Author Topic: The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!  (Read 1136 times)


The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!
« on: December 24, 2013, 01:04:57 pm »
So, a friend and I put out a little video outlining the top 10 games each of us played in 2013. Some are new, some are old. Thought I'd post it because some of you (especially those who know me) might get a kick out of it. I might have got a few facts wrong, but hey, we were winging it :)

Oh, and I'm not putting this out here for traffic...if you don't want to, don't watch it. I don't care :)


Re: The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2013, 01:40:52 pm »
Dude... I like Brandon's hat and your glasses  8)

And I think it's val-kree...?  The first game on PS1 was really good, so when I got the DS title, I was disappointed to find that it was a strategy game.  But I definitely need to give it another go.  Also, I hadn't yet seen footage of Resogun - what a beautiful game.

I only got to watch the first 20 min or so, but I definitely look forward to seeing the rest of the video.

One more thing: I like the premise of the video!  I've seen a few tweets here and there saying that people should stop calling end of the year lists "best of 2013."  I think it's much more realistic, and a good way to give props to a great game we never played until a few years after it was released.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2013, 07:10:02 pm »
i will listen to this at work tomorrow.


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Re: The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2013, 11:48:34 pm »
I don't think I played 10 games for the first time this year. I'll try though.

1. Little Samson. I played it the "dirty way" and I stopped after 1 level out of respect to the awesomeness. I won't play it again until I find the cart.

2. Snow Bros. I played it today for the first time and I love it.
3. Assassins Creed 3
4. Dead Island
5. Super Mario 3D World
6. NES Remix
7. New Super Mario Bros. 2
8. Kingdom Hearts
9. Ducktales Remastered
10. God Of War

Re: The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2013, 01:18:49 am »
Very cool man, this is a tough one my list would include:
Super Mario 3D Land and World
Martial Masters, via MAME
Bioshock infinite
The King of Fighters XIII
Tomb Raider
Tatsujin Ou FM Towns
Beneath a Steel Sky
Mass Effect
Tekken Tag 2
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 01:21:03 am by kingrat101 »


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Re: The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2013, 03:55:26 am »
2013 isn't quite over yet, and I just got a 3DS, so I may be adding to this list before the year actually ends. But so far, here's what my list would look like:

-Batman: Arkham City (Xbox 360) - Batman: Arkham Asylum was a great Batman game. But Batman Arkham: City, is a great game, period. So much detail put into this game. So much fan-service. And such a great use of it's high-production value. Instead of just going for big bangs and lots of CGI scenes like most big-budget games; this game put it's money into creating an incredible atmosphere. Arkham City is this living, breathing, and forever memorable character with a great use of lighting (or I should say a great use knowing when not to use it), a distinct style, gritty yet realistic graphics that perfectly fit the style, a good Batman story that could have been used in any ongoing Batman comic, and superb voice-acting.

-Bionic Commando (Xbox 360) - Such an underrated gem, and quite possibly one of the best games this generation. I'm pretty sure it didn't do so well for the simple fact that it was an old-school mentality game that had a high-learning curve and steep difficulty level. But once you get the controls down, the controls and movement is just divine.

-Brutal Legend (Xbox 360) - So metal, and so awesome! If you're not a metal-head, or never have been; then this might not be your cup of tea. But if you are, or have ever been a part of the metal-world, you'll freaking have a blast with this game! It's just so freaking bad-ass and so hilarious at the same time. So many references, and a ton of unlockables too that pay a ton of fan-service to headbangers.

-Chrono Trigger (SNES) - This one is kind of a cheat, since it's not the first time I played it. But the first time I did play it was very long time ago when it was a new game, and I was a kid (maybe middle school). So it's been years since I played it, and while I remember parts of it, for the most part it was a very fresh experience for me. And it still stands up to the test of time. The time-travel story and the way it affects the different timelines is just so cool. And the music is fantastic! Played it this time via Wii Virtual Console.

-Golden Sun (GBA) - At first, it just seems like your average 16-bit JRPG game, but portable on the GBA. That alone makes it a good enough game. But as you continue to play through it, you realize it's a bit different. The world is a bit more affected by your actions than you first realized. And as the story starts to unfold, you begin to realize that there's a lot more going on than what is initially presented to you. Just as you think you may have a grasp on things, too, the last section of the game slaps you in the face and wakes you up with a large plot-reveal, which continues on into the 2nd game, which is a must-play after finishing this one.

-Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA) - The direct-sequel to the first game, which picks up directly after the first game ends (really, it's just a continuation of the first game's story). More of what made the first game so awesome. But what makes this one really stick out, is the connecting nature of the 2 games. They really are interconnected so well, that after playing through both games you get that same feeling you get after you just finish watching an epic movie trilogy or a great multi-issue comic book storyline.

-Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360) - I tried this game out when it was new. But I was also a new Xbox 360 gamer, so I was quick to judge with so much out there for me to play. The first time started playing it I decided it was too different from past Halos, so I traded it in. Lucky for me, I got another copy for cheap this year and I gave it a real chance. I have to admit, while the environment may get a bit to familiar with all the back-tracking and such; the story more than makes up for it. And I love how it's told through each soldier's eyes.

-Raptor: Call of the Shadows (PC) - An old Apogee Software 2D shoot-em up on PC. Got this one this year via GoG for under $2 during a sale. Well worth the price of a slice of pizza. Shoot-em fans should eat this one up. 2D horizontal shooter with nice, chunky graphics, a great old-school soundtrack, and different upgradable ships you spend money earned on levels for.

-Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (PS1) - Cutesy 3D platformers are normally not my kind of game, at all. But I just don't know what it is about Spyro. I had blast with this game, as I did the first one. Now I need to get my hands on Spyro: Year of the Dragon.

-WWE '13 (Xbox 360) - It really is too bad THQ took a dive right when their wrestling games were making a huge comeback in quality. What really shined in this game was the storyline mode, better known as the Attitude Era mode. It was just a nostalgia fest playing through this. And it hit all the right buttons with the video footage, the entrances and music, the little documentary parts were better than the WWE: Attitude Era DVD, and U loved the unlockable mid-carders from the era. Any gamer that followed the WWF during the oh-so-awesome Attitude Era needs to do themselves a favor and pick this game up. But be forewarned, I cussed out loud more while playing this game than Sandman did in all his promos for ECW. That damn reversal system can get pretty frustrating at times.

Re: The Top 10 Games I Played in 2013!
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2013, 11:28:08 am »
Loved the video. Liked the fact one of you likes retro and the other liked newer games.

here are my top 10

10) Ratchet and Clank All 4 One (PS3) - This one was a bit of a surprise to me. i was playing it with 3 other people and although it was complete chaos it was a lot of fun. Its also pretty funny

9)Blood Bowl Chaos Edition (PC) - Having played the board game as a kid and being upset by the Xbox version i picked this up when it was on sale. although the single player ai is still a little too easy online leagues took this game into the top 10. if you like fantasy, chess, football, turn based games this is worth a play.

8)Injustice (XBOX360) - i had not heard of this till my friend brought it over. nor have i played the new mortal kombat (same engine) but i fell in love with this game. the multiplayer is alot of fun for parties and the story mode has a real story to it.

7)Zone of the Enders HD (part one) (PS3) - reliving a game i played along time ago but i HD, the game still holds up today. hard to beat giant flying mechs

6)Army of Two (XBOX360) a friend and I went through this game this year. we both had a blast playing it. looking forward to starting the second one with him in 2014

5)Dragon's Dogma (PS3) i fell in love with this game as soon as i started playing it. the game has a few flaws but the thrill of climbing on the back of giant creatures to slay them is amazing. if it was not for the flaws this might have been my number 1 as i spend over 100 hours on it.

4)Timesplitters (PS2) - found out my new TV was NTSC and PAL. how could i not put this game in straight away and play it. the best FPS series ive played and the first game i had played using both anolog sticks. even by todays standards this is an amazing game (2 and 3 are even better) this game has so many modes and challenges it will keep you playing for months

3)Mario Kart Double Dash (NC) since i moved to USA i decided that i not completed any games so i started this one again after picking it up from a yard sale. my fave of the series and possibly my fave racing game of all time. everyone who has ever played this game has a love hate relationship with rainbow road

2)Uncharted (PS3) this game blew me away. the story gripped me from the beginning to the end. the game looked amazing.

1)Tekken Tag 2 (PS3) - best tekken to date. best fighting game ive ever played. every tekken charater (apart from Gon) they give extra charaters for free (Free DLC that does not happen often) with 4 people this is great for a party.

close but didnt make it
burnout paradise city (the DLC crap annoyed me on this game. the island is there yet i cant go to it?)
darksiders (only just started this might make next years)
fifa 13 (shocked me how good fifa has got as im a pro evo fan)
lego batman 2 (all lego games are great fun)