Nov 15-11
Ohh... I want to start the Dark Brotherhood stuff soon. I just killed an assassin last night and found a note on him calling for my death

Got to the end of the Thieves guild questline, but I'm going to wait on finishing it. I'm not going to say why for the sake of spoilers though

I also ran across a Dragon Priest last night called Krosis, he was very nasty to bring down but the reward was amazing! So I've killed 6 dragons so far and 2 blood dragons, anyone fight another type of dragon so far?
I usually do the Assassin's Guild stuff first, so I joined the Dark Brotherhood straight away. I also joined the Thieves Guild at the same time, which gave me a "I'm with the guild" bribe option. I totally think the DB questline in Skyrim was better than in Oblivion. Since I've finished the Dark Brotherhood quests I am moving on to the Thieves Guild.
I've not run into any Dragon Priests yet, but I've taken down 6 dragons as well. I believe they were all regular dragons. I've bought a house and decorated it with items from my Assassination and Theives Guild quests and joined the Stormcloaks, rather than the Imperial Army (total Role-Play decision, I won't say due to possible spoilers). I also joined the Companions and Mage's Guild, but not sure how far I want to go in them at the moment. Of course I may just do them all, like I did in Oblivion.
How did you decorate your house? Mine is a pathetic thing, with only an alchemists table so far... I know you can buy stuff from the guy that sells it, but you can add trophies in there or what?
@varkias I bought a house in Whiterun (Breezehome) and all of the furnishings, and then picked up any items I didn't want laying about. Then I dropped the items I wanted to place in the house on the floor and used the A button (Xbox 360) to pick up the item and moved it onto a table/dresser etc.
One of the furnishings is a Weapon rack, so I placed an extra bow on it and a Great Sword that I thought was cool. Upstairs I placed my Assassin items in the master bedroom on top of a chest and a copy of "The Book of the Dragonborn" on my end table next to my bed.
Even though I am rarely there. I may buy a bigger house eventually and deck it out better. I kinda wish there was an armor stand for the house, I have I nice set of armor I wouldn't mind having on display. ha