Author Topic: Wii U  (Read 8971 times)


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2013, 01:37:02 am »
I'm still pining for better lighting, too. That excessive yellowish bloom-glare effect thing that basically just turns textures into an opaque blob always bugs me. Rage, faults aside, had probably some of the most natural lighting I've ever seen, but most games don't hit even near that.

Re: Wii U
« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2013, 06:40:01 pm »
I think people are now seeing that the wiiu is a worthy purchase.
Colton Kelsey


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2013, 03:16:21 am »
Is the only difference between a Wii and a WiiU the fact that it's basically a hand held console?  Can you still play the Wii U on the television? 


Re: Wii U
« Reply #48 on: December 11, 2013, 08:10:54 am »
Is the only difference between a Wii and a WiiU the fact that it's basically a hand held console?  Can you still play the Wii U on the television?

The Wii U is a new console, which is stronger than the PS3/360. Of course it can be played on TV, what led you to believe it can't? It's not a handheld.


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #49 on: December 11, 2013, 10:09:41 am »
Is the only difference between a Wii and a WiiU the fact that it's basically a hand held console?  Can you still play the Wii U on the television?

The Wii U is a new console, which is stronger than the PS3/360. Of course it can be played on TV, what led you to believe it can't? It's not a handheld.

Every commercial or ad for the Wii U that I seen, shows a kid sitting on a couch playing the Wii U while his parents are watching television.  It had the game on the screen like a game boy.  This is why I never even paid too much attention to the Wii U.  All the commercials shows a screen on a controller being held in someones hand.  I did not see the point of it because of this.  I take it I am wrong...


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #50 on: December 11, 2013, 11:05:57 am »
Is the only difference between a Wii and a WiiU the fact that it's basically a hand held console?  Can you still play the Wii U on the television?

The Wii U is a new console, which is stronger than the PS3/360. Of course it can be played on TV, what led you to believe it can't? It's not a handheld.

Every commercial or ad for the Wii U that I seen, shows a kid sitting on a couch playing the Wii U while his parents are watching television.  It had the game on the screen like a game boy.  This is why I never even paid too much attention to the Wii U.  All the commercials shows a screen on a controller being held in someones hand.  I did not see the point of it because of this.  I take it I am wrong...

This is a good place to point out how bad Nintendo's Marketing Dept failed.  The commericals this Christmas should have been out last Christmas. 

To answer your question, the WiiU is a new system.  It's not as strong as the XBone and PS4, but more powerful than the 360 and PS3.  Most games can be played on the gamepad's touch screen and/or the TV.  I really like that selling point.  The Boy plays a lot of Skylanders and Mario while I play 360 or watch TV.  It really works out. 

Oh, and it's awesome.  Everyone needs one.  It's my choice this console cycle.


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #51 on: December 11, 2013, 03:59:17 pm »
It's not as strong as the XBone and PS4, but more powerful than the 360 and PS3.

Just for the sake of accuracy, that's not entirely true. The Wii U utilizes a 45nm 1.24GHz tri-core PowerPC CPU, and is relatively similar to the 360's CPU, but about half the speed. It does have a larger cache available (sort of), and the GPU has considerably more memory available, but the lower clock creates a pretty substantial bottleneck.

Not sure what the instructions per clock are off-hand on the 360, but it doesn't really matter - while the "ghz doesn't matter anymore" saying is largely true these days, it's only applicable up to a point, like compaing a 2.8GHz AMD to a 3.2GHz Intel. A gap this large across a related system architecture is a noticeable one.

There's a 1.2MB L2 cache for one of the cores, but the other two can only access 512KB, which creates another bottleneck.

The sole area the Wii U is wildly better is in the available memory, which is a good thing to have, but the system takes a beating with anything that's CPU intensive, like particle effects, fill rate (think games like Zone of the Endes for a real world case), etc.

The PS3 is a bit tougher comparison, since the Cell architecture is wildly different than a PowerPC, but generally speaking, the Wii U would do worse with any games that were not specifically designed for multi-core processing and anti-aliasing. The PS3 doesn't do great with them either (Mass Effect is a good example), but its single physical core would do better than the one on the Wii U for those types of games.


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2013, 05:55:56 pm »
It's not as strong as the XBone and PS4, but more powerful than the 360 and PS3.

Just for the sake of accuracy, that's not entirely true. The Wii U utilizes a 45nm 1.24GHz tri-core PowerPC CPU, and is relatively similar to the 360's CPU, but about half the speed. It does have a larger cache available (sort of), and the GPU has considerably more memory available, but the lower clock creates a pretty substantial bottleneck.

Not sure what the instructions per clock are off-hand on the 360, but it doesn't really matter - while the "ghz doesn't matter anymore" saying is largely true these days, it's only applicable up to a point, like compaing a 2.8GHz AMD to a 3.2GHz Intel. A gap this large across a related system architecture is a noticeable one.

There's a 1.2MB L2 cache for one of the cores, but the other two can only access 512KB, which creates another bottleneck.

The sole area the Wii U is wildly better is in the available memory, which is a good thing to have, but the system takes a beating with anything that's CPU intensive, like particle effects, fill rate (think games like Zone of the Endes for a real world case), etc.

The PS3 is a bit tougher comparison, since the Cell architecture is wildly different than a PowerPC, but generally speaking, the Wii U would do worse with any games that were not specifically designed for multi-core processing and anti-aliasing. The PS3 doesn't do great with them either (Mass Effect is a good example), but its single physical core would do better than the one on the Wii U for those types of games.

Thanks  for the technical details lol.  I am now kind of interested more about the WiiU.  I actually want to get one now, I just thought it was a straight hand held console before so I did not want it.  A lot of friends I have dont even know you can just play it on the tv.  Poor marketing by NIntendo.


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2013, 08:30:05 pm »
My bad....


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #54 on: December 12, 2013, 02:11:55 am »
My bad....

What you mean?  What's your bad?


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #55 on: December 12, 2013, 03:07:40 am »
My bad....

What you mean?  What's your bad?

I was wrong and got corrected.

I was right when is said the WiiU is awesome.


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #56 on: December 12, 2013, 05:55:52 am »
My bad....

What you mean?  What's your bad?

I was wrong and got corrected.

I was right when is said the WiiU is awesome.

Turf, you are doing a good job of convincing me to put one on my wish list.  Is it very cartoonie like the Wii.  Like some sports and other games seems cartoonish on the Wii.  If it not, is it still good for other games other than sports?  Like Sonic or Zelda?


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #57 on: December 12, 2013, 06:10:04 am »
My bad....

What you mean?  What's your bad?

I was wrong and got corrected.

I was right when is said the WiiU is awesome.

I was looking at the stock photo for the console box of the Wii U.  Am I correct to believe the drive looking Wii part in the background is the actual console, and the part with the screen is the controller????   This photo also is a reason I believed it was just a portable Wii because the background thing looks like a Wii to me.


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #58 on: December 12, 2013, 08:31:14 am »
That's right. The touch screen doo-dad is the controller, or Gamepad if you work at Nintendo. The console is a sleek, black. Box of goodness.
As far as games, I have New Super Mario Bros that I love, Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed, NBA 2K13, Skylanders: Giants, and Nintendoland. It's a cool console. Nintendo land is kind of a tech demo for the system. Think Wii Sports but not fun. You're not missing anything if you skip it.

I really want Wonderful 101, Wind Waker, and Mario 3D World. Then when DK, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart come out, I'll be set for a while.


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Re: Wii U
« Reply #59 on: December 12, 2013, 11:28:12 am »
Thanks  for the technical details lol.  I am now kind of interested more about the WiiU.  I actually want to get one now, I just thought it was a straight hand held console before so I did not want it.  A lot of friends I have dont even know you can just play it on the tv.  Poor marketing by NIntendo.

The marketing for the Wii U has been absolutely horrible.  People don't know it's a standalone console, they either think it's a peripheral for the old Wii or a handheld.  Even their new commercials don't stress that it's a brand new, standalone console.