my child hood  :'(


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Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2013, 04:20:37 pm »
One more I just had to add!  This may sound lame to most, but I will never forget being in elementary school getting in trouble for getting my Giga Pet out of my pocket to see if my Baby T-Rex and Nano Puppy have died!  #I loved those Giga Pets.

And lastly, thinking in 6th grade, that I was a yo yo master because my yo yo hesitated the longest!!!  Remember when yo yos got popular again!  ???


Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2013, 10:05:16 pm »
Simpsons. They are still around... but shouldn't be. It was best during the Conan O'Brien era.

The Critic, Married With Children, and basically the old FOX.

X-Men. Sure it's horrible looking back. The Claremont era was the best. But nothing epitomized the 90s quite like X-Men. Well, maybe WildCats and other early Image stuff, but that stuff sucked.

Terminator 2.

Green Day


Dinosaurs instead of zombies. Seriously, Dinosaurs were in everything just like zombies are in everything now.


And SEGA. To be honest, some of my love of SEGA is a love of the 90s. The Genesis launched in 1989 and the Dreamcast ended in 2001. It frames the 90s perfectly. And everything about the company is 1990s. Sonic was once full of legitimate attitude. But the attitude is kind of pathetic now. It is out of place.  It is still 90s. But it now serves as a sort of time capsule.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2013, 03:05:55 pm »
Simpsons. They are still around... but shouldn't be. It was best during the Conan O'Brien era.

The Critic, Married With Children, and basically the old FOX.

X-Men. Sure it's horrible looking back. The Claremont era was the best. But nothing epitomized the 90s quite like X-Men. Well, maybe WildCats and other early Image stuff, but that stuff sucked.

Terminator 2.

Green Day


Dinosaurs instead of zombies. Seriously, Dinosaurs were in everything just like zombies are in everything now.


And SEGA. To be honest, some of my love of SEGA is a love of the 90s. The Genesis launched in 1989 and the Dreamcast ended in 2001. It frames the 90s perfectly. And everything about the company is 1990s. Sonic was once full of legitimate attitude. But the attitude is kind of pathetic now. It is out of place.  It is still 90s. But it now serves as a sort of time capsule.

You said it best!   What kid in the 90s did not want to watch a dinosaurs movie, or go to a dinosaur museum!  Remember the show Dinosaurs with the famous "knock the momma" line from the baby dinosaur???!!  Fantastic show! 

As far as awesome Sega, I still pop out the old Sonic for the genesis from time to time and play!!  I got my daughter and model 2 genesis with sonic and she loves it!  Matter fact, she will play the old sonic and mario for the NES, more than a DS!  SEGA was the ish tho.  Dreamcast came out, it was over!  No competition in 2000 and then all a sudden out of no where, Sega announces no more Dreamcast games will be in production  :(  What the heck happened Sega!!!!!!!!!! ???


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Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2013, 04:47:36 pm »
@sin2beta, so I have to ask since I see you are a Sega Master!!   8)  Do you aim to collect all your Sega games complete, or just cartridge/disc only and have you ever played Zillion on Master System?


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Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2013, 10:20:39 pm »
how come no one has mentioned the Spielberg Cartoons yet?
Tiny Toons
Pinky and the Brain


Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2013, 10:28:39 pm »
@sin2beta, so I have to ask since I see you are a Sega Master!!   8)  Do you aim to collect all your Sega games complete, or just cartridge/disc only and have you ever played Zillion on Master System?

I am not going for all my SEGA games complete. I would say about half are, but I don't look for cases on cart games. My ultimate goal would be to have complete sets. This would take up way too much space. Plus, cardboard is annoying. So, there is no way I would touch Game Gear boxes for more than a few titles. Same with 32X and several Genesis releases. And the 700+ Genesis clamshell cases would take a wall instead of the bookshelf the carts do. They also can drastically increase the price for some titles. Now, anything CD based I get the cases.

But I am more interested in collecting as a complete line of history on the software and its development. The boxes would be nice but impractical.

And I have played Zillion, but not much. To be honest, I kind of don't know how to play it. Killer soundtrack though. It seems like one of those Master System staples I need to take the time to figure out.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2013, 10:29:59 pm »
how come no one has mentioned the Spielberg Cartoons yet?
Tiny Toons
Pinky and the Brain

Nice! Freakazoid is an all time favorite of mine. I used to always watch "Tiny Toons: How I Spent My Summer Vacation" as a kid. That was my FAVORITE movie as a kid. And to be honest, I still like it.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2013, 11:23:58 pm »
how come no one has mentioned the Spielberg Cartoons yet?
Tiny Toons
Pinky and the Brain

Nice! Freakazoid is an all time favorite of mine. I used to always watch "Tiny Toons: How I Spent My Summer Vacation" as a kid. That was my FAVORITE movie as a kid. And to be honest, I still like it.

I completely forgot about Spielberg cartoons!!  Matter fact, I just bought a tiny toony How I spent my summer vacation VHS tape at Good will the other day in great condition!!  I was so happy!   :)  And I found 3 of the Ninja Turtles Burger King Kid's Clubs tapes.  I only need the blue one now to complete.

But yea, tiny toons, animaniacs, I never really cared too much for freakazoid.  I never understood what the heck was going on lol but tonight we are going to do the same thing every night Pinky!  Try to take over the World!!!!!   I remember waiting, hoping one day, they would actually take over  ;D


Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2013, 05:38:01 pm »
90s. One of my favorite topics. Jncos. I love em and still to this day, they are the only style of pants I own. Doc Martens. Same as the Jncos. Grunge music. The best genre ever! NWC. I participated and it was one of the greatest moments of my life. Honda Del sol. My all time favorite car. I dreamed of owning one for years and finally in 95, I over paid and got one ... then the ex wrecked it twice. Star Trek : TNG. Undeniably the best star trek series. Quantum leap. No matter what was going on otherwise, on Thursday night, nothing ever stopped me from watching Sam Beckett and Al warp through time into some weird situation only to fix it. WWF wrestling. When it was tough to tell it was scripted :) Roller skating. So much funner and cooler than the silly ass things teens do now.

Im sure I could think of other things but this is what came to mind the moment the 90s were mentioned.


Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2013, 11:53:57 pm »
90s. One of my favorite topics. Jncos. I love em and still to this day, they are the only style of pants I own. Doc Martens. Same as the Jncos. Grunge music. The best genre ever! NWC. I participated and it was one of the greatest moments of my life. Honda Del sol. My all time favorite car. I dreamed of owning one for years and finally in 95, I over paid and got one ... then the ex wrecked it twice. Star Trek : TNG. Undeniably the best star trek series. Quantum leap. No matter what was going on otherwise, on Thursday night, nothing ever stopped me from watching Sam Beckett and Al warp through time into some weird situation only to fix it. WWF wrestling. When it was tough to tell it was scripted :) Roller skating. So much funner and cooler than the silly ass things teens do now.

Im sure I could think of other things but this is what came to mind the moment the 90s were mentioned.

OK. This will be a good question for someone who is a few years older. Was roller skating popular in the 90s? I remember doing it a lot. I use to roller blade everywhere. And I used to always play Mortal Kombat at the roller rink. But I didn't know if it was a kid thing or actually 90s.

Oh, and my favorite fashion to this day is grunge.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2013, 12:19:36 am »
90s. One of my favorite topics. Jncos. I love em and still to this day, they are the only style of pants I own. Doc Martens. Same as the Jncos. Grunge music. The best genre ever! NWC. I participated and it was one of the greatest moments of my life. Honda Del sol. My all time favorite car. I dreamed of owning one for years and finally in 95, I over paid and got one ... then the ex wrecked it twice. Star Trek : TNG. Undeniably the best star trek series. Quantum leap. No matter what was going on otherwise, on Thursday night, nothing ever stopped me from watching Sam Beckett and Al warp through time into some weird situation only to fix it. WWF wrestling. When it was tough to tell it was scripted :) Roller skating. So much funner and cooler than the silly ass things teens do now.

Im sure I could think of other things but this is what came to mind the moment the 90s were mentioned.

OK. This will be a good question for someone who is a few years older. Was roller skating popular in the 90s? I remember doing it a lot. I use to roller blade everywhere. And I used to always play Mortal Kombat at the roller rink. But I didn't know if it was a kid thing or actually 90s.

Oh, and my favorite fashion to this day is grunge.

interesting!   As a kid in the early 90s, (90-95) I used to go to the skating rink all the time, and they had air hockey and Mortal Kombat arcade!!!  That's what got me into Mortal Kombat.  I didnt know they had them at other rinks too


Re: Favorite memories or shows of the 90s!!
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2013, 04:56:54 am »
Here are some 90's stuff from the top of my head...

Ren & Stimpy
Batman the animated series
Tiny Toons
Pinky and the Brain
Beavis and Butt-Head
Old know when they actually played MUSIC!

TMNT 1-3(Live action)
Terminator 2
The Lion King
Wayne's World

Super Mario 3
Sonic the Hedgehog
Final Fantasy 6/3
Mortal Kombat series
Street Fighter II
Star Fox
Chrono Trigger