Author Topic: Should I sell my copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition?  (Read 1077 times)

Should I sell my copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
« on: June 03, 2022, 01:05:07 pm »
So I just completed Mass Effect 1 through 3 on the hardest difficulty and the games were amazing probably on the level of some of the best of all time.

I don’t think I’m gonna go back to it though now that I’ve experienced all of it. I used a different class and different weapon in each of the three games (Infiltrator with Sniper Rifle in ME1, Vanguard with Shotgun in ME2 and Sentinel with Assault Rifle in ME3) so I don’t think I could mix things up in that way and they’re really long so I don’t think I wanna replay.

Should I sell or is that sacrilege? I can free up 100GB of space on my PS5 hard drive and get 10 bucks back.


Re: Should I sell my copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2022, 01:51:45 pm »
I mean... if you have no plans to play it anytime soon.

I was also glad to get a chance to play the first game as part of the LE. :)

Re: Should I sell my copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2022, 07:10:58 pm »
I've enjoyed the trilogy enough that I've played through the entire thing 6-7 times.

But if you don't like things taking up space on your shelf (the hard drive space is a moot point since uninstalling and reinstalling is a thing), you could go ahead and sell it, but at $10 I wouldn't consider it worth the effort to sell.

Re: Should I sell my copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2022, 01:01:36 am »
This might be a dumb question but how are these games as a cover shooter? The PS4 generation has barely any.

Re: Should I sell my copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2022, 04:28:53 pm »
So I just completed Mass Effect 1 through 3 on the hardest difficulty and the games were amazing probably on the level of some of the best of all time.

I don’t think I’m gonna go back to it though now that I’ve experienced all of it. I used a different class and different weapon in each of the three games (Infiltrator with Sniper Rifle in ME1, Vanguard with Shotgun in ME2 and Sentinel with Assault Rifle in ME3) so I don’t think I could mix things up in that way and they’re really long so I don’t think I wanna replay.

Should I sell or is that sacrilege? I can free up 100GB of space on my PS5 hard drive and get 10 bucks back.

For 10 Bucks? No. If you REALLY wanna sell it, sell it online on eBay or Amazon or some other legit website, as you'd be able to get more money. Although, I don't think selling the game is a good idea, in case years down the line, you actually wanna replay the game. I've made that mistake with some of my older games, and have regretted it. (Which is why I do not sell games anymore, unless I have spares.)