I was a stupid Sega fanboy in my youth, honestly you can blame that on the Sonic AM cartoon. Super Mario World did change that though.
I wanted a Sega Genesis and a Game Gear. Never got the Genesis, got the SNES instead, so disappointed and upset, but then I played Super Mario World. Fell in love with that. Got a Gameboy, wasn't super thrilled, but Tetris was the bomb. Finally got a Game gear, and that thing blew my mind... and all of my batteries. It was hands down my favorite thing to play on as a child. Never had to fight with siblings to get a chance to play, just needed tons of batteries. That was the first downside. They eventually, the system just stopped working, and I've been so burned by that that I just hardly care about the system anymore... and it's such a damned shame, because it was innovative and it does have good games.