Author Topic: Sega Master System isn't reading cartridges  (Read 1453 times)


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Sega Master System isn't reading cartridges
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:06:25 pm »
I've got a Sega Master system (first model), that only loads the 'pick Hang On or Safari Hunt' screen when I pop in a cartridge and turn it on.  It did load a card game that I tried on it, but I tried several cartridges with no luck.

I assume this means I have a dirty/faulty connector in my system.  If that's the case, what's the best way to get them to read carts again?


Re: Sega Master System isn't reading cartridges
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 04:36:59 pm »
Hopefully a dirty cart slot is all the problem, when it happened to me I had resolder the CPU.


Re: Sega Master System isn't reading cartridges
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2014, 03:10:16 am »
If I'm correct in guessing, you may have the same issue that I just went through and fixed.

Grab a magnifying glass and check the solder joints under the cart slot connector. I found that I had about 75% of those joints cracked. It took no time at all to re-solder the joints and my SMS is running like new again.