I don't know if this would be interesting or not but I thought I'd try. I just wanted to hear everyone's most remembered moments of being a kid in the 90s or favorite shows!! Some of mine would be:
* The obvious-watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the originals) and watching Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers every Saturday morning! Before it became outer space, Samurai and that other crap Power Rangers that came out.
* Watching the one seasoned show "Buck O' Hare" and then it just died out and now a days, most people say they never heard of it. No official DVD releases of the show

* Thinking it was cool to stay up with my friends past 10 to watch Toonami
* Dying to get home from school in the late 90s to watch Dragonball Z on Toonami after the new episodes arrived
* Watching Pokemon every afternoon
* In the summer of '99, staying home watching "Rocket Power" just wishing I could live that kind of lifestyle!!
* Actually having Blockbuster nights!! Those were the best weekends, when me and some friends would go to Blockbuster, get a few VHS movies, games, popcorn and stay up playing games or watching the tapes!
Of course, so much more I cannot think of right now
Man I miss my child hood :'(