I've been thinking of going to a boxing gym since last year, but the urge came back after some recent happenings. I'm 210 lbs, but I'm also 5'11", and I walk -a lot- because of my uh, work. I'm not very fat (I do have a belly) but since I walk about 3-5 miles a day at least four days a week (and 6-8 on Wednesday) my legs are pretty muscly. Combine that with 95+ degree heat in the Summer and I lose -a lot- of weight then, but I don't have much muscle tone above the legs. I'm pretty scrawny.
Since I consume like 3000 calories -a day-, I'm surprised I'm not that much heavier. My metabolism is all sorts of weird.
I tried lifting weights a few years back, but all I got outta that was back aches.